
Discussion in 'TradeStation' started by FX麒麟, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. {
    Livermore Market Method Signal
    Ref[1]: Chapters VIII & IX of "How to Trade in Stocks", Jesse L. Livermore

    v1 ghkramer - 5Oct03
    v1.1 ghkramer - 11Oct03, Added switch to deactive Rule 10 logic
    Program Overview

    This program classifies price action into the following states based upon
    rules in Ref[1]:

    - Up Trend
    - Natural Rally
    - Secondary Rally
    - Down Trend
    - Natural Reaction
    - Secondary Reaction

    State change is determined by a user specified threshold of price change.
    The program also determines a number of pivot points:

    - Peak Up Trend Price
    - Peak Natural Rally Price
    - Bottom Down Trend Price
    - Bottom Natural Reaction Price
    - Key Price (requires two stocks, i.e., 2 or more data streams (Rule 7), not yet implemented)

    This program may be used as a basis for a number of studies:
    - trend paint bars,
    - pivot price indicator lines
    - strategies (trend following and/or breakout/breakdown)

    For a detailed explanation of the system see Ref[1].

    This program reflects the author's interpretation of Livermore's writing.
    There is no guarantee the this program accurately or fully incorporates
    Livermore's Market Key system.

    input: PtsPctATR(0), Threshold(6), ATRLength(14), TradeTrends(1);

    { PtsPctATR: 0 for Threshold in points,
    1 for Threshold in Percent
    2 for Threshold in multiples of ATR

    Threshold: in Points (if PtsPct = 0)
    in Percent (if PtsPct = 1)
    in ATR Multiples (if PtsPct = 2)

    ATRLength(14) : only used when PtsPctATR = 2

    TradeTrends: 1 = Trade Up and Down Trends only
    0 = Long for Up Trends and Rallies, Short for Dn Trends and Reactions

    Note: Livermore's system used a threshold of 6 points for stocks priced over $30.
    This is the default (PtsPctATR = 0, Threshold = 6).


    SecondaryRally(0), NaturalRally(0), UpTrend(0),
    SecondaryReaction(0), NaturalReaction(0), DnTrend(0),
    DnTrendBL(0), NaturalRallyBL(0), {BL = Black Line}
    UpTrendRL(0), NaturalReactionRL(0), {RL = Red Line}
    InSecRally(false), InNatRally(false), InUpTrend(false),
    InSecReact(false), InNatReact(false), InDnTrend(false),
    ResumeUpTrend(false), ResumeDnTrend(false),
    MA10(0), Thresh(0), HalfThresh(0),
    UseRule10(false), {set to true to use Livermore's Rule 10, note: system may become unstable}
    Debug(false); {set to true for output}

    if (CurrentBar = 1) then
    if (PtsPctATR = 0) {use Points} then
    Thresh = Threshold;
    HalfThresh = Thresh/2;
    SecondaryRally = Close;
    NaturalRally = Close;
    UpTrend = Close;
    SecondaryReaction = Close;
    NaturalReaction = Close;
    DnTrend = Close;

    if (CurrentBar <= 21) then {initialization continued}
    MA10 = Average(Close, 10);
    if (CurrentBar = 21) then
    if (MA10 > MA10[10]) then {assume UpTrend}
    InUpTrend = true;
    UpTrend = C;
    else {assume DnTrend}
    InDnTrend = true;
    DnTrend = C;
    else {Main}
    begin {calc current Threshold if required}
    if (PtsPctATR = 1) then {use Percent change Thresh, calc on every bar }
    Thresh = Threshold*Close[1]/100;
    HalfThresh = Thresh/2;
    else if (PtsPctATR = 2) then {use ATR multiples for Thresh, calc on every bar }
    Thresh = Threshold*AvgTrueRange(14);
    HalfThresh = Thresh/2;

