
Discussion in 'Philosophy and Strategy' started by badhot, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Trading Systems and Methods, + Website (Wiley Trading) by Perry J. Kaufman (Jan 29, 2013)


  2. 翻译是个吃力不讨好的活
  3. 这本书有中文第四版?你看过吗?
  4. 请教中文4版名字是啥?
  5. 你的意思是第五版不值的看?
  6. Perry J. Kaufman

    "Perry J. Kaufman is an American systematic trader, index developer, and quantitative financial theorist. He is considered a leading expert in the development of fully algorithmic trading programs"


  7. 哪一版都没有中文的吧

  8. 查了下是说“考夫曼”写的书吗? 我就看过那本精明交易者写的很好哦。
  9. 是打印的吧
  10. 复印的,我买过
  11. Perry Kaufman说:
    The new edition has more systems and analysis, plus most of the charts and examples are updated. It is more consistent in notation throughout the book and has much more risk analysis and overall comparisons of the various methods. I think it is a big improvement. In addition, there is a Website with about 300 computer programs and spreadsheets that make it easier to use.
  12. 真诚的问下,这本书,到底如何
  13. 不错,不过有些看法有点过时了。
  14. 2013年刚出版的,就过时了?
  15. 这就是一本科普大杂烩,对入门的人看看也可以
  16. 如果该书归为 量化投资里面 的通俗读物,那现在市面上有哪些可算为 专业读物?
  17. 一些学术专著和论文集。:)
  18. 可否推荐几本或者几篇?
  19. 这要取决于你的教育背景,知识结构,交易风格等, 不好随便乱讲。 不过与量化相关的各领域中的经典教材和最新顶尖研究都可以读一下。这些领域包扩,数学,统计学,物理,计算机(特别是机器学习,数据挖掘,模式识别方向)。:)