wld-pro 4.0 charscript ranking 问题

Discussion in 'Wealth-Lab Developer' started by 白云传说, Oct 10, 2007.

  1. 我发现charscript ranking 结果统计result那一栏数据不准,和点进去看到的charscript内容performennt的数据出入很大,应该是点进去看到的charscript内容performennt的数据是对的,charscript ranking 结果统计result那一栏数据有问题,这样对分析影响很大,不能比较每个公式的表现。有没有高手知道这个情况怎么解决。
  2. 应该是你charscript ranking 的设置和charscript的performennt不对
  3. Like you, whenever I ran chartscript ranking, the result is different every single time, even same data set!

    I wonder if it is because I did not let it ran through and started to sort the result. Maybe some one familiar with it can explain it.
  4. haha,找到问题了,charscript ranking 要和charscript的设置一样,包括时间段,和其它参数,搞定了。
  5. I still don't see what the difference is between first & second images. It looks the same to me.

    I have always wanted to use Wealth-Lab but always given up, just because the ChartScript ranking didn't work for me.

  6. you try to use the same setting between CHARTSCRIPT RANKING & CHART SCRIPT. than you can see the same result
  7. I do keep them (data range & size position) the same. For example, all data, with $5000.

    I even deleted data and then re-downloaded data from web to make sure data is clean.

    Let's say stock "XYZ", after running ChartScript Ranking and I get 100 results and startegy "MACD Trades" shows profit is $10,000 for 100 trades.

    But if I double click and WLD opened the chart window, it could become only 80 trades and profit is $7,000.

    If I close the window, and back to ChartScript Ranking results and double click again on same startegy, this time it colud be 50 trades, with profit $5000!

    And sometimes no trades at all! It looks like ChartScripts Ranking did not re-initialize all variables to 0 then begin next calculation and causes all the problem.

    I aslo use function key F5 or click the lightning bolt, and same result.
    Most of the script will generate different result whenever I re-ran the script, with error message or not.
    And most weird thing is, even the same script sometimes will run with no error, sometimes it will have error! And the most common error is "Not a valid Price Series", but if you ran a second time, it has no error. The 3rd time, it got error again.

    And it's different every single time! What am I doing wrong? Using v4.0.3
  8. you used wld v4.0.3 have error, its patch have error, you maybe used wld-pro v4, wld-pro v4 have keygen.
  9. Yes, I use patched exe file. I don't have a keygen for 4.0x. Where can I find one? Thanks.

    Or does Fidelity 4.3.36 works?
  10. Tried 4.5 posted in the forum and it works! No more inconsistent results!

    4.03 does have big problems! Thanks!!!