
Discussion in 'Wealth-Lab Developer' started by ilian, Oct 21, 2007.

  1. 兄弟,昨天还能看呢,今天就不行了。报这个错误。
    An error occurred:
    This is a private ChartScript and cannot be viewed

    Use your browser's Back button to return to the previous page and correct the error.
  2. 作者设为私有了,可能是想修改或者不想公开了。
  3. 谢谢啦!那个头村调整,我认为ATR的1.5倍比较好。
  4. 能把script 贴出来吗?
  5. 我也没保存,大致回忆主要是在3.1版本基础上,在ActivePositionCount1到3之间增加“LS := L1 - 2 * N ;SS := S1 + 2 * N ;”这两句,其它的小改动没有实质性变化。
  6. http://wl4.wealth-lab.com/cgi-bin/WealthLab.DLL/topic?id=26306

    There is a major peeking problem with the code, and for this reason, we've demoted the script.

    It's not permissible to execute a trading signal on the next Bar (Bar + 1) and then check if the ActivePositionCount has changed on the current Bar. Think about it.

    You should put all of that "ActivePositionCount = n" logic in an if/then/else structure or case statement. Same with the PositionCount conditions - either those must be mutually exclusive, or not used at all.
  7. 应该是指这段代码里有未来数据的问题,所以被管理员“demoted”了,作者也被告知了这一点。试了试,用WLD4的下载功能确实下不到这段代码。
  8. 谢谢楼上的,不过我用WLD3的下载功能里面也没下载到3.1版本的脚本,只有3.0的。作者好像是acmall