
Discussion in 'MetaTrader' started by wj2000, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. MT4自定义周期实时更新程序
    MT4自定义周期实时更新程序 已经更新成1.3版本


    一. 功能
    这个是MT4自带的period_converter的重写改进版, 自带的period_converter
    不少人都用过, 不支持真正的实时刷新, 单个转换脚本就占用大量的CPU(50%-9x%)
    导致整个系统变慢. 退出MT4下次重新进来还得重新对各窗口应用脚本才能再次

    1. 支持实时刷新或者自定义到毫秒级的刷新周期.
    2. 很低的CPU占用, 平均为5%-10%或者更低.
    3. 以指标模式工作,退出MT4再重新启动也不会有任何问题,一切恢复到退出
    4. 没有每个窗口只能应用一个脚本的限制,用不同参数可以从同一窗口生成

    二. 使用方法
    注意必须安装为自定义指标而不是脚本. 然后类似其他指标那样操作,
    PeriodMultiplier: 新的周期对于原周期的倍数。
    UpdateInterval: 刷新间隔, 毫秒为单位, 0表示实时刷新
    Enabled: 是否启用刷新.


    之后通过文件->打开离线历史数据打开刚生成的图表即可. 然后将会

    一直保持为最新状态,包括其中的指标等等. 关闭该离线窗口后, 你

    如果需要退出或者重新启动MT4, 可以和往常一样正常退出,离线图表

    三. 注意事项
    1. 注意"不"要将离线窗口属性中的"离线窗口"的勾去掉,否则退出
    2. 你可以在同一个数据源窗口中加载多个不同倍数设置的转换程序,
    从而获得多个数据输出, 比如对M1使用PeriodMultiplier = 2, 4, 10
    将同时获得M2, M4, M10. 甚至可以使用M1数据来获得小时图.
    生成的数据时间跨度不大, 所以推荐用接近的数据周期来获得需要
    3. 实时刷新时候将尽可能快地进行数据刷新, 即对每一次数据变动,
    但如果同时有大量数据进入时可能会错过部分数据, 但这种情况
    一般不会出现而且你至少可以获得每秒十次以上的刷新率, 这已经
    4. 离线图表窗口没有那条买入价线显示,但数据实际上还是被刷新的,
    如果该城非离线窗口则必须退出前改回来, 否则下次启动就会得不到
    数据. 一般就没有必要去弄这个麻烦.
    5. 如果你在源数据窗口中往前拉到了新的历史数据, 生成的数据窗口里面
    是不会自动更新这些数据的, 需要ctrl+I显示指标列表后选择对应的

    另外附一个用这个改进的版本后开了M1->M3, M10, 以及H1->H2的转换时候

    如需转载请保留原始版权信息, 谢谢.

    更新到1.3版本,解决了当重新启动后新加载的数据过多时候可能出现的数据丢失情况, 并且现在支持源数据窗口中新增加了开头的历史数据时候的自动更新. 不过因为现在是周末服务器没有数据刷新没有进行完整测试, 请大家帮忙测试.

    //| Period_Converter_Opt.mq4|
    //| Copyright ?2005, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
    //| |
    //| Modified by wfy05@talkforex based on Period_Converter|
    //| |
    #property copyright ""
    #property link ""
    #property indicator_chart_window
    #property show_inputs

    #include <WinUser32.mqh>


    I. Features:
    This is an improved version of period converter for MT4 based on the
    MT4's default period converter by metaquotes.
    The default period converter script do not support real-time refreshing,
    and consume lots of CPU (50%-9x%) making the whole system slow.
    Also, the default one is a script which do not save when you exit MT4,
    so you have to apply every converter script again after restarting, quite

    This one fixed all above problems:
    1. Real-time updating or custom interval millisecond level updating.
    2. Low CPU cost, average 5%-10% or less.
    3. Works as an indicator, so can be saved and reloaded during restart.
    4. There is no one converter per chart limitation as it is not script
    any more, you can only use one window as source to generate as many
    new timeframe chart as possible.
    5. Auto updating if there is new history block loaded.

    II. How to use:
    Copy the mq4 file to your MT4 indicators folder (experts\indicators)
    to install it as an indicator, NOT script. then in the custom indicator
    list, attach period_converter_opt to the chart you want.
    It support 4 parameters:
    PeriodMultiplier: new period multiplier factor, default is 2
    UpdateInterval: update interval in milliseconds,
    zero means update real-time. default is zero.
    Enabled: You can disable it without remove it with this option.

    Other parameters are comments or for debugging, it is safe to ignore them.

    Also Make sure you have Allow Dll imports option checked in common tab or
    it won't work

    After that, File->Open Offline to open the generated offline data. then
    the offline data will be updated automatically.

    As long as you keep the source chart open and the converter indicator
    running, the generated chart including indicators inside will always
    be updated. also you can close the generated chart and open again
    later from File->Open Offline without problem.

    If you want to quit MT4, you can leave those offline chart as other
    normal online charts. when you start MT4 next time, those charts will
    also be loaded and updated.

