5.29.2 beta 下载.要先装好5.2的才行

Discussion in 'AmiBroker' started by ghn4ever, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. ghn4ever:
  2. 试过了


    这版开始不能 save database 了
  3. 知道了。
  4. 不是很明白,一个beta版,能有什么陷阱?
  5. 正版用户升级应没问题,但是版用户, 就可能是陷阱.
  6. 5.0以来ami有2个同版本号的版本的更新时间很短(就几天的时间)......
  7. 有钱的还是建议买个正版的。5.29.2beta原来的注册码用不了了。
  8. 谢谢分享。软件修改一下可以显示注册版,但不能保存数据。5.28.1可以保存,不过两个可以共存。
  9. 了, 謝謝告知!
  10. 意义不大
  11. Here is how to fix "Brokey.dll" yourself:

    1-choose any Hexadecimal Editor
    2-Edit "BroKey.dll" then search for "R486515-6698I"

    Below (represented bu an X) are what numbers you can change :


    Where X is a variable number from 0 to 9

    This is trial and error but you should be able to arrive at a working
  12. Thank you very much!
    Your hint in that website did help me a lot. I've got it done already even though I don't have the right to download anything there.
    To be safe, you'd better add the following line to the bottom of your hosts file in windows/system32/drivers/etc so that amiquote cannot get access to www.amibroker.net to modify your program. www.amibroker.net
  13. 非常感谢
  14. Think you very much doji brother, I couldn't see that attchment at the link I posted on the above, I just guest and got it. I saw your name there. Thanks again, but sometimes it still has "License Error",any tip for that?
  15. Hi
    thanks doji works fine :)
  16. Hi sunny

    as i read on http://www.ewef.net/ after change brokey.dll,must delete folder amiquote too .
  17. Hex Editor Brokey.dll里的R4XXXXX-XXXXX好像并不能解决已经中招出现"license error(please contact support#amibroker.com)这个提示的问题,如果你之前没中招,本来那个key(正版)就是可以正常在5.29b2上使用的。
  18. 可以修改两处相关的跳转解决。