
Discussion in 'Wealth-Lab Developer' started by quant, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. 这个消息对海外投资者来说可不是好事, 恐怕它会走TS的老路 :(

    Dear xxxx,

    I hope you were able to participate in this morning's webcast with Dion Kurczek about the sale of Wealth-Lab Developer software to Fidelity Investments. The addition of this technical trading software to Fidelity's sophisticated toolset for active traders is very exciting news.

    Rest assured that Fidelity will commit the resources necessary to continually enhance this software's capabilities and provide you with the very best in price, support, technology, and access to the markets.

    I hope you will take advantage of our comprehensive active trader services by opening a Fidelity brokerage account. As a Fidelity Active Trader Services1 customer, you'll benefit from our powerful Active Trader Pro® platform which includes streaming Level-2 quotes, real-time interactive charting, and directed trading, as well as free upgrades to Wealth-Lab software. We also offer $8 flat commissions,2 one of the most competitive available. And, our dedicated Active Trader Services Team can provide you with critical support in meeting challenges that arise during the trading day.

    I know that you may still have questions about this news. I encourage you to speak with one of our dedicated service representatives at 1-800-823-0175, who can provide you with more information, or visit www.fidelity.com/goto/at.
  2. 原来老大是WLD的正版用户呀 :p
  3. Wealth-Lab也并没有提供给用户永久的注册号, 每装一次机器还要重新向他们要机器码. 而且他们还明确说了, 今后也不打算发给用户永久性的注册码.

    我最担心的是, Wealth-Lab今后会取消自动化交易这一快, 也就是停止提供除富达以外其它经济公司的交易平台的借口. 这就相当于你只能用Wealth-Lab在富达开户做自动交易. 可是富达只提供给国内用户做股票和股票期权的交易, 而且手续费很高-单边8美元, 相我这种国外的, 在IB开户的, 不做股票交易的人是最吃亏的. :cry:

    而且, 在富达的网站上写得清楚, 今后的开发方向是Wealth-Lab Pro: http://personal.fidelity.com/products/atp/content/wealthlab.shtml.cvsr
    所以我怀疑, 今后几年, Wealth-Lab会把开发重点放在富达的交易平台上. 这就和TS有些像了. TS从搞经济业务开始, 在测试平台上就基本没有什么太多的投入, 把时间全花在完善自己的经济业务上面了.

    而且, 我还猜测Wealth-Lab的网站也会出现一些不小的变动. 当年的"社团组织"性质的东西不会再出现了. 富达的声明说的很清楚, 它的收购包括了Wealth-Lab现有的1000多个交易系统. 这些系统可大多是会员们的贡献啊! 今后还有谁会再傻到把自己的研究成果白白送给富达的用户啊! :x

    而且让我最不爽的是, 我收到富达来信的这个email地址我只告诉过Wealth-Lab公司. 这说明什么? Wealth-Lab不单卖了所有用户对它的贡献, 还把所有用户的个人资料都卖给了富达! :evil: 从这点就可以看出, 今后,恐怕现有用户的利益得不到什么保证!

    哎! 后悔莫及啊!
  4. 哎,天下没有白吃的午餐啊

  5. WEALTH LAB 网上的1000多个系统大多一般,太一般