
Discussion in 'Fund Operating and Career' started by clmtw, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. 恩,动态规划不属于这一类。动态规划只是搜索算法。另外这些是研究理论的高手,实现的高手也同样不可或缺。简单地说搭建这样的平台需要各种各样的综合性人才。
  2. lvsoft的建议不错,如果要找machine learning方面的人才,可以再看远一点,找具有AI背景的人,因为machine learning算是AI的一个分支,而AI里面的很多思想是通用的,可以互相借鉴。甚至于学统计方面的,如果有一些实际应用经验的话也是非常好的候选人,很多东西说到底和是统计学概率论有密切关系的。对交易系统而言也是如此。

  3. 优秀的开发者应该能逐步成为企业的合伙人。智力密集型的企业,例如律师行,咨询公司,投行,基本上都是合伙制的。
  4. nod,合伙人是唯一合适的方式。简单的说,付出多少,回报多少;拿多少利,出多少力。
  5. Simons 的看法, 可以参考一下:

    Yet you hire mathematicians and scientists to do much of your work. Why is that?

    Mathematics and science are two different notions, two different disciplines. By its nature, good mathematics is quite intuitive. Experimental science doesn't really work that way. Intuition is important. Making guesses is important. Thinking about the right experiments is important. But it's a little more broad and a little less deep. So the mathematics we use here can be sophisticated. But that's not really the point. We don't use very, very deep stuff. Certain of our statistical approaches can be very sophisticated.
    I'm not suggesting it's simple. I want a guy who knows enough math so that he can use those tools effectively but has a curiosity about how things work and enough imagination and tenacity to dope it out.
  6. How do you select people for your company?

    We look for people who have demonstrated the ability to do first-class research. We are not a teaching organization. We are a research organization. We hire people to make mathematical models of the markets in which we invest. We look for people who have had success, typically academically, although some people come out of an industrial laboratory like IBM or Bell Labs. Most come out of academia. They've had three to five years, written a few papers, and already have some kind of reputation. First and foremost, we look for people capable of doing good science, on the research side, or they are excellent computer scientists in architecting good programs. We have very high standards and it works. Our business is wonderful as a result.

    Is there a difference between people with math backgrounds and science backgrounds who work for you?

    Yes, but we need both in our business. Some of the work is purely mathematical, like designing better ways to develop algorithms of one sort or another, or to maximize some utility function. Some of the work is really scientific. It's looking at a lot of data and really looking for what underlies that data. In that sense, it is kind of like astronomy. You look at a lot of data from up in the sky, you bring it down, and it's quite dirty and you have to clean it to get rid of outliers or one thing or another. Then you hope you can analyze that data in a way that makes sense of whatever hypothesis or set of hypotheses you may have about what you are looking at. That's a big piece of what we do. There we hire people who are experimental physicists or astronomers.

    How scientific is it? Do you actually use models from science?

    The approach is scientific. Scientific sophistication is important. Do we directly apply the Navier-Stokes equation? No. Brownian Motion is something that has a better chance of being applied. Brownian motion is a way of looking at data and ordering random activity, or activity that looks random. Models like that, and approaches like that are very useful. Some stuff comes out of math and physics, especially math where various optimization techniques are used. It's more the sense and sophistication of doing science. We use very rigorous statistical approaches to determine what we think is underlying a phenomenon and really do explain that part of it. But it's not like proving theorems.
  7. 发邮件请教了两个问题。请查看。
  8. 不知你对合伙制形式和运作方案,考虑到什么层次了?:confused:
  9. 既然jemnbo兄发问,就容我把有关想法再展开一下。







  10. 晕,搞错了,文章是lvsoft兄推荐的。抱歉,抱歉。
  11. 去年11月份,worldquant(从Millenium partner分出来的一家对冲基金)清华宣讲会上跟他们聊,那个亚洲主管说他们的很多策略都能正常运行两年以上,持仓时间通常是几天


    Quantitative Finance Analyst, WorldQuant
    WorldQuant is now seeking research scientists to create quantitative and comp uter-based models to predict the movements of the worldwide stock markets and financial markets. Candidates need not have prior knowledge of financial markets but must have a strong interest in learning about stock markets and financial markets. Our highly accomplished senior staff will provide the new hires with mentoring and guidance to help them succeed. Successful candidates can choose to be based in our offices in Beijing or Shanghai.