    {Process by Current State}

    {------Up Trend State-------}
    if InUpTrend then
    if (Close > (NaturalReaction + Threshold)) then
    NaturalReactionRL = NaturalReaction; {Rule 4b}
    if ResumeUpTrend then {Rule 10 logic. Note: system becomes unstable if used}
    if (Close > (UpTrendRL + HalfThresh)) then
    ResumeUpTrend = false; {Rule 10a}
    UpTrend = Close;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 1", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < (UpTrendRL - HalfThresh)) then {UpTrend Over, return to NaturalReaction}
    ResumeUpTrend = false;
    InUpTrend = false; {Rule 10b}
    InNatReact = true;
    NaturalReaction = Close;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 2", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < (UpTrend - Thresh)) then {start NaturalReaction}
    begin {Rules 4a, 6a}
    InUpTrend = false;
    InNatReact = true;
    NaturalReaction = Close;
    UpTrendRL = UpTrend; {Pivot Pt, Rule 8}
    ResumeUpTrend = false;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 3", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > UpTrend) then {remain in UpTrend, record higher price}
    UpTrend = Close; {Rule 1, 4b, 6d}
    end {InUpTrend}

    {------Natural Rally State-------}
    else if InNatRally then
    if (Close > (NaturalReaction + Threshold)) then
    NaturalReactionRL = NaturalReaction; {Rule 4b}
    if (Close > UpTrend) then {resume UpTrend}
    begin {Rules 6d, 6f}
    InUpTrend = true;
    InNatRally = false;
    UpTrend = Close;
    if UseRule10 then ResumeUpTrend = true;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 4", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > (NaturalRallyBL + HalfThresh)) then {resume UpTrend}
    begin {Rules 5a}
    InUpTrend = true;
    InNatRally = false;
    UpTrend = Close;
    if UseRule10 then ResumeUpTrend = true;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 5", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < DnTrend) then {start DnTrend}
    begin {Rule 6b}
    InNatRally = false;
    InDnTrend = true;
    DnTrend = Close;
    NaturalRallyBL = Close; {rule 4d}
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 6", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < (NaturalRally - Thresh)) then
    if (Close < NaturalReaction) then {start NaturalReaction}
    begin {Rules 4d, 6b}
    InNatRally = false;
    InNatReact = true;
    NaturalReaction = Close;
    NaturalRallyBL = Close; {rule 4d} {Pivot Pt, Rule 9b}
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 7", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else {start SecondaryReaction}
    begin {Rule 6h}
    InNatRally = false;
    InSecReact = true;
    SecondaryReaction = Close;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 8", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > NaturalRally) then {remain in NaturalRally, record higher price}
    NaturalRally = Close; {Rule 3, 6c, 6d}
    end {InNatRally}

    {------Secondary Rally State-------}
    else if InSecRally then
    if (Close > UpTrend) then {resume UpTrend}
    begin {Rules 6d, 6f}
    InUpTrend = true;
    InSecRally = false;
    UpTrend = Close;
    if UseRule10 then ResumeUpTrend = true;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 9", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > (NaturalRallyBL + HalfThresh)) then {resume UpTrend}
    begin {Rules 5a}
    InUpTrend = true;
    InSecRally = false;
    UpTrend = Close;
    if UseRule10 then ResumeUpTrend = true;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 10", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > NaturalRally) then {start NaturalRally}
    begin {Rule 6g}
    InSecReact = false;
    InNatRally = true;
    NaturalRally = Close;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 11", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < DnTrend) then {start DnTrend}
    begin {Rule 6b}
    InSecRally = false;
    InDnTrend = true;
    DnTrend = Close;
    NaturalRallyBL = Close; {rule 4d} {Pivot Pt, Rule 9b}
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 12", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > SecondaryRally) then {remain in SecondaryRally, record higher price}
    SecondaryRally = Close; {Rule 3, 6g}
    end {InSecRally}

    {------Down Trend State-------}
    else if InDnTrend then
    if (Close < (NaturalRally - Threshold)) then
    NaturalRallyBL = NaturalRally; {Rule 4d}
    if ResumeDnTrend then {Rule 10 logic. Note: system becomes unstable if used}
    if (Close < (DnTrendBL - HalfThresh)) then
    ResumeDnTrend = false; {Rule 10a}
    DnTrend = Close; {Rule 2, 6b}
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 13", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > (DnTrendBL + HalfThresh)) then {DnTrend Over, return to NaturalRally}
    ResumeDnTrend = false;
    InDnTrend = false; {Rule 10c}
    InNatRally = true;
    NaturalRally = Close;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 14", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > (DnTrend + Thresh)) then {start NaturalRally}
    begin {Rules 4c, 6c}
    InDnTrend = false;
    InNatRally = true;
    NaturalRally = Close;
    DnTrendBL = DnTrend; {Pivot Pt, Rule 8}
    ResumeDnTrend = false;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 15", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < DnTrend) then {remain in DnTrend, record lower price}
    DnTrend = Close; {Rule 2, 6b}
    end {InSecRally}

