
Discussion in 'MetaTrader' started by song, Oct 3, 2009.

  1. 我只知道可以获取broker名称,但有没脚本可以通用区分ECN的,谢谢啊~~
  2. 交易成本里,ECN收手續費的吧,MM是收點差的。
  3. 谢谢,不过我要问的是在EA里用脚本来分辨broker是否ECN,...
  4. 可以分辨是否是浮动点差,也不准确。
  5. MM也是浮动点差的,你凭这个分辨不了。
  6. 這就是分辨方法啊,但要下單后才能判斷傭金值是否大于零。
    if(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL) ==0)
  7. 谢谢,这也是一个方法 :)
  8. MB trading正式接受MT4开户了,照他们说是ECN的...
  9. 还是测试版。
  10. Market Maker

    A market maker provides liquidity for a particular currency pair and stands ready to buy or sell that currency by displaying a bid and offer price. A market maker takes the opposite side of your trade and has the option of holding that position or partially or fully offsetting it with other dealers, managing their aggregate exposure to the market. Market makers earn their commission from the spread between the bid and offer price.

    Forex ECN Broker

    ECN is an acronym for Electronic Communications Network. A Forex ECN does not operate a dealing desk but instead provides a marketplace where multiple market makers, banks and traders can enter competing bids and offers into the platform either inside or outside the spread, allowing traders to trade against each other and with multiple counterparties. A trader might open a trade with liquidity provider "A" and close it with liquidity provider "B", or have the trade executed against the bid or offer of another trader. Participants of the ECN send in competing bids and offers into the platform and the combined volume is usually displayed to traders at each price. Orders are matched between counterparties, usually for a small fee.


    An acronym for 'No Dealing Desk'. A no-dealing desk broker uses a matching engine to match up orders between its liquidity providers and their clients. The liquidity providers send in competing bids and offers into the platform, resulting in the best bid and offer being displayed to the trader. A no dealing desk broker may increase the spread instead of charging a commission to their clients.
  11. 有这个必要吗?

  12. 这个可以谅解,很多做股票,做外汇,做期货的不是做交易。而是做学问的,做科研的朋友。:p
  13. AccountCompany()