
Discussion in 'Bonds' started by windspeedo, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. 呵呵,准备长期投资了哈
  2. 呵呵,改作波段加长趋势了!
  3. 转大行对期权的最新策略和分析。对期权感兴趣的朋友可以了解大行的思路。

    Options Research: Buy Jun-09 KOSPI puts, sell Mar-09 HSCEI puts

    Buy KOSPI Jun-09 85% puts, sell HSCEI Mar-09 85% puts
    This calendar trade can be done at a 50bp cost and likely profits if (1) HSCEI is not down more than 15% by March; (2) KOSPI 200 underperforms HSCEI on the downside; or (3) KOSPI 200 falls significantly in 2Q09, after the HSCEI put has expired. The primary risk is HSCEI falling sharply near-term and underperforming KOSPI 200.

    China overweight; Korea to underweight on policy flexibility
    China Offshore: China Offshore is our preferred market into 2009. Three reasons: (1) it is the best positioned to offset cyclical challenges through assertive policy action; (2) the market was hit hardest in the region in 2008 and valuation now appears attractive; and (3) growth prospects are relatively strong and currency poses less risk than in other markets.

    Korea: On Nov 29, our strategists downgraded Korea to underweight. They believe potential fiscal and monetary stimulus may not be enough to offset: (1) heavy exposure to exports (49% of GDP from exports vs. 35% for China); (2) high SME loan growth; and (3) external funding issues magnified by potential for KRW depreciation. Our strategists’ bear case scenario is for a 67% fall in Korea’s earnings, vs. a 24% fall for China.

    KOSPI and HSCEI vol and term structure tell a different story
    HSCEI vol high relative to KOSPI 200: HSCEI implied volatility remains well above KOSPI 200, despite (1) tighter CDS spreads and (2) lower currency vol. While this is reflective of historic realized volatility trends, it is not in line with the fundamental risks we see in the respective markets. We believe it presents an opportunity to use options to implement a fundamentally-driven view.

    Term structures downward sloping: This trade also benefits from sharply downward-sloping term structures on both indices. The downward slope contrasts our view that markets could have an early 1Q09 rally as fiscal stimulus packages from the US and China may encourage risk appetite. We expect this to be a bear market rally followed by a weak 2Q09, as macro data and corporate earnings fall short of expectations.

    Alternative: Sell HSCEI knock-ins to fund KOSPI vanilla puts
    We include a scenario analysis of this trade’s P&L at the Mar-09 expiration of the HSCEI put. Despite the slight upfront cost, this trade has a positive unwind value provided that . Alternatively, buying KOSPI 200 Mar-09 90% puts can be fully funded selling HSCEI Mar-09 90% puts that knock in at 60%. This protects against a sharp fall in KOSPI 200, while only being exposed to HSCEI losses if the index falls well below its recent trough. If HSCEI does fall by 40% before March expiration, we believe KOSPI 200 will likely fall sharply as well, providing investors a hedge.
  4. 简单找了一下,没有找到对应品种的报价(可能机构的交易平台、OTC之类有),有能力的朋友可以贴出对应品种的报价,大家来跟踪一下。:D

    KSE MAR 12 '09 135.0 puts bid 13.15 ask 14.15 C14.00
    HKFE JAN 29 '09 13000 puts bid 863 as 893 C940
  5. 今天的韩国股市终于被GS的看空报告给搞下来了。
  6. 其实从GS的报告中,对于只关注中国相关市场的人来说,还可以有一个对冲思路:对恒生指数和国企指数多空对冲。
  7. 针对HSI\HHI的对冲策略,用刚才的市场价格做了个测算。考虑到流通性,只能选择08年12月合约。
    HHI: 7414
    HSI 12000 Dec 08 put: 311-318
    HSI 13000 Dec 08 put: 527 -557
    HHI 6300 Dec 08 put: 223-250
    HHI 6800 Dec 08 put: 352- NA
    最简单的估算,卖出一个HSI put大约需要买入2个HHI put对冲风险。
    而卖出一个HSI put的现金收入明显不能覆盖2个HHI put的买入。

    目前市场价格下,sell 1 HSI put and buy 2 HHI put and hold till expiration这种策略,
    1、HHI强于HSI 2 个百分点,开始获利;
    2、HHI强于HSI但不超过HSI 2个百分点,亏损大约在期权金差异之内;
  8. 一个参考。

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2009
  9. GS策略中提到的Term structures downward sloping。

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2009
  10. 这才发现,原来我闭门造车自学自用而来的操作期权的思路和大行差不多撒。 呵呵。
  11. joesan兄能否稍微介绍一下您最喜欢的操作期权的方法?:D
  12. 还有一个问题想请教:
  13. 这个比短期趋势难把握多了哈。主要是止损大很多。
  14. 期货只做日内,期权只做过夜。

    关于期权策略,论坛上不能说得很具体,不过大的思路是跨市场套利。HSI-HHI, HSI-SGXNK HSI-STW, HSI-K200 , SGXNK-K200, SGXNK-STW, STW-K200, HHI-STW, 交易机会有不少。但这个比期货交易复杂多了,不但要考虑价格趋势,还要考虑波动率趋势。差之毫厘,失之千里。
  15. 美盘主要交易时间是晚上,俺一般最晚12点就睡了撒。
  16. 我最佩服的就是作息特有规律的人:D
  17. 其实能24小时连续交易的话,机会会多很多。也许这也是大投行在全球各大金融中心都有trading office的原因之一。 全球交易团队,这是一个发展组织的方向。