
Discussion in 'AmiBroker' started by csf_cn, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. 回复晚了,不好意思。

  2. 我也收到amibroker 邮件,顺利安装注册。再次感谢老大!
  3. COST-EFFECTIVE: You will also enjoy extremely honest and friendly licensing conditions: the license is personal, so you can use single license on both desktop and laptop that you own.

    从上面官方网站首页的说明来看, 这个正版软件可以装在台式机和笔记本电脑两台机器上, 那我是否可以如此类推装在单位和家里两台桌面PC上也一样合法。

  4. 安装到十台也可以安装的, 但要是同一时间用的话, 给Amibroker侦测到, 你的license就完了. :D
  5. 谢谢tsangr,高人啊,经验真丰富,many thanks!
  6. Got the email and installed the software successfully. Thanks, boss.
  7. 关于64位的问题


    The 64-bit key is ONLY FOR NATIVE 64-bit version of AmiBroker. Native 64-bit version is NOT the one that you have installed.
    You installed 32-bit version therefore you should use 32-bit key.

    Native 64-bit AmiBroker version is available from different place http://www.amibroker.com/x64/
    Before installing you need to read this:

    Best regards,
    Tomasz Janeczko

  8. 非常抱歉,把余款退款的事儿给忘了,下周又不在这台电脑这里,再下一周回来办!
  9. 支持! 再来一次。
  10. 支持!!!
  11. 可以再组织一次团购吗?
  12. Yes~~~~
    再组织一次团购, OK?