.NET for AmiBroker

Discussion in 'AmiBroker' started by espresso, Nov 27, 2011.

  1. 今天在AB官网下载保存v5.40版本的时候,看到几个新增加的第三方网站和工具,其中这个看着比较好, .NET 粉丝估计比较喜欢 :D



    .NET for AmiBroker is a 3rd party software package that provides full .NET programmability to AmiBroker.

    .NET for AmiBroker covers all programmable features of AmiBroker and provides access to them from .NET code. All built-in AFL functions, AFL objects and AFL array operators, all types of plug-in interfaces, the whole OLE automation interface and the IBController can be accessed and used from .NET code.

    Indicators, filters, scanners, explorations, custom backtester modules, automated and real time trading systems, optimizer and data source plug-ins, OLE automation programs that drive custom optimization and scanner processes or data loading, etc. can be developed in C#, VB.NET, VC.NET, F#, or any .NET language of your choice.

    .NET class library helps to write trading logic code as simple as an AFL script. .NET plugins can be used together with AFL scripts.
  2. Interactive Brokers 这个Plugin看上去很强。

    从这个BUG HUNTER CONTEST来看,还处于不成熟的阶段。:confused:
  3. 好像没什么人用呢,还是等等吧。
  4. 更新到5.492,用得好好的,昨天打开AB,所有的图都不见了,包括Realtime Quote的符号也都消失了。今天看到有新5.50,upgrade后,告知我的license expired了,无法使用。不想再更新了,退回到5.49。
  5. still on v5.2
    I guess my lic works up to v5.4x
  6. 看了一眼,Account Information已经更新了。
  7. 越来越觉得AB没劲了,我报告的bug到现在也没fix。更新来更新去小打小闹,这半价交的不舒服。去他NND,不更新了。
  8. 还好吧,我用v5.20好好的,所以也懒得更新。:)
  9. AB适合你的风格,我只是画线。pitchfork刚画好时还是平行的,换个timeframe就变成二郎腿了。报告许久了,所以每次更新都希望fix了,现在还那样。