Understanding Put-Call Parity

Discussion in 'Model and Algorithm' started by bxllyl, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. Put-call parity is an important principle in options pricing first identified by Hans Stoll in his paper, The Relation Between Put and Call Prices, in 1969. It states that the premium of a call option implies a certain fair price for the corresponding put option having the same strike price and expiration date, and vice versa. Support for this pricing relationship is based upon the argument that arbitrage opportunities would materialize if there is a divergence between the value of calls and puts. Arbitrageurs would come in to make profitable, riskless trades until the put-call parity is restored.

    To begin understanding how the put-call parity is established, let's first take a look at two portfolios, A and B. Portfolio A consists of a european call option and cash equal to the number of shares covered by the call option multiplied by the call's striking price. Portfolio B consist of a european put option and the underlying asset. Note that equity options are used in this example.

    Put-Call Parity and American Options
    Since American style options allow early exercise, put-call parity will not hold for American options unless they are held to expiration. Early exercise will result in a departure in the present values of the two portfolios.

    Validating Option Pricing Models
    The put-call parity provides a simple test of option pricing models. Any pricing model that produces option prices which violate the put-call parity is considered flawed.

    Portfolio A = Call + Cash, where Cash = Call Strike Price

    Portfolio B = Put + Underlying Asset

    It can be observed from the diagrams above that the expiration values of the two portfolios are the same.

    Call + Cash = Put + Underlying Asset

    Eg. JUL 25 Call + $2500 = JUL 25 Put + 100 XYZ Stock

    If the two portfolios have the same expiration value, then they must have the same present value. Otherwise, an arbitrage trader can go long on the undervalued portfolio and short the overvalued portfolio to make a riskfree profit on expiration day. Hence, taking into account the need to calculate the present value of the cash component using a suitable risk-free interest rate, we have the following price equality:

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2009
  2. 一个简单的式子,包含了期权的诸多精义于其中---:)
  3. 体现了金融工程最基本的思想!
  4. 你这个投资组合,实际效果可能不尽人意。
    A:价格突破,出现趋势走势,对你的组合无帮助,因为CALL 和PUT对冲了。
    B:价格区间震荡, 期权价值缩水, 2个组合的总体价值都下降。

    趋势明朗了,顺势加码。 趋势面临反转,蝴蝶双飞的骑墙策略较好。

  5. 这位朋友可能理解错本文的意思了:
  6. 俺比较喜欢long+protective put,比简单止损要好很多。期权实战的意义更多在于对冲风险。
  7. 期权很灵活。p-c parity是基础啊。
  8. 所以有人这样形容期权:“入门简单,精通难”,正由于其灵活多变,运用自如非一朝一夕之事。