5.602 版(快樂檔)

Discussion in 'AmiBroker' started by uox3, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. 多谢楼主分享
  2. 多谢楼主分享..
  3. Thanks very much.
  4. 提示非法copy版本,然后直接弹出购买网页了。 :(
  5. v5.6
    Possible bug report:

    PlotText( "H:"+Prec((C/HHV(C,100)-1)*100,1)+"%"+"\nM:"+Prec((C/EMA(C,200)-1)*100,1)+"%"+
    "\nL:"+Prec((C/LLV(C,100)-1)*100,1)+"%" ,LastValue(BarIndex())+4,LastValue(C), colorBlack, colorYellow );

    It displays correctly in about 100bars, if you zoom out more than 100 bars, the data will be zero.
  6. according to thomas: bug fixed as below:
    PlotText( "H:"+Prec((C/HHV(C,100)-1)*100,1)+"%"+"\nM:"+Prec((C/EMA(C,200)-1)*100,1)+"%"+
    LastValue(C), colorBlack, colorYellow );
  7. 感谢分享C*CK
  8. 多谢楼主分享
  9. 多谢楼主分享..