    We offer outstanding career opportunities, which include:
    * Exceptional financial rewards for full time researchers
    * Friendly and collegial working environment
    * Opportunity to be promoted to Assistant Vice President in 2 to 4 years
    * Rare opportunity to learn from highly successful investment experts

    Candidates for the research scientist position must:
    * Possess or expect a degree from one of China's best universities in a highly analytical field, such as:
    Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Finance
    or any other field that is highly analytical and quantitative

    * Have a research scientist mindset, i.e., be a deep thinker, creative, persevering, smart, a self-starter, etc.
    * Be competent in a programming language (C++ or C)
    * Understand English
    * Have a strong interest in learning about worldwide financial markets
    * Have a strong work ethic
    If you are interested in applying for this position, please email your resume in ENGLISH to WQChinaJobs@worldquant.com


    WorldQuant招聘Assistant Researcher in Quantitative Finance
    发信人: TaoLiu (Tamia Liu), 信区: Career_Campus
    标 题: WorldQuant招聘Assistant Researcher in Quantitative Finance
    发信站: 水木社区 (Mon May 10 13:33:02 2010), 站内

    WorldQuant Investment Consulting (Beijing) Co. Ltd. develops and researches on quantitative and computer-based models to predict the movements of the worldwide stock markets and financial markets. We are now looking for a few full-time Assistant Researchers and interns to provide research support for our worldwide research teams.
      Job responsibilities include:
      - Collect, screen and classify research papers in the field of quantitative finance;
      - Study and summarize the central ideas and methodologies of selected articles;
      - Conduct literature survey in assigned areas and propose new research directions;
      - Assist in the maintenance of research database.
      Job requirements include:
      - Possess or expect a Ph.D or master degree from one of China s top 10 universities, majoring in Finance, Economics, Mathematics, Computing theory or other related fields;
      - Good knowledge in finance and statistics;
      - Strong interest in learning about worldwide financial markets;
      - Fast-learning, detail-oriented and hard-working;
      - Excellent English writing skills.
      We offer the right candidates competitive package, friendly and collegial working environment and the opportunity to play an important role in our team.
      To apply for this position, please send your resume in English to wqchinajobs@worldquant.com
  12. 保密并不如想像的那么难,同样一个有效的策略不同的人运行状况差异也会很大。一般机构怕的是被挖墙角而被其他机构抢走客户和生意,而这个也只有通过法律途径效果才好些,雇员的同业竞争限制。
  13. 这家以前接触过,实际盈利能力相当一般。企业信息可以看这里:世坤投资咨询。最早网页做得介绍跟高中生写的一样,给他们提过建议。在米国,对冲基金比我们的地摊儿设立还容易。:)

    D. E. Shaw 、大本营、复兴技术等还有借鉴价值,最早都是从一两个人发展起来的。
  14. 真便宜,才10万美元,呵呵。千禧合伙人应该也不是太差的,不过它和 D.E.Shaw Group, Citadel Group 都比文艺复兴科技差很多。上百亿美元的基金年收益能稳定在15-20%也是不容易的吧
  15. 开发测试团队
    1个 leader 20K+ 每月
    2个 经验丰富的 developer 10K+ 每月
    1个 数学系刚毕业的 6K+
    1个 经验丰富的 QA 10K+ 每月
  16. 谢谢。这个薪酬水平我觉得还可以的。如果开发顺利开发团队的薪酬在头几年里还可以高速增长。不过有担心有才的开发者不愿屈就新创办的小公司。可能只能逐渐沙里淘金了。
  17. 我倒觉得不需要用那些研究数学,金融数学,机器学习的,毕竟做交易策略主要还是用技术分析,用不到很复杂的模式识别技术,学计算机的就够用了,学统计的也挺好。一般学金融工程的编程能力确实够呛……
  18. 也不知老兄现在打算怎么样了,我今天正打算找工作,我本人是“资深C++研发工程师”,超过“百万行C++代码经历”,“8年基础件研发”,对金融非常感兴趣,对外汇、股票、期货等相当熟悉,也非常想编写证券交易平台和算法交易系统,我觉得“IT+金融”更有前途、更有趣,很想合作,软件方面我一人都可搞定,质量有保证。
  19. 说说可以,动手难。尤其是涉及交易策略私密性问题。