5.29.2 beta 下载.要先装好5.2的才行

Discussion in 'AmiBroker' started by ghn4ever, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. sunny99,
  2. 这错误提示也不是经常出现。如果不修改程序,可以删掉那个newcharts文件就正常了。因为出现有点随机性,暂时没有发现问题所在。
  3. 那看来是vista系统的问题了,删掉那个newcharts也只能正常运行一次。

  4. Hey guys, The broky gets fixed as per the info provided, and as apparent from the posts in the above.

    The amiquote is another issue altogether:

    1 - If you use eod data, you do not need to install the amiquote - you fixed broky will work fine.
    2 - If if data requirements NEED you to install and then use amiquote then you must fix the your host file as per tsangr's post # 14 in the above. Once you hosts file has been modified, amiquote will not mess with the fixed broky.
  5. If you can modify it that you don't need to do like this.
  6. 在网站上看到另一个办法, 就是将amiquote要连上的网站amibroker.net指向localhost, 这样amiquote就不可能连到amibroker.net去作认证. 就算不安装防火墙也没问题. 只要修改视窗下的hosts档案就可以做到这点.
  7. 改跳转显示注册,其实还是没有解开。不过改跳转对消除message是蛮有效的。