    {------Natural Reaction State-------}
    else if InNatReact then
    if (Close < (NaturalRally - Threshold)) then
    NaturalRallyBL = NaturalRally; {Rule 4d}
    if (Close < DnTrend) then {resume DnTrend}
    begin {Rule 6b, 6e}
    InDnTrend = true;
    InNatReact = false;
    DnTrend = Close;
    if UseRule10 then ResumeDnTrend = true;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 16", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < (NaturalReactionRL - HalfThresh)) then {resume DnTrend}
    begin {Rules 5b}
    InDnTrend = true;
    InNatReact = false;
    DnTrend = Close;
    if UseRule10 then ResumeDnTrend = true;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 17", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > UpTrend) then {start UpTrend}
    begin {rule 6d}
    InNatReact = false;
    InUpTrend = true;
    UpTrend = Close;
    NaturalReactionRL = Close; {Rule 4b} {Pivot Pt, Rule 9c}
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 18", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > (NaturalReaction + Thresh)) then
    if (Close > NaturalRally) then {start NaturalRally}
    begin {Rules 4b, 6d}
    InNatReact = false;
    InNatRally = true;
    NaturalRally = Close;
    NaturalReactionRL = Close; {Rule 4b} {Pivot Pt, Rule 9c}
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 19", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else {start SecondaryRally}
    begin {Rule 6g}
    InNatReact = false;
    InSecRally = true;
    SecondaryRally = Close;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 20", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < NaturalReaction) then {remain in NaturalReaction, record lower price}
    NaturalReaction = Close; {Rules 3, 6a, 6b}
    end {InNatReact}

    {------Secondary Reaction State-------}
    else if InSecReact then
    if (Close < DnTrend) then {resume DnTrend}
    begin {Rules 6b, 6e}
    InDnTrend = true;
    InSecReact = false;
    DnTrend = Close;
    if UseRule10 then ResumeDnTrend = true;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 21", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < (NaturalReactionRL - HalfThresh)) then {resume DnTrend}
    begin {Rules 5b}
    InDnTrend = true;
    InSecReact = false;
    DnTrend = Close;
    if UseRule10 then ResumeDnTrend = true;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 22", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > UpTrend) then {start UpTrend}
    begin {Rule 6d}
    InSecReact = false;
    InUpTrend = true;
    UpTrend = Close;
    NaturalReactionRL = Close; {Rule 4b} {Pivot Pt, Rule 9c}
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 23", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < NaturalReaction) then {start NaturalReaction}
    begin {Rule 6h}
    InSecReact = false;
    InNatReact = true;
    NaturalReaction = Close;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 24", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < SecondaryReaction) then {remain in SecondaryReaction, record lower price}
    SecondaryReaction = Close; {Rule 6h}
    end {InSecReact}

    {------Error State-------}
    {should not get here!!!}
    if Debug then
    print("Error in State Logic, Date: ", Date, " Time: ", Time);
    end; {Error state}

    end; {main}

    {------Trading Logic-------}

    {For TS 2000i only, non-op or delete for TS 6+ }
    if (TradeTrends = 1) then
    if InUpTrend then
    Buy next bar at open
    else if (Marketposition = 1) then
    ExitLong next bar at open;

    if InDnTrend then
    Sell next bar at open
    else if (Marketposition = -1) then
    ExitShort next bar at open;
    else {Trade Trends, Rallies, and Reactions}
    if (InUpTrend or InNatRally or InSecRally) then
    Buy next bar at open;
    ExitShort next bar at open;

    if (InDnTrend or InNatReact or InSecReact) then
    Sell next bar at open;
    ExitLong next bar at open;

    { For TS 6+ versions}

    if (TradeTrends = 1) then
    if InUpTrend then
    Buy next bar at open
    else if (Marketposition = 1) then
    Sell next bar at open;

    if InDnTrend then
    Sell Short next bar at open
    else if (Marketposition = -1) then
    Buy to Cover next bar at open;
    if (InUpTrend or InNatRally or InSecRally) then
    Buy next bar at open;
    Buy to Cover next bar at open;

    if (InDnTrend or InNatReact or InSecReact) then
    Sell Short next bar at open;
    Sell next bar at open;
  2. 多谢,
    猜想也是neo_cn 老大出手帮忙。
    这个是 自动交易的
    请问是否还有一个 indicator的paintbar指标?
  3. [LegacyColorValue = true];

