请教:如何让metatrader接收Interactive Brokers的TWS数据?

Discussion in 'MetaTrader' started by shane_lee, Sep 19, 2007.

  1. 不知道有没有哪位用MT来接收TWS的数据,能介绍一下如何连接TWS吗?
  2. 需要用Metaserver 2.0 for DDE
  3. 谢谢回复。请问能给个下载链接吗?或者f方便的话发给我:shanelee@sina.com

  4. 不好意思,搞错了,我说的是用tradestation 展示metatrade 实时数据的方法。
  5. Hey guys sorry to interrupt.....

    Are you two worried about how you can download
    Metaserver 2.0 for DDE. I can help you out there.

    However the version of Metaserver 2.0 I have with me, can only be used to feed data from Metatrader to Metastock via DDE.

    If that is what you want I'll be glad to help ya.

    If you want to use any EOD data in Tradestation you need OwnData 2.4. And that is where I may be able to help you too.

    Please tell me what you precisely need. I'll be glad to help
    Adam Steele

  6. 热心人啊!多谢了。我现在用quotetracker来看盘。放弃了用metatrader的想法。不管怎样,都多谢楼上各位的热心!!