针对特定券商的自动化交易软件 图

Discussion in 'General Topics on Software and Data' started by iuex, Aug 2, 2007.

  1. 针对特定券商的自动化交易软件 图
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    可以到上面的地址下载 setup.rar

    Microsoft .NET Framework V2.0 (x86) 下载地址

    第一次运行的密码 没有注册只能查询资金股份,查询委托.
    密码 :741852
  2. 针对特定券商的自动化交易软件 图
  3. 哪个券商?
  4. 因为我只有国信的帐号!

  5. 请问这个软件是如何实现的?委托接口通信协议是怎么得到的?
  6. http协议,说简单点就是把券商的web页面的交易做成winform的.
  7. 明白了,谢谢。可否提供源码供研究交流?我也是国信的。ysg_stock@hotmail.com
  8. 2007-8-11 15:38:26 logging
    2007-8-11 15:38:29 3400343430350,login true
    2007-8-11 15:38:30 查询资金,股份
    2007-8-11 15:38:30 正在查询
    2007-8-11 15:38:31 查询成功

  9. 支持商业化,把产品做好。
  10. http方式,有没有遇上券商的服务器因为这软件查询过多而断线,或者因为用户交易拥挤而掉线的情况?
  11. 断线了,自动重新登录的
  12. 支持. very good attempt!

    But it's almost impossible to 商业化 by .net platform, for all kinda of fat client. .Net is an excellent platform for fast prototype only.

    i have no idea about 国信. but i have similar concern as gzpony. will 国信 support persistent connection? also i was told different version of .NET may vary in handling HttpRequest. if both .NET 2.x and 国信 support persistent connection, socket won't have much leading edge and as a result, you may have one more sound tool for your personal investment.
  13. 是啊,.net只适合快速的开发,我们正在考虑让它脱离.net平台。
    persistent connection 也是一种变通的。
  14. 商业化这种东西是不太可能的,因为这意味着你向世界宣布找到了一个进入券商交易系统的路子,会让相关的券商IT部门很没面子,他们会用其他安全手段使你的程序失效。这个论坛上拥有这种或其他类似技术的人我估计不下十个,但没有人尝试去干这个。就我本人而言,是怕见光死,影响自己的使用。
  15. 我也有这样的忧虑,但是我那个朋友很坚持他的想法:(
  16. 如果是这样,那就争取与具体的券商合作,跟他们提佣金分成(挣券商而不是股民的钱)。这里有很多朋友可以提功能建议,软件做的好,用的人多,你的业务就有生存和发展的基础。
  17. 用不了啊,机子上有framework2.0,3.0.
    看了一下日志,MAXCODE报The Frmaework version is not support, please update your framework or restart setup .NET framework\n\rPlease get a new runtime support to website http://www.maxtocode.com/FrameworkSupport.html。

  18. 是的,因为网站在建设,所以新的东西可能要晚一点,这个可能不能用了,
  19. maybe tom had pointed out the best approach in terms of flexibility. worth of your guy's serious consideration.

    脱离.net平台 is not a good idea at the moment. I bet you won’t be brave enough to pick secure platform such as OS400 or even build your own version of OS and a whole bunch of your class lib replacing MS’s foundation class. Look at the majority development on top of MS windows.
    .NET is a good personal toy tool as everybody knows.
    Java, which is supper pop in investment development, is base class of .NET.
    machine code such as C or its equivent and pascal/dephi can be easily fooled by remote injection etc and i bet yz sir may get this kind of work done by not a big fee.
    in a word, only supper 'value' sys justify your move or even serious encryptions.

    my personal view, bill gates wins not due to anything related to his coding or any bit related to his or his team’s system analysis and design and actually the whole world as well as your handwork code here is suffering from MS platform. if you were billgates, you won't move platform, instead you may change name (after your system got shined). you won't even have any interests on solving persistent connection issue; instead you may simply make free copies to all the agents and propose them a good commission for every transaction done via your system. if you were small billgates now, you’ll build interface/class lib/standard for automations towards all major agents and get the lib widespread as more as possible. Maybe your guy may wonder no example with both sound of ‘tech’ and marketing, HDMI

    I bet the only possible target market for your system is fulltime future trader. Good news is that you can easily find few of them in the forum. They demand usually much more. If you talk with tom, for example, he may suggest you take a look at X Trader (but don’t ask me as I have no idea about X trader yet). Suppose you fool these few fulltime traders that your .NET system provides similar functionality as X Trader, you win