    Livermore Market Method
    Ref[1]: Chapters VIII & IX of "How to Trade in Stocks", Jesse L. Livermore

    v1 ghkramer - 5Oct03
    v1.1 ghkramer - 11Oct03, Added switch to deactive Rule 10 logic
    Program Overview

    This program classifies price action into the following states based upon
    rules in Ref[1]:

    - Up Trend
    - Natural Rally
    - Secondary Rally
    - Down Trend
    - Natural Reaction
    - Secondary Reaction

    State change is determined by a user specified threshold of price change.
    The program also determines a number of pivot points:

    - Peak Up Trend Price
    - Peak Natural Rally Price
    - Bottom Down Trend Price
    - Bottom Natural Reaction Price
    - Key Price (requires two stocks, i.e., 2 or more data streams (Rule 7), not yet implemented)

    This program may be used as a basis for a number of studies:
    - trend paint bars,
    - pivot price indicator lines
    - strategies (trend following and/or breakout/breakdown)

    For a detailed explanation of the system see Ref[1].

    This program reflects the author's interpretation of Livermore's writing.
    There is no guarantee the this program accurately or fully incorporates
    Livermore's Market Key system.

    input: PtsPctATR(0), Threshold(6), ATRLength(14),
    DnTrendColor(Red), UpTrendColor(Blue),
    ReactColor(Magenta), RallyColor(DarkGreen);

    { PtsPctATR: 0 for Threshold in points,
    1 for Threshold in Percent
    2 for Threshold in multiples of ATR

    Threshold: in Points (if PtsPct = 0)
    in Percent (if PtsPct = 1)
    in ATR Multiples (if PtsPct = 2)

    ATRLength(14) : only used when PtsPctATR = 2

    Note: Livermore's system used a threshold of 6 points for stocks priced over $30.
    This is the default (PtsPctATR = 0, Threshold = 6).


    SecondaryRally(0), NaturalRally(0), UpTrend(0),
    SecondaryReaction(0), NaturalReaction(0), DnTrend(0),
    DnTrendBL(0), NaturalRallyBL(0), {BL = Black Line}
    UpTrendRL(0), NaturalReactionRL(0), {RL = Red Line}
    InSecRally(false), InNatRally(false), InUpTrend(false),
    InSecReact(false), InNatReact(false), InDnTrend(false),
    ResumeUpTrend(false), ResumeDnTrend(false),
    MA10(0), Thresh(0), HalfThresh(0),
    UseRule10(false), {set to true to use Livermore's Rule 10, note: system may become unstable}
    Debug(false); {set to true for output}

    if (CurrentBar = 1) then
    if (PtsPctATR = 0) {use Points} then
    Thresh = Threshold;
    HalfThresh = Thresh/2;
    SecondaryRally = Close;
    NaturalRally = Close;
    UpTrend = Close;
    SecondaryReaction = Close;
    NaturalReaction = Close;
    DnTrend = Close;

    if (CurrentBar <= 21) then {initialization continued}
    MA10 = Average(Close, 10);
    if (CurrentBar = 21) then
    if (MA10 > MA10[10]) then {assume UpTrend}
    InUpTrend = true;
    UpTrend = C;
    else {assume DnTrend}
    InDnTrend = true;
    DnTrend = C;
    else {Main}
    begin {calc current Threshold if required}
    if (PtsPctATR = 1) then {use Percent change Thresh, calc on every bar }
    Thresh = Threshold*Close[1]/100;
    HalfThresh = Thresh/2;
    else if (PtsPctATR = 2) then {use ATR multiples for Thresh, calc on every bar }
    Thresh = Threshold*AvgTrueRange(14);
    HalfThresh = Thresh/2;

