I present to you the Holy Grail for trading

Discussion in 'Risk and Uncertainty' started by fractal, May 18, 2010.

  1. I'm serious, this could be the most important post you read all year !

    Hi Everyone,

    I’ve been out of pocket for a few days... and with good reason, I’ve been working on a tool to help your trading. Yes, you read this correct: “Your Trading”.

    You see, I already understand the benefits of Position Sizing, Expectancy and R-Multiples, but it does me know good if you do not understand these tools.

    For months now, I’ve been speaking about Position Sizing, Expectancy and R-Multiples, but with the exception of a few people...I’ve been talking to the wall because most people just don’t care, don’t want to listen or don’t want to be bothered.

    It’s unfortunate for these people because they are missing out on what could change their lives forever. What I’m about to reveal to you is the “Missing Link” to your trading.

    Almost every trader out there is on a quest to be “Right” and "Win" on most of their trades. Well, I’m about to show you why that is the WRONG WAY TO TRADE and it’s certainly not necessary to even think you need to win on most of your trades.

    There is the fundamental problem with 95% of all traders out there today and it’s this “Damn need to be right" or win on most of their trades that causes them to lose in the first place.

    Remember, trading is about making money... not being right. Here is a quote from professional trader Marshall Sass:

    “In trading you’re not paid for analyzing charts. You’re not paid for calling in the order. What you are paid for is successfully managing the position while it’s on”

    Most people can read and understand that quote, but they can’t accept it and therein lies the problem with 95% of all traders.

    So, after 3 years... we have a solution: The Money Expert!

    Here’s the deal... My very existence is about helping people learn how to trade profitably. There is no great thrill (for me) to take a losing trader and turn he or she into a consistently profitable trader.


    Because when you turn someone into a profitable trader, you change that person’s life...

    And hopefully that’s about what I’m going to do for you.

    First, I want you to promise me one thing:

    I want you to read Van Tharp’s book called: Trade Your way to Financial Freedom:


    What I’m about to give you comes directly out of Van’s book and this tool you are about to use is going to accelerate your learning curve. However, you still need this book because you need to understand why it works so you condition your mind to accepting the fact that it does work. This is very important because if you do not condition the mind you will revert back to your old ways and that’s why you are not getting the success that you want... so read the book.

    Ok, since we have a long weekend and no trading on Monday I thought this would be a perfect time to send you this new tool and give your plenty of time to learn it. Below is a video that I created to show you how to use it.


    Here is the video: http://www.mtptrader.com/videos/MoneyExpert.html


    Here is the Money Expert: http://www.mtptrader.com/MoneyExpert.xls


    Many people will wonder why I spent 3 years working on this and then give it away. First off, it didn’t take three years to build... it took a couple of days. What took so long was to find somebody who understood not only what Position Sizing was, but Expectancy as well as R-Multiples AND could program in Excel.

    The second reason is once you learn how this works... I want you to do me the favor and go help someone else. Go send this to a friend who needs to learn this information. Reciprocity is a powerful law of the universe, but only if you are willing to do your part.

    What you now have in front of you could very well change your life, but that’s up to you. It is my sincere hope that you use this tool and read Van Tharp’s book because if you do... I guarantee you this: You will become one of the top 5% of all traders who knows how the game is played and more importantly, knows how to profit from the rules or laws of professional trading. Now, go make it happen :)

    My very best to you,

    Matt Bowen
    Sincere wishes for a good life
    and (always!)... higher profit$,

    Matt Bowen
    Director of U.S. Sales

    MTPredictor Ltd.
    Toll Free: 1-800-856-1582
    Office Direct: 440-238-0072

    MTPredictor and Isolation Approach are trademarks of MTPredictor Ltd.

    Risk disclaimer and disclosure: Trades shown are hypothetical, not executed. They are shown for illustration and training purposes only. Trade at your own risk.
  2. 看了半天终于看懂了,原来是产品广告!
  3. 不是广告,是疗效
  4. 我在想怎么 Fractal 也做上广告了。
  5. 还好我没看完
  6. 看完了,也下下来了,
    但是不知道有什么用, 是个检验你的操作的东西?
  7. 粗看了一下,好象是用EXCEL的宏来做奖金曲线。
    有点Holy Grail 的影子的样子。
  8. 再细看了一下,这是一个比较简单的资金曲线模拟工具,主要参数有三个: