
Discussion in 'Philosophy and Strategy' started by robinxing, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. :mad:似乎有个随机游走指标,有没有研究过?:confused::confused::confused:
  2. 如果价格是随机的,你怎么操作?
  3. 不是
  4. 打印出测试得到的系统在过去若干时段(越长越好)的资金曲线,挂在墙上。



  5. 其实永远无法剔除市场的随机波动,而且似乎没有必要剔除。


    交易员必须坦然接受亏损, 因为这是市场在做定期的清洗,其唯一的目的只有一个:

  6. random walk in one dimension
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2009
  7. robinxing 的思考越来越深入了撒。
  8. 要崩溃了:mad:
  9. 呵呵,打通奇经八脉前的一刻,就是这样的。
  10. sigh 现在经脉错乱了。:mad:
  11. 通督勿忘复勿助。只将意念注意督脉一线,真气行行停停,力冲三关。


  12. 呵呵,这个命题还是留给经济学家去思考吧.想多了容易迷思交易的本质。
  13. 我也是在思考什么是中线,长线,短线,以及取不同的时间周期作观察窗口的本质到底在哪里的时候想到的。关键应该在于波动性级别的不同需要带来的。
  14. 价格运动你指的是现象,随机指标是方法。分清楚就行了。

  15. :D
    【依天屠龙记】 张无忌对灭绝师太时用的心法 :
  16. Is the market too random to make money?

    Is the market too random to make money?
    From a pureley statistical perspective it is very difficult to tell the difference between a random walk and a real price series. This is why academia clings so strongly to the random walk hypothesis (or perhaps it is of a case of sour grapes over hedge fund pay scales versus academic pay scales). For example, both will demonstrate very similiar properties, such as run lengths and if you construct a random walk appropriately, you can even get a random walk to simulate the skew and kurtosis (or fat tails as it is commonly known) of real price series. However, there are a number of difficulties with the random walk hypothesis. By their very nature, random walks are constructed out of a series of independent random events that determine whether the price moves up or down. On the other hand, price movement in real markets do not fit this pattern as events driving the market are rarely independent. For example:

    Different markets frequently display correlated behaviour as they move in unison to the flow of large investors and speculators moving their money around the globe (and if they don’t someone will leverage an arbitrage opportunity and make money so that the markets will correlate again). Multiple random walks just do not exhibit this behaviour. If you ever wondered why hedge funds are so obsessed with high end statistical packages that have advanced correlation testing tools, it is because a portion of their edge is built around analysing correlating behaviours between different markets;
    An individual market displays “path dependent behaviour” where price action will frequently test and retest established support and resistance levels or it will display price spikes as it punches its way through the level. This happens because support and resistance levels are price levels where traders have placed large numbers of conditional orders. Again random walks just don’t display this kind of behaviour. Many traders exploit the path dependence in the market in their trading strategies, either for break out trading, catching reversals, range trading and for stop hunting. In online forums for trading you will often hear some members saying “I have given up on indicators, I just use support and resistance levels”. It is because they are exploiting this behaviour;
    In a real market the volatility of the price moves in cycles. Price action will become congested when the market has reached an agreed price and is awaiting new orders based on new information before setting off again. A random walk does not display this behaviour as it does not sit and wait for more information before heading off again. Many traders exploit these volatility cycles as part of their break out trading strategies;
    Real markets are seasonal. In some futures markets, such as corn, soy beans, etc there are marked seasonal effects on price around summer and winter and similiarly around el nino and la nina. In other markets seasonal effects like presidential cycles, tax seasons and hedge fund manager bonus calculation times also impact upon the markets. Again a randomly walking price series does not demonstrate these. Some major hedge funds exploit this cyclic relationship in the portfolios they build;
    Structural and regulatory differences in markets and financial products also create non-random effects which are tradeable and don’t occur in randomly walking price series. For example, some hedge funds seek to exploit lax tax rulings around options (where the underlying stock is goverened by different tax regulations) in order to gain an edge.

  17. 虽然它可能不那么贴近事实,现在还没有比随机漫步更加贴近事实的理论。
  18. the shorter the time interval,the more random walk the price .
  19. 搬把椅子做前排。
  20. 小声的说一句:一半一半,有的时候随机,有的时候不随机到底在多大程度上随机,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……,我也不知道,也不知道怎么量化表达。