    {Process by Current State}

    {------Up Trend State-------}
    if InUpTrend then
    if (Close > (NaturalReaction + Threshold)) then
    NaturalReactionRL = NaturalReaction; {Rule 4b}
    if ResumeUpTrend then {Rule 10 logic. Note: system becomes unstable if used}
    if (Close > (UpTrendRL + HalfThresh)) then
    ResumeUpTrend = false; {Rule 10a}
    UpTrend = Close;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 1", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < (UpTrendRL - HalfThresh)) then {UpTrend Over, return to NaturalReaction}
    ResumeUpTrend = false;
    InUpTrend = false; {Rule 10b}
    InNatReact = true;
    NaturalReaction = Close;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 2", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < (UpTrend - Thresh)) then {start NaturalReaction}
    begin {Rules 4a, 6a}
    InUpTrend = false;
    InNatReact = true;
    NaturalReaction = Close;
    UpTrendRL = UpTrend; {Pivot Pt, Rule 8}
    ResumeUpTrend = false;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 3", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > UpTrend) then {remain in UpTrend, record higher price}
    UpTrend = Close; {Rule 1, 4b, 6d}
    end {InUpTrend}

    {------Natural Rally State-------}
    else if InNatRally then
    if (Close > (NaturalReaction + Threshold)) then
    NaturalReactionRL = NaturalReaction; {Rule 4b}
    if (Close > UpTrend) then {resume UpTrend}
    begin {Rules 6d, 6f}
    InUpTrend = true;
    InNatRally = false;
    UpTrend = Close;
    if UseRule10 then ResumeUpTrend = true;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 4", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > (NaturalRallyBL + HalfThresh)) then {resume UpTrend}
    begin {Rules 5a}
    InUpTrend = true;
    InNatRally = false;
    UpTrend = Close;
    if UseRule10 then ResumeUpTrend = true;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 5", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < DnTrend) then {start DnTrend}
    begin {Rule 6b}
    InNatRally = false;
    InDnTrend = true;
    DnTrend = Close;
    NaturalRallyBL = Close; {rule 4d}
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 6", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < (NaturalRally - Thresh)) then
    if (Close < NaturalReaction) then {start NaturalReaction}
    begin {Rules 4d, 6b}
    InNatRally = false;
    InNatReact = true;
    NaturalReaction = Close;
    NaturalRallyBL = Close; {rule 4d} {Pivot Pt, Rule 9b}
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 7", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else {start SecondaryReaction}
    begin {Rule 6h}
    InNatRally = false;
    InSecReact = true;
    SecondaryReaction = Close;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 8", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > NaturalRally) then {remain in NaturalRally, record higher price}
    NaturalRally = Close; {Rule 3, 6c, 6d}
    end {InNatRally}

    {------Secondary Rally State-------}
    else if InSecRally then
    if (Close > UpTrend) then {resume UpTrend}
    begin {Rules 6d, 6f}
    InUpTrend = true;
    InSecRally = false;
    UpTrend = Close;
    if UseRule10 then ResumeUpTrend = true;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 9", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > (NaturalRallyBL + HalfThresh)) then {resume UpTrend}
    begin {Rules 5a}
    InUpTrend = true;
    InSecRally = false;
    UpTrend = Close;
    if UseRule10 then ResumeUpTrend = true;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 10", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > NaturalRally) then {start NaturalRally}
    begin {Rule 6g}
    InSecReact = false;
    InNatRally = true;
    NaturalRally = Close;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 11", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < DnTrend) then {start DnTrend}
    begin {Rule 6b}
    InSecRally = false;
    InDnTrend = true;
    DnTrend = Close;
    NaturalRallyBL = Close; {rule 4d} {Pivot Pt, Rule 9b}
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 12", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > SecondaryRally) then {remain in SecondaryRally, record higher price}
    SecondaryRally = Close; {Rule 3, 6g}
    end {InSecRally}

    {------Down Trend State-------}
    else if InDnTrend then
    if (Close < (NaturalRally - Threshold)) then
    NaturalRallyBL = NaturalRally; {Rule 4d}
    if ResumeDnTrend then {Rule 10 logic. Note: system becomes unstable if used}
    if (Close < (DnTrendBL - HalfThresh)) then
    ResumeDnTrend = false; {Rule 10a}
    DnTrend = Close; {Rule 2, 6b}
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 13", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > (DnTrendBL + HalfThresh)) then {DnTrend Over, return to NaturalRally}
    ResumeDnTrend = false;
    InDnTrend = false; {Rule 10c}
    InNatRally = true;
    NaturalRally = Close;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 14", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > (DnTrend + Thresh)) then {start NaturalRally}
    begin {Rules 4c, 6c}
    InDnTrend = false;
    InNatRally = true;
    NaturalRally = Close;
    DnTrendBL = DnTrend; {Pivot Pt, Rule 8}
    ResumeDnTrend = false;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 15", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < DnTrend) then {remain in DnTrend, record lower price}
    DnTrend = Close; {Rule 2, 6b}
    end {InSecRally}

