
Discussion in 'Philosophy and Strategy' started by ztob123, Jan 20, 2005.

  1. 被 van.p.tharp推荐的 介绍系统开发方面最好的一本书:
    Lebeau,charles and lucas,david.
    The Technical Trader'Guide to computer Analysis of the futures Market.

  2. 我不知道。请amkr长老看看吧。
  3. I have this book. Mostly talking about ADX. Personally, I think he lost his credit after those systems he created. But if you insist on his writing, save your money and go read his bulletin series.
  4. Thanks to sebiel. Welcome warmly! :)

    Which book(s) is the best or must-reading for learning system trading in your opinion and experiences?
  5. You are welcome, hylt. I like the research atmosphere here. And I am surprised to see you guys trying to system trade the China market.

    In my opinion, there are not many good material out there, be it books, magazines, trading systems, services, etc. In this journey, every one has his past experiences and beliefs. And each will reach to different conclusion even after the same practice. But the good thing in this business is that there is only one judgement for the truth. It's a long journey. And the most important is to have fun while pursuing.

    So there are bits and pieces of truth lying here and there. If one can pick something from one book or gain some experience from some practice, it's worth the hard work. Among them, I can only think of one book that stands out, Van Tharp's "Trade your way to financial freedom". I am sure lot of you have already read it. I think he explained a lot about the truth of trading. But you also have to be careful about playing too much with money management. That kind of emphasis can only come from a psychologist/business man as opposed to a market wizard.

    Keep the good spirit
  6. 我同意楼上的观点,我认为对于一个顶尖的系统交易者,不是。追求高效率的指标,进出方式为主要目标的,也就是说单纯的圣杯是不存在的,然而其中最起作用的应该是资金管理策略,所以大师们都被叫做资金管理大师而不是简单的交易师。他们可以使用任何一个给定的指标和参数进行赢利的交易。

    自由之路大家肯定是都看过了,小弟把它当作系统交易的圣经,可惜我只读了鲍健儿翻译的中文版,给位谁有英文版的贡献一下吧 我想收藏。
  7. 目前只有俄文版的,遗憾啊!
  8. I have the hard copy. You are welcome to borrow and make a copy. But I still think it's outdated and not worth your time.
  9. So,what's your recommedation,please?
  10. TRADE YOUR WAY TO FINANCIAL SYSTEM 有中文版,不过翻译得太差,可以说是误人子弟。我初看时不明就里,后来看到原文才知道是翻译出了大问题。呵呵,可以说很多180度方向的错误。



  11. As I mentioned in another thread before, I recommend "Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom" as a starting point. hylt just posted the electronic copy of the book, enjoy!
  12. joesan, did you get my email to you before new year? If not, please check your email you registered with hylt again.

  13. 呵呵,不论好坏,有的看还是看看好了,长点儿见识
  14. Lebeau,charles and lucas,david.
    The Technical Trader'Guide to computer Analysis of the futures Market.

  15. joesan决的太浅是不是因为,它是本初级读物?没有涉及到一些精深的理念?
  16. 嗯,在它第一版的时候可能是 STATE-OF-THE-ART 的一流技术


    所以, OUT OF DATE 了
  17. 感觉除了 国外书籍外,偶们没有其他的方式学习 计算机系统交易方法,盲人摸象,悬啊
  18. 这本书我在“精品书屋”买过一本,看完后觉得一般,时间多可以看看.主要是一些基本概念和方法的介绍。
  19. 现在《高级技术分析》/Bruce Babcock被吹的比较厉害,不知道谁看过,能否介绍一下