
Discussion in 'Fund Operating and Career' started by shaqpcc, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. 我打算收徒弟,策略:easylanguage,portfolio : excel vba.
    学习架构:非 EASYLANGUAGE教学,策略创新导引。
  2. 请问你是谁
  3. enjoy pyramiding stratgey.

    Input : LL1(5),LL2(10),LL3(20),LL4(30);
    Var : BC1(False), BC2(False), BC3(False), BC4(False), BC5(False),
    SC1(False), SC2(False), SC3(False), SC4(False), SC5(False),

    Avg1 = Average(Close,LL1);
    Avg2 = Average(Close,LL2);
    Avg3 = Average(Close,LL3);
    Avg4 = Average(Close,LL4);

    BC1 = MarketPosition = 0 AND Close Crosses Over Avg2;
    SC1 = MarketPosition = 0 AND Close Crosses Under Avg2;

    IF BC1 Then Buy ("Buy1") Next Bar at Open;
    IF SC1 Then Sell ("Sell1") Next Bar at Open;

    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = 1 Then Exitlong ("StopB1") EntryPrice-75 Stop;
    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = -1 Then ExitShort ("StopS1") EntryPrice+75 Stop;

    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = 1 Then Buy ("Buy2") EntryPrice+200 Stop;
    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = -1 Then Sell ("Sell2") EntryPrice-200 Stop;

    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = 2 Then ExitLong ("StopB2") EntryPrice+120 Stop;
    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = -2 Then ExitShort ("StopS2") EntryPrice-120 Stop;

    BC3 = MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = 2 AND
    Close-EntryPrice >= 250 AND
    Avg2 > Avg2[1] ;
    SC3 = MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = -2 AND
    EntryPrice-Close >= 250 AND
    Avg2 < Avg2[1] ;

    IF BC3 Then Buy ("Buy3") Next Bar at Open;
    IF SC3 Then Sell ("Sell3") Next Bar at Open;

    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = 3 Then ExitLong ("StopB3") EntryPrice+170 Stop;
    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = -3 Then ExitShort ("StopS3") EntryPrice-170 Stop;

    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = 3 AND
    Avg4 < Avg4[1] AND
    Close < Avg1 Then ExitLong ("ExitB3") This Bar on Close;
    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = -3 AND
    Avg4 > Avg4[1] AND
    Close > Avg1 Then ExitShort ("ExitS3") This Bar on Close;

    BC4 = MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = 3 AND
    Close-EntryPrice >= 300 AND
    Avg4 > Avg4[1] AND
    Close Crosses Over Avg3;
    SC4 = MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = -3 AND
    EntryPrice-Close >= 300 AND
    Avg4 < Avg4[1] AND
    Close Crosses Under Avg3;

    IF BC4 Then Buy ("Buy4") Next Bar at Open;
    IF SC4 Then Sell ("Sell4") Next Bar at Open;

    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = 4 Then ExitLong ("StopB4") EntryPrice+220 Stop;
    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = -4 Then ExitShort ("StopS4") EntryPrice-220 Stop;

    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = 4 AND
    Avg4 < Avg4[1] AND
    Close < Avg1 Then ExitLong ("ExitB4") This Bar on Close;
    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = -4 AND
    Avg4 > Avg4[1] AND
    Close > Avg1 Then ExitShort ("ExitS4") This Bar on Close;

    BC5 = MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = 4 AND
    Close-EntryPrice >= 350 AND
    Close Crosses Over Avg3 AND
    Close > Avg1;
    SC5 = MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = -4 AND
    EntryPrice-Close >= 350 AND
    Close Crosses Under Avg3 AND
    Close < Avg1;

    IF BC5 Then Buy ("Buy5") Next Bar at Open;
    IF SC5 Then Sell ("Sell5") Next Bar at Open;

    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = 5 Then ExitLong ("StopB5") EntryPrice+270 Stop;
    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = -5 Then ExitShort ("StopS5") EntryPrice-270 Stop;

    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = 5 AND
    Avg4 < Avg4[1] AND
    Close < Avg1 Then ExitLong ("ExitB5") This Bar on Close;
    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = -5 AND
    Avg4 > Avg4[1] AND
    Close > Avg1 Then ExitShort ("ExitS5") This Bar on Close;

    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = 5 AND
    Close-EntryPrice >=500 Then ExitLong ("WIN!!!B") This Bar on Close;
    IF MarketPosition * CurrentContracts = -5 AND
    EntryPrice-Close >=500 Then ExitShort ("WIN!!!S") This Bar on Close;
  4. 还给徒弟津贴?
  5. zbk


  6. 从楼主出徒的,可以来找我 ^_^
  7. 古代师傅收徒弟都包吃包住,不过也得帮师傅打杂.我也拜过师,给过红包,可惜是个骗局.脱产学习要下决心,这并不容易,当然要给津贴,相对的,也要付出打杂似的代价.有缘者,你以后写的策略不需要外流出去,想有更好的发展我都会帮你准备齐全.大家在attain capital 跟collect2看到的策略其实都不入流,过去我也沉迷在原来大家都不过尔尔…..策略本身肯定有好坏的差别,但也不至于像市面上的那么差劲.compass 这种绩效都还能列入前十名…….
  8. 附带一提:上面的金字塔加码五口(N口也行 )没啥好研究的.商品分散与策略分散的效果比加码效果好的多.问题是人生有多少时间可以浪费,光是写策略都可以花上十年还找不到正确的方向.
    tree likes this.
  9. 前几天看到有个靠MAXDD回檔50以上的加码策略赚很多钱的问教授一个问题:20支策略搭配20个商品?该如何配置?教授给的方案是我们2008年的方式,当然大多数在作策略配置的人也是这样配.不过这是错误的,因为没有可能这样配置的方式还导致4个poogram trader 几乎再同一段时间,超过公司的MAXDD规定,而走路……
  10. taiwan保留的传统还是比dalu多。
  11. 这个机会挺不错的。不过我开发出的历史回测能盈利的策略,已经超过30个了。怎么办?


  12. 看楼主为数不多的帖子里面提到不少trader的“最爱”
    希望你如愿收到高徒 :)
  13. 程序交易目前是百花齐放,各家争言。可惜的是赢家只有两派。一个是portfolio,另一个还是portfolio.差异在于portfolio的处理方式。当然还有一个基本差异:策略创新。每个人针对策略的理解有着极大的差异。ex:策略活多少时间?有人說有效策略时间很难超过2年,那是因为他最佳化(不管有无over fitting ).有人说
    我也只是一家之言,有缘着请自行加我qq 。
  14. LZ留得QQ对吗?
  15. 不错的想法,恭喜楼主早日招到徒弟
  16. 看起来我也能收徒弟了,不过为什么要收徒弟呢?特别还是不认识的人……按我的理解,lz主要还是来表达一下自己目前的状态吧。
  17. 丹尼斯招人之初有没有受到各种非议呢?
  18. 好机会,才看到,不知还能加入吗?
  19. 才看到,还能多收一个吗?
  20. 等于zero的人士招募吗