SN/Cracking Reports-Lab 1.91 for WLD3

Discussion in 'Wealth-Lab Developer' started by edwardj, Jun 12, 2009.

  1. DL:
    Claimed Regged but unfortunitly, it's not. And SNs on the net not working for me.

    Looked into it and find a way to get the SN. Here is a working SN, at least for me.

    U: iNFECTE
    P: 2022F813-711B1D90-7A79E144

    Download && Install
    run OllyDBG, load the program, CTRL-G goto 6A311C, F2 set a breakpoint, F9 run, wait for the neg screen, press 'Enter Reg...', input whatever, press 'Activate', OllyDBG break in and stop at 6A311C, look at the information panel just between the disassembler panel and data panel.......
  2. Reports-Lab 2已经是免费(free)的了
  3. 偶知道,但不兼容 3。x 啊
  4. hi,do you have version lab's sn?

  5. no,no,楼主说的是report-lab的,我想找的是version lab的,是另外一个小工具,对喜欢把script改来改去的人比较有用。
    可惜到处都找不到那个version lab的sn
  6. 奥,我记得有这小工具的,现在记不得那个小工具地址了,能给个官方地址吗?我过去可能有过。
  7. 是的,呵呵,就是这个小玩意,出了有一阵子了,可惜一直没有找到sn,眼馋啊