
Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers(盈透)' started by weijian, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. 平台不难吧
  2. 有趣的数字,Excel格式,IB从2008年以来每个月的账户数,以及期权、期货及股票的月交易量:
    其中 最新的2010年8月统计:
    Options Contracts 18 million
    Futures Contracts 6.6 million
    Stock Shares 4,510 million
    • 149 thousand customer accounts, 19% higher than prior year.
    • 348 thousand Daily Average Revenue Trades (DARTs), 2% higher than prior year and 5% lower than prior month.
    • Ending customer equity of $17.3 billion, 37% higher than prior year and 1% lower than prior month.
    • Ending customer credit balances of $12.0 billion and customer margin loan balances of $4.6 billion.
    • 536 annualized average cleared DARTs per customer account.
  3. 外汇交易量呢?交易量少,不是重点?感觉ib对外汇这块不太重视

    customer credit balances,是银行授信额度吗?个人账户采用银行授信方式,门槛是多少呢?
  4. 我估计是这个数字不好统计。个人换外汇也算在里面,没法按笔数算。可能的话只能是佣金收入,多少美元来计。
  5. 向努力改善交易效率的人致敬!