MC Emini ES/NQ 1miute data for free

Discussion in 'MultiCharts' started by oliveagle, Dec 27, 2009.

  1. 我知道国内交易员研究自动化交易很苦,没有免费的好软件,没有免费的 NA数据,所以发扬一下风格借花献佛。有需要的同志去下吧

    NQ 05年10月到09年12月的1分钟
    ES 也差不多这么久

  2. THANKS.
  3. 感謝
  4. 再苦也要研究下去!
  5. Hi Oliveagle,

    I am a new trader. Please share the recent 6 months ES and NQ 5 minutes data.

    Thanks and best regards,
  6. I use 2003 Execel to open it and it says
    "File not loaded completely"

    Only 65536 rows are loaded!

    Why is that?
  7. Thanks for sharing !

    bullstock, it's merely plain text file.
    don't use Excel to open it, just too many rows for Excel to handle...
  8. 谁有TF Russell 2000的1分钟data?谢谢了。