
Discussion in 'Quantum and Mind' started by omnpmh, Dec 20, 2009.

  1. 最大对冲基金之一的SAC Capital,日前被其一位雇员告上曼哈顿高等法院。37岁的交易员童安德鲁(Andrew Tong),指控他41岁的上司蒋平(Ping Jiang音译),迫使他服用女性荷尔蒙药物,说这样可以使他的工作成绩更好。




  2. 吃雌性激素,交易不太激进赚大钱


    性骚扰的案例对华尔街并非新鲜事,但这件冲基金公司SAC Capital最新例子尽管出现“色戒”的黄潮下,仍是让人跌破眼镜,啼笑皆非。



    这个案例实在太黄、太水(广东话叫“咸湿”),令广大百姓难以消受,用英文说叫做too joucy and salacious forpublicconsumption,加之江大款对一切申诉矢口否认,Tong老兄在纽约最高法院的案子已经被转为庭外公断(arbitration)。
  3. Sex, lies and trading -- the bizarre SAC story
    Let me see if I've got this straight: former trader Andrew Tong is suing hedge fund giant SAC Capital Advisors LLC because his supervisor Ping Jiang ordered him to swallow estrogen pills and wear women's clothing in order to make him more feminine in order to become a more successful trader, according to The New York Post.

    SAC vehemently denies Tong's allegations, which the Post says are being investigated by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Tong also now claims he was sexually assaulted at work, a claim an S.A.C. flack told the newspaper was "scurrilous."

    A couple of questions come to mind. First, why wouldn't Jiang just hire more women instead of making a man take female hormones? And could estrogen makes someone a savvier trader of stocks? None of it makes a lick of sense to me.

    Wall Street's culture clearly isn't for the faint of heart. Sure, you can make tons of money, but the pressure to perform is enormous. People get chewed up and spit out at firms like S.A.C. fairly regularly. I have no idea whether the allegations against Tong are true, but I can tell you this isn't the first report of weird behavior among Wall Street's elite, and it won't be the last.

    The SAC situation, though, could create more headaches for the hedge fund industry than just embarrassing tabloid headlines. Hedge funds and private equity firms have a serious image problem. Their power and influence seems to have mushroomed overnight, prompting some people, particularly in Congress, to wonder whether that's such a good thing.

    Hedge funds and private equity companies are lobbying Congress with a vengeance to head off efforts to make them pay more taxes on the huge fees earned by their managers. Though the effort has slowed some lately, I believe this is a fight that the industry can't win in the long run. Americans admire rich people, but hate those they think earned their wealth through a tax loophole.

    That's why Tong may soon find himself with a big fat check from SAC. Any cost to SAC honcho Steven A. Cohen pales in comparison with the price the firm and the rest of the industry is paying if the scandal continues to play out in The Post and the courts.
  4. 也算开眼界
  5. 凯恩斯也是,龙阳君也是,见怪不怪。

  6. 里面的六屏幕交易系统 看起来很叼 有这样的配置单吗?还有软件体系

  7. 不就是一套交易硬件平台,随便欧美找个供应商,全给你做了。
  8. 兄台思维之敏感,我所不及。
  9. 哈哈 太搞了。。。
  10. 音乐风格,两个人的嗓音都没话说,可是我听的懂歌词.......:(败笔

  11. 真是没有条件,创造条件也要“上”啊,大trader思路果然异于常人,服了::eek:
  12. 大家别被小报记者误导了,江平还是很有一套的。
  13. 中信信托-江平超级价值1期信托计划
    资金门槛(万): 100万

    成立日期: 2009-05-11
    收益率 自成立日以来
    江平超级价值1期表现 -2.63%
    同期沪深300表现 28.17%

  14. [​IMG]

  15. 果然很平滑.......

  16. 你们看清楚了吗?那个不是波动挺大的。