
Discussion in 'Philosophy and Strategy' started by lq77., Aug 9, 2005.

  1. 一天进步一点

    Number of Trades and Average Number of Bars Per Trade
    These two statistics indicate how often a trading system trades and how long one might hold on to a position. If you like a lot of action, then you would want a system that trades frequently and gets out quickly. If you are more of a slow mover, then you would want a system that trades infrequently and holds on to a positon for a long period. In our experience, the latter type system is usually best. The system that trades more frequently must be more profitable due to the increase costs of trade executions. Let’s say a system trades ten times a year at a cost of $50 a trade. The system must make $500 before it shows any profit. On the other hand, a system that trades five times a year with an associated cost of $50 only need to clear $250 before it is profitable.
  2. 一晃又是5天未做功课了,回过头来看那5 天中真的是一点时间都挤不出来进步一点点吗?否也!依我自己的感悟,最后对自己帮助最大的就是这个“一天进步一点点”所以无论什么条件下,都要想尽办法完成这项“浩大”的工程。
  3. 马儿你慢点走......
  4. 一天进步一点点

    Average Winning and Losing Trade

    These statistics inform us of the magnitude of money that we can expect to win ro lose on average over an extended trading period. Can you make money with a system that has a smaller average win than average loss? Absolutely, if the percentage of winning trades is much greater than percentage of lossing trades you can. Typical trading systems have less than 50 percent wins and an average winning trade that is greater than the average losing trade. The better trend following systems will take little bites at the market until a big trend occurs. These systems may only win 30 percent of the time, but their average win is three or more times the size of their average loss. Since the shorter-term systems are in the market for small amounts of time, their average wins will be much smaller than a system that holds on to a position for months at a time.
  5. 一天进步一点点

    TradeStation gives almost the exact same statistics on long trades and short trades. This is potentially a nice feature. As a trader, you may want to know if you made all of your money on the long side or the short side. Let’s say, hypothetically, that you were designing a trading system and discovered that you made four times as much on the long side as you did on the short side.
  6. 佩服,羡慕,支持
  7. 拷问


  8. As system developer and potential trader,what would you do with this information ? You could change your system to trade less on the short side or trade more on the long side.By doing so, you could make the historica track record look even better. The system developer side of you thinks this is greater! The trade side of you doubts the validity of the optimization. Optimization? What optimezatin? Is it not true that you changed a parameter or two to better-fit history?
  9. You try to rationalize your decision to optimize by explaining to your trader side that history has proven itselt over many years. The system developer side can't help that the market has had a bullish bias for more than eight years. The trader side gives in beacause it can't argure with an empirical test. So, after months of saving money for trading capital, you plunk your $50,000 down and start trading your optimized trading system. The date is January 3,2000 and the rest is history.
  10. Of course, hindsight is 20/20----but that is what you were betting on. We feel that a trading system should be symmetric(buy rules are just the opposite of sell rules)as possible. We know and believe that bull markets move differently than bear markets.But ,we also feel that a trading system should be equipped for any possible circumstances. So, use this information along with the other statistics. Don't change your trading system or style to try and take advantage of any divergence between long and short profits.
  11. 真是汗颜,小小一段文字也还有5处不甚明了之处。请哪位老师抽点时间看看。
    1、How has this stock performed relative to alternative choices recently,这段文字看不懂。
    2、通篇的pack不知什么意思,through the pack,pulling out of the pack,包裹?显然不是,不过我猜意思该差不多,可实在是不知在这里该用什么?
    3、the stocks changed places a number of times in their relative rate of change,看不懂。
    4、Although Amalgamated Aquanautics ended up having the greatest percentage increase in value since January, it had its biggest upward move between March and May,明白但是翻不顺。
    5、A momentum trader will say,momentum是什么意思,激进?
  12. 试试看。

    How has this stock performed relative to alternative choices recently.此句的结构应如此:

    How has this stock performed 是主要结构。可译为“这支股票是怎样表现的”之类

    relative to alternative choices recently是定语,可译为“与目前选择权相关的”之类。

    此句的困难应在一些交易的专用术语的理解上。如alternative choices



  13. 谢谢
  14. 很多词义是要看上下文搭配的,如果把全文贴出来可能要更容易理解一些。
  15. Every trade statistic that you could possibly want is given here:signal, entry date and price,exit date and price,profit/loss,percent profit,cumulative profit,commission,slippage,rum_up,draw down,enttry and exit efficiency,and total efficiency. The key statistics in this report are individual trade run-up and draw down,entry and exit efficiencies,and total trade efficiency.
  16. This is one of the main characteristics we look for on a Percent
    Change chart. As buyers, we are looking for stocks pulling out of the pack. As sellers, we are looking for weakening stocks dropping down through the pack.

    A momentum trader will say2, “choose the strongest stock and go with it until it is surpassed by one of the others. The power of the Percent Change chart is its ability to display the relative change in prices of a number of stocks through a given time period. During the time shown in the chart in Figure 9.2, the stocks changed places a number of times in their relative rate of change. 3

    Although Amalgamated Aquanautics ended up having the greatest ercentage increase in value since January, it had its biggest upward move between March and May.4
  17. 试着译了几段,因为没有看全文,将就着看吧:

    1.“This is one of the main characteristics we look for on a
    Percent Change chart. As buyers, we are looking for stocks pulling out of the pack. As sellers, we are looking for weakening stocks dropping down through the pack.”


    The pack-在此可理解为“成交密集区”。

    2.& 3. “A momentum trader will say, “choose the strongest stock and go with it until it is surpassed by one of the others. The power of the Percent Change chart is its ability to display the relative change in prices of a number of stocks through a given time period. During the time shown in the chart in Figure 9.2, the stocks changed places a number of times in their relative rate of change. ”

    A momentum trader-动量交易者,根据股票上升动力的强弱来选股或换股的交易者

    4. “Although Amalgamated Aquanautics ended up having the greatest ercentage increase in value since January, it had its biggest upward move between March and May.”

    尽管 Amalgamated Aquanautics 股票截至1月底已经获得了最大的百分比涨幅,但在3-5月期间它的涨幅仍然是位居第一。

    注:“ercentage” 可能是“percentage”的笔误。
  18. 谢谢
  19. Individual trade run-up is the total profit amount of your position before the trade were closed out. Individual trade draw down is the total amount that your position was against you before it was closed out. If you notice that your actual profit is considerably less than your run-up profit, then you know that you are leaving too much on the table. You should work on an exit mechanism that locks into a larger portion of the larger run-ups. The draw down figure gives insight into how much the market may move against an eventual profitable trade.
  20. 1.“This is one of the main characteristics we look for on a
    Percent Change chart. As buyers, we are looking for stocks pulling out of the pack. As sellers, we are looking for weakening stocks dropping down through the pack.”


    The pack-在此可理解为“成交密集区”。

    PACK 是指众多的股票,这里可译为“脱颖而出的股票