Discussion in 'Wealth-Lab Developer' started by tom_sh, Sep 23, 2005.

  1. 对照:



  2. 对照:



    2。function GetSecurityName(Symbol: BSTR): BSTR;
    Implement this method to return a security name for the specified symbol. If you don't have access to a security name, return a blank string.

    3。public string GetSecurityName(string Symbol)
    // TODO: 添加 WLDST.GetSecurityName 实现
    return null;

  3. 对照:

    2。procedure FillSymbols(DSString: BSTR; Symbols: IWealthLabStrings3);
    This method is responsible for populating a list of symbols based on the DataSource String supplied in the DSString parameter. The DSString is the same string that was returned when the DataSource was first created (the return value of CreateDataSource). The method should populate the symbols using the Symbols parameter, which is an instance of the IWealthLabStrings3 interface. Call the Symbols.Add method for each symbol that is contained in the DataSource.
    3。The IWealthLabEOD3.FillSymbols method contains parameter that is an instance of this interface. Use this instance to populate the symbols of a DataSource.

    procedure Add( Value: BSTR );
    Call this method once for each symbol that is contained in the DataSource.

  4. 此项相当于填写简历的各个规定项,不同的人各项的值是不一样的。
    Switch ......Case......结构很好地完成了根据不的代码(SYMBLE),ADD不同股票数据的功能。


    public void LoadSymbol(string DSString, string Symbol, IWealthLabBars3 Bars, DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate, int
    // TODO: 添加 WLDST.LoadSymbol 实现

    3。procedure LoadSymbol(DSString: BSTR; Symbol: BSTR; Bars: IWealthLabBars3; StartDate: DATE; EndDate: DATE; MaxBars: long);
    This method is responsible for populating the bars of a chart for the specified Symbol.

    The DSString parameter contains the string that identifies the DataSource (as above).

    StartDate and EndDate may contain date values that specify a range of data to be loaded. If StartDate is non-zero, you should not load bars that are prior to that date. If EndDate is non-zero, you should not load dates that are after that date. It's not strictly necessary to observe these values. WLD will filter the data after the fact if your Adapter doesn't.

    MaxBars will contain the maximum number of bars that should be loaded, or zero if all bars should be loaded. Once again, you don't necessarily have to observe this parameter, but you should do so if it could save a significant amount of loading time.

    The Bars parameter is an instance of the IWealthLabBars3 interface. For each bar of data, call the Bars.Add method to add the date, open, high, low, close and volume. If you also have open interest data you can call Bars.AddOpenInterest instead. Be sure to load data in chronological order, oldest first.

    4。procedure Add(Date: Date; Open: double; High: double; Low: double; Close: double; Volume: long);
    Call this method once for every bar of data that should be loaded. Be sure to load the bars from earliest to latest.
  5. 就此已讲完了用VC#制作COM的全部主要过程。任何COM都要包含以上的基本结构,在此基本结构上可加入更多的方法以使COM更加复杂与处理更多数据。以实现设计此COM的最初想法,即完成WLDSCRIPT不能完成的复杂计算或复杂功能。以扩展WLD的功能。最终实现用户的IDEA和将IDEA转化成PROFIT的终极目的。
  6. 创建一描述文件,让其它使用上COM的人对所用的COM有过最基本的了解。其它建立描述文件的格式都是标准的格式:


    Below is the contents of the Descriptor File for our example Adapter. The file name is StaticAdapter_Sample.txt.

    Name=Sample Adapter
    Desc=This is an example of a Static DataSource created with the Wealth-Lab Adapter API. The sample Adapter loads data in Wealth-Lab's native format (*.WL). Full source code for this Adapter is available for download at the page above.
  7. 请问项目经理此句是什么意思呢?

    C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\regasm /tlb /codebase WLDAdapter.dll

    是在注册吗? 能解释一下吗?是否是在完成

    Deploying a Static Adapter on the User's System
    The only files required to deploy a Static Adapter are the DLL, the Description File, and the optional Bitmap. These files must all be installed into the user's WLD folder. The next time the user starts WLD the new DataSource type will be available. Note that WLD automatically registers the Adapter DLL, so calling Regsvr32 is not required.

  8. 如何能够把演示的flash文件弄下来?
  9. .net 生成的DLL文件需要用.net framework工具REGASM注册为COM组件。而普通C++编译生成的DLL文件如WLD参考所说可以直接为WLD注册。
  10. 感谢tom_sh和思迷思提供的这样的学习C#的机会!明日得空试试
  11. 我的目的是想弄以下三个地址里边的swf文件,呵呵,因为他们的形式相同。
    既然hylt兄能追查到上边的地址,应该也可以弄到下边的吧。是tradingblox builder的使用演示。先谢了。


