
Discussion in 'Risk and Uncertainty' started by 大地飞鹰, Feb 4, 2006.

  1. 收藏看看 8)
  2. 学习一下,谢谢
  3. 虽然资金管理的概念应与资金大小无关系,但还是请问过来人倒底多少资金适合采用此类方法进行操作呢?
  4. 有时候1万就够了。真的,我使用1万RMB玩过超短线,结果好象是三个月40%吧。

    In any given market, the sum total of all traders's perceptions is one collective perception which, at any given moment, creates the price and hence the reality of the marketplace. Every trader's account is credited or debited based on this.If that perception is not in harmony with the collective perception of the market, that trader will be punished by losing money. These are not my personal beliefs anymore than the law of gravity belongs to Newton. This is the way of the market. But, perhaps this is all wrong given that it is coming from someone who you claim has a 70
    IQ. On that last point, I think you may be on to something. Every since graduating from my third rate alma matar college, I have been working hard at dumbing down so I could become a better trader. Since arriving on the CBOE trading floor in 1975, I came to the conclusion that trading genius lies in the brain of a 4 or 5 year old child. More recently, I had the opportunity to test this my pothesis and was pleasantly surprised when my then 4 1/2 year old son produced some extrordinary trading results, i.e. 62% winning trades with a 2.41 to 1 win/loss ratio, and more than $7,000 in profit in about ten trading days. Please keep in mind that for the purpose of this experiment I provided little or no instruction to him on the markets. I merely ask him to look at some charts and indicate up, down, sideways, or that he didn't know. I then took the markets for which he had an up or down opinion and did a paper trade based on the close price of that day, i.e. bought if he said up or sold if he said down. So if IQ measures one's intelligence in relation to one's age, I can see how it would be helpful for me to perhaps reduce my IQ to about 25 in order to
    become a more succesful trader. I thank you for your assessment of me being at an 70 IQ, as this shows that I have been making steady progress in reducing my IQ.
  5. 再送几个素材,顺手抓过来的:
    What makes you think that determining market direction and chosing indicators
    are relevant in making money trading? If you look for these, you become an
    analyst, not a trader.

    You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time.

    The best time to buy is when blood is running in the streets, even if it is
    your own.

    Neal T. Weintraub in "Tricks of the Floor Trader" said: You will run out of
    money before a guru runs out of indicators...

    Subject: Re: Poll: Pick your favourite three indicators
    In order of priority:
    1. Price
    2. Price
    3. Price

    Try looking at a 3/9/15 Exponential Moving Averages and trade multiple
    contracts (2 or more). When the 3 crosses the 9 sell one. If the 3 crosses
    the fifteen sell the rest. If the 3 doesn't cross the fifteen you will
    still have a contract or two on. This can reduce the number of whipssaws.
    It will also increase the dollars of profit per trade and decrease the
    dollars of loss per trade. POINT IN THOUGHT: has anyone considered in
    which time frame you use your moving average? If you trade 5 min charts,
    what about putting the MA on the next longer time frame( 20 min)? Comments
    or ideas welcomed.
    Richard Chehovin GalacticFXInternational@worldnet.att.net
    If you know the approximate drawdown (who really knows???)...you must then
    fund your account according to your temperament..., i.e. it sounds as if you
    are uncomfortable with the % drawdown....deleverage by having a larger account
    size...thus a lower % drawdown... If that is not possible, try to deleverage
    by switching to the DJH8 or ESH8...thus accomplishing the same effect.
    Tom Stein comfut@msn.com


  6. 飞鹰能不能推荐一个BBS,让俺也去学学。
  7. 谢谢。。。。。。。。。。。。。
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