    {------Natural Reaction State-------}
    else if InNatReact then
    if (Close < (NaturalRally - Threshold)) then
    NaturalRallyBL = NaturalRally; {Rule 4d}
    if (Close < DnTrend) then {resume DnTrend}
    begin {Rule 6b, 6e}
    InDnTrend = true;
    InNatReact = false;
    DnTrend = Close;
    if UseRule10 then ResumeDnTrend = true;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 16", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < (NaturalReactionRL - HalfThresh)) then {resume DnTrend}
    begin {Rules 5b}
    InDnTrend = true;
    InNatReact = false;
    DnTrend = Close;
    if UseRule10 then ResumeDnTrend = true;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 17", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > UpTrend) then {start UpTrend}
    begin {rule 6d}
    InNatReact = false;
    InUpTrend = true;
    UpTrend = Close;
    NaturalReactionRL = Close; {Rule 4b} {Pivot Pt, Rule 9c}
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 18", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > (NaturalReaction + Thresh)) then
    if (Close > NaturalRally) then {start NaturalRally}
    begin {Rules 4b, 6d}
    InNatReact = false;
    InNatRally = true;
    NaturalRally = Close;
    NaturalReactionRL = Close; {Rule 4b} {Pivot Pt, Rule 9c}
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 19", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else {start SecondaryRally}
    begin {Rule 6g}
    InNatReact = false;
    InSecRally = true;
    SecondaryRally = Close;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 20", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < NaturalReaction) then {remain in NaturalReaction, record lower price}
    NaturalReaction = Close; {Rules 3, 6a, 6b}
    end {InNatReact}

    {------Secondary Reaction State-------}
    else if InSecReact then
    if (Close < DnTrend) then {resume DnTrend}
    begin {Rules 6b, 6e}
    InDnTrend = true;
    InSecReact = false;
    DnTrend = Close;
    if UseRule10 then ResumeDnTrend = true;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 21", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < (NaturalReactionRL - HalfThresh)) then {resume DnTrend}
    begin {Rules 5b}
    InDnTrend = true;
    InSecReact = false;
    DnTrend = Close;
    if UseRule10 then ResumeDnTrend = true;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 22", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close > UpTrend) then {start UpTrend}
    begin {Rule 6d}
    InSecReact = false;
    InUpTrend = true;
    UpTrend = Close;
    NaturalReactionRL = Close; {Rule 4b} {Pivot Pt, Rule 9c}
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 23", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < NaturalReaction) then {start NaturalReaction}
    begin {Rule 6h}
    InSecReact = false;
    InNatReact = true;
    NaturalReaction = Close;
    if Debug then print(date, Close, " Node 24", UpTrend, DnTrend, NaturalRally, NaturalReaction, UpTrendRL, DnTrendBL, NaturalRallyBL, NaturalReactionRL);
    else if (Close < SecondaryReaction) then {remain in SecondaryReaction, record lower price}
    SecondaryReaction = Close; {Rule 6h}
    end {InSecReact}

    {------Error State-------}
    {should not get here!!!}
    if Debug then
    print("Error in State Logic, Date: ", Date, " Time: ", Time);
    end; {Error state}

    end; {main}

    {Paint bars with trend direction}
    if InDnTrend then
    PlotPaintBar(High, Low, "Trend", DnTrendColor)
    else if InUpTrend then
    PlotPaintBar(High, Low, "Trend", UpTrendColor)
    else if InNatRally then
    PlotPaintBar(High, Low, "Trend", RallyColor)
    else if InNatReact then
    PlotPaintBar(High, Low, "Trend", ReactColor)
    else if InSecRally then
    PlotPaintBar(High, Low, "Trend", RallyColor) {use natural rally color}
    else if InSecReact then
    PlotPaintBar(High, Low, "Trend", ReactColor); {use natural reaction color}
  4. 多谢,
  5. livermore的经典再现
  6. 举手之劳