求助:哪位amibroker注册用户下载一下Amibroker-dll group的例程

Discussion in 'AmiBroker' started by jevinlee, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. 正接触Amibroker,想用Delphi开发plugin,但有些问题要参考提供的例子程序在
    但只有注册用户有访问权限,哪位帮助一下把里面的files list的下载打包提供一下.


    Group Description:
    Closed group for developers of plugins for AmiBroker.
    You have to be registered AmiBroker user to join.
    To join please provide your real
    First and Last name
    so I can verify if you are registered user of AmiBroker.
  2. 你可以先在Yahoo注册个邮箱,再注册Amikroker BBS inYahoo,这不需先是它(AmBk)的用户。
  3. 谢谢,我后来仔细读了一下可以下载了。代码已经尝试成功了。