Introduction to amibroker pdf

Discussion in 'AmiBroker' started by FX麒麟, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. Ebook

    我的amibroker 5.2连接 tws看外汇,总是显示不出来数据。奇怪
  2. Good link FX.. will have a go at a few of these books
  3. 顶一下,谢谢

  5. 这本书,正需要
  6. 这个只是一个errata啊。。。
  7. 真的有人有這本書嗎? 能分享一下嗎?
  8. Thanks for sharing links.
  9. what mean is "errata" ?
    sorry,this computer only input english.
    i download this book and scan ,i think it's good.
    maybe not full version,i am sorry for this.
  10. the file only has one page --- a page about the mistakes made in the book.

    you can see that the file size is so small, only 112,695 bytes. The size of a file for a book should be much bigger than that.
  11. thanks good collection
  12. 樓主的連結理就有了啊!
  13. As said above, the link is for the Errata, not for the actual book.
  14. thanks