The Effects of Backtest Overfitting on Out-of-Sample Performance

Discussion in 'Model and Algorithm' started by novaavon, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. Pseudo-Mathematics and Financial Charlatanism: The Effects of Backtest Overfitting on Out-of-Sample Performance!


    Recent computational advances allow investment managers to search for profitable investment strategies. In many instances, that search involves a pseudo-mathematical argument, which is spuriously validated through a simulation of its historical performance (also called backtest).

    We prove that high performance is easily achievable after backtesting a relatively small number of alternative strategy configurations, a practice we denote “backtest overfitting”. The higher the number of configurations tried, the greater is the probability that the backtest is overfit. Because financial analysts rarely report the number of configurations tried for a given backtest, investors cannot evaluate the degree of overfitting in most investment proposals.

    The implication is that investors can be easily misled into allocating capital to strategies that appear to be mathematically sound and empirically supported by an outstanding backtest. This practice is particularly pernicious, because due to the nature of financial time series, backtest overfitting has a detrimental effect on the future strategy’s performance.
  2. 加点中文省得被当“垃圾”帖误删了。:p
  3. 下次注意 :)
  4. 谢谢啊,下载下来看看
  5. 谢谢分享!
  6. 发现一个奇怪的地方,
    本篇论文和另外一篇,THE PROBABILITY OF BACKTEST OVERFITTING,在Reference里是互相引用的。这是怎么回事呢
  7. 同一帮人写的:D
  8. 是的。可是总有个先后啊~:eek:
  9. 你给他们写信问一下嘛.......:D