
Discussion in 'AmiBroker' started by csf_cn, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. Yahoo的EOD数据免费。
  2. 反馈和统计:
    sagittarius 201.00 USD 2010年07月31日 01:06:17 CTT
    Funnymentals 293.00 USD 2010年07月31日 05:53:29 CTT Ultimate pack
    northstar 201.12 USD 2010年07月31日 12:08:03 CTT
    Cat 192.90 USD(手续费7.10) 2010年07月31日 17:03:18 CTT
    gohomerun 300.00 USD 2010年08月01日 09:39:27 CTT Ultimate pack
    WSC 293.88 USD 2010年08月02日 02:28:47 CTT Ultimate pack
    Luobo 192.86 USD(手续费8.14) 2010年08月02日 22:23:48 CTT
    alvaning 201.00 USD 2010年08月03日 04:05:10 CTT
    cd-rw03 192.87 USD(手续费8.14) 2010年08月05日 09:13:04 CTT

    shane_lee 2000.00 RMB 2010.07.31 08:50 Ultimate pack
    x075558 1360.00 RMB 2010.08.01 22:42
    funnyhaah 2000.00 RMB 2010.08.02 10:50 Ultimate pack
    omnpmh 2098.00 RMB 2010.08.02 16:24 Ultimate pack
    tsangr 2000.00 RMB 2010.08.09 19:30:40 Ultimate pack

  3. 老大, 我是tsangr, 因为想把CP中的email改做常用的那一个, 改了以后就发不了言, 要另外注册一个名, 所以名字后多了两点. 请问如何修正,旧的名字可以继续发言呢. 谢谢
  4. 好了, 原来论坛不支持用sina.com 的邮箱, 改回其他就好了
  5. 请问付款支付宝帐户是什么? 否则没法付款.另外ultimate pack价格打折了吗?

  6. 原来是 新浪邮箱把确认邮件当作是垃圾邮件, 扔到垃圾箱里去了. 是支持的,我错了

  7. 老兄你可以看看前面的帖子, 那里有老大的支付宝帐户. Ultimate pack 未打折是409, 10份团购好像是293美元, 上面有链接可以去看看.

    大哥, 如果实时数据不用付费,人家替你白干吗, 如果有这样的好事,麻烦告诉我一下. :D
  8. 老大我刚刚给你paypal了 USD 300 过去,希望不算晚, 订一份ultimate pack, 多谢了
  9. I think Amibroker has a plugin for Interactive Broker's real time data, which is essentially free for frequent traders.
  10. 没一个有用的话,我真看不懂.还是不知道需要的信息,难道这里没有懂中文的好人吗?
  11. ultimate pack价格是不是打折了要问hylt了。
  12. cat


  13. 英语要提高呀

    I think Amibroker has a plugin for Interactive Broker's real time data, which is essentially free for frequent traders.

  14. 反馈和统计:
    sagittarius 201.00 USD 2010年07月31日01:06:17
    Funnymentals 293.00 USD 2010年07月31日05:53:29 Ultimate pack
    northstar 201.12 USD 2010年07月31日12:08:03
    Cat 192.90 USD(手续费7.10) 2010年07月31日17:03:18
    gohomerun 300.00 USD 2010年08月01日09:39:27 Ultimate pack
    WSC 293.88 USD 2010年08月02日02:28:47 Ultimate pack
    Luobo 192.86 USD(手续费8.14) 2010年08月02日22:23:48
    alvaning 201.00 USD 2010年08月03日04:05:10
    cd-rw03 192.87 USD(手续费8.14) 2010年08月05日09:13:04
    tonghu 295.00 USD(手续费5.00) 2010年08月10日18:35:51 Ultimate pack

    shane_lee 2000.00 RMB 2010.07.31-08:50 Ultimate pack
    x075558 1360.00 RMB 2010.08.01-22:42
    funnyhaah 2000.00 RMB 2010.08.02-10:50 Ultimate pack
    omnpmh 2098.00 RMB 2010.08.02-16:24 Ultimate pack
    tsangr 2000.00 RMB 2010.08.09-19:30:40 Ultimate pack

  15. 已向AmiBroker官方发了团购邮件,在等待回复。
  16. 附:来往邮件

    Date: 2010-08-12 15:08:56
    To: "AMIBROKER SUPPORT" <support@amibroker.com>
    Subject: Re:Re: Re:Re: [#58736] Reseller in China
    We will purchase 7 licenses of AmiBroker Professional and 8 licenses of AmiBroker Ultimate Pack Pro. How to order?
    Best regards

    At 2009-04-17 17:12:50,"AMIBROKER SUPPORT" <support@amibroker.com> wrote:
    10 is the initial number of licenses required for any discounts in a bulk-purchase (e.g. purchase of 10 licenses by a group of individual end-users).
    However - for the purpose of RESELLER agreement we require an initial purchase of 200 licenses, as we are mainly interested in cooperation with larger parties.
    Best regards
    Marcin Gorzynski
    Amibroker.com Technical Support

    ----- Original Message -----
    To: "AMIBROKER SUPPORT" <support@amibroker.com>
    Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 11:09 AM
    Subject: Re:Re: [#58736] Reseller in China
    "Note that for this option there is an initial purchase of 200 licenses required." What does this mean? On the webpage, the initial number of licenses is 10.

    在2009-04-17,"AMIBROKER SUPPORT" <support@amibroker.com> 写道:
    If you're interested in offering AmiBroker to your customers - there are two possibilities. One is an affiliate program which means that you get 15% from sales referred to us. All you need to do is to add link to our order pages and all orders that come from your site will generate affiliate fee for you. See:
    Second option is a reseller agreement - which means purchasing block(s) of licenses and reselling them on your own. You will find bulk pricing here:
    (note that for this option there is an initial purchase of 200 licenses required).
    Best regards
    Marcin Gorzynski
    Amibroker.com Technical Support

    ----- Original Message -----
    To: <support@amibroker.com>
    Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 5:50 AM
    Subject: [#58736] Reseller in China
    I'm from China. I'm interested to become the reseller of AB in China. What should I do and how should I qualify?
    Best wishes!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2010
  17. Oh my god, this is not good at all.

    Tomasz did tell me that we can mix Amibroker Pro and Ultimate packs.


    Now Marcin is saying we must have at least 10 each. I just emailed Marcin explaining the situation and asking him to grant us the discounts as per Tomasz's email. Hopefully Marcin is a nice person, otherwise we'll have to all get either Amibroker Pro or Ultimate Pack.

    For me the main difference between the two is not Amiquote or AFL Code Wizard, but the 50% discount on Amibroker upgrades following free 12 month period.
  18. Amibroker replied. It's good now. Lucky~

    Boss I just emailed to your 163 address. It contains the credit card payment link. Apparently you can also pay by SWIFT bank transfer if you ask them.
  19. 真要不行咱们就再发动一下使Pro和Ulti的各凑够10份。
  20. 您发给我的Order Number: U1385460301那个订单还是15份Pro版的。