    III. Notes:
    1. Do NOT uncheck the "offline chart" option in offline chart common properties.
    or after MT4 restart, it will treat that chart as online chart and request
    the data from server, resulting empty chart window.
    2. You can attach more than one converter to same window with different
    PeriodMultiplier, e.g: you can attach 3 converter with
    PeriodMultiplier = 2, 4, 10 to M1 to generate M2, M4, M10 at the same time.
    It is even ok to use the M1 chart to generate Hourly chart like H2, which
    only cost a few more CPU resource during initial conversion. but usually
    most server don't have much data for those short period. resulting the
    generated data isn't long enough for long period. so it is suggested
    to use Hourly/Daily charts as source when needed.
    3. The real-time updating mode updates quotes as fast as possible, but as
    this is done via script, and MT will skip calling start() function when
    your PC is busy and lots of quotes income. anyway, this seldom happen,
    and you can at least get 10 updates each seconds which is much more
    than enough.
    4. The offline chart don't have a bid line showing in chart, but all data
    in the chart including the indicators is still being updated,
    so don't worry. you can show the bid line by unclick the "offline chart"
    option in chart properties. but which don't helps much and if you forget
    to check "offline chart" option before exit. it will cause errors and
    become empty on next startup. you have to close the window and open
    again from File->Open offline, which don't worth the trouble.

    IV. History:
    2005.12.04 1.3 Fixed missing data when there is large amount of data
    loaded in several blocks, and support auto updating
    when new history is loaded.
    2005.11.29 1.2 Additional fix for missing data and server changing.
    2005.11.29 1.1 Fixed missing partial data after restart.
    Reinitialize after changing server or data corrupted.
    2005.11.28 1.0 Initial release

    extern double Version = 1.3; // code version
    extern string BuildInfo = "2005.12.04 by";
    extern int PeriodMultiplier = 2; // new period multiplier factor
    extern int UpdateInterval = 0; // update interval in milliseconds, zero means update real-time.
    extern bool Enabled = true;
    extern bool Debug = false;

    int FileHandle = -1;
    int NewPeriod = 0;

    #define CHART_CMD_UPDATE_DATA 33324

    void DebugMsg(string msg)
    if (Debug) Alert(msg);

    int init()
    NewPeriod = Period() * PeriodMultiplier;
    if (OpenHistoryFile() < 0) return (-1);
    WriteHistoryFile(Bars-1, true);
    return (0);

    void deinit()
    //Close file handle
    if(FileHandle >= 0) {
    FileHandle = -1;

    int OpenHistoryFile()
    FileHandle = FileOpenHistory(Symbol()+NewPeriod+".hst", FILE_BIN|FILE_WRITE);
    if(FileHandle < 0) return(-1);
    return (0);

    int WriteHistoryHeader()
    string c_copyright;
    int i_digits = Digits;
    int i_unused[13] = {0};
    int version = 400;

    if (FileHandle < 0) return (-1);
    c_copyright = "(C)opyright 2003, MetaQuotes Software Corp.";
    FileWriteInteger(FileHandle, version, LONG_VALUE);
    FileWriteString(FileHandle, c_copyright, 64);
    FileWriteString(FileHandle, Symbol(), 12);
    FileWriteInteger(FileHandle, NewPeriod, LONG_VALUE);
    FileWriteInteger(FileHandle, i_digits, LONG_VALUE);
    FileWriteInteger(FileHandle, 0, LONG_VALUE); //timesign
    FileWriteInteger(FileHandle, 0, LONG_VALUE); //last_sync
    FileWriteArray(FileHandle, i_unused, 0, ArraySize(i_unused));
    return (0);

    int WriteHistoryFile(int start_pos, bool init = false)
    static int last_fpos, i_time;
    static double d_open, d_low, d_high, d_close, d_volume;

    int i, ps;

    if (FileHandle < 0) return (-1);
    // normalize open time
    ps = NewPeriod * 60;
    i_time = Time[start_pos]/ps;
    i_time *= ps;
    if (init) {
    //first time, init data
    d_open = Open[start_pos];
    d_low = Low[start_pos];
    d_high = High[start_pos];
    d_close = Close[start_pos];
    d_volume = Volume[start_pos];
    i = start_pos - 1;
    } else {
    i = start_pos;
    if (i < 0) return (-1);

    int cnt = 0;
    int LastBarTime;
    //processing bars
    while (i >= 0) {
    LastBarTime = Time;

    //a new bar
    if (LastBarTime >= i_time+ps) {
    //write the bar data
    FileWriteInteger(FileHandle, i_time, LONG_VALUE);
    FileWriteDouble(FileHandle, d_open, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    FileWriteDouble(FileHandle, d_low, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    FileWriteDouble(FileHandle, d_high, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    FileWriteDouble(FileHandle, d_close, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    FileWriteDouble(FileHandle, d_volume, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    i_time = LastBarTime/ps;
    i_time *= ps;
    d_open = Open;
    d_low = Low;
    d_high = High;
    d_close = Close;
    d_volume = Volume;
    } else {
    //no new bar
    d_volume += Volume;
    if (Low<d_low) d_low = Low;
    if (High>d_high) d_high = High;
    d_close = Close;

    //record last_fpos before writing last bar.
    last_fpos = FileTell(FileHandle);
    //write last bar's data
    FileWriteInteger(FileHandle, i_time, LONG_VALUE);
    FileWriteDouble(FileHandle, d_open, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    FileWriteDouble(FileHandle, d_low, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    FileWriteDouble(FileHandle, d_high, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    FileWriteDouble(FileHandle, d_close, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    FileWriteDouble(FileHandle, d_volume, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    d_volume -= Volume[0];

    //flush the data writen
    return (cnt);

    int UpdateChartWindow()
    static int hwnd = 0;

    if(hwnd == 0) {
    //trying to detect the chart window for updating
    hwnd = WindowHandle(Symbol(), NewPeriod);
    if(hwnd!= 0) {
    if (IsDllsAllowed() == false) {
    //DLL calls must be allowed
    DebugMsg("Dll calls must be allowed");
    return (-1);
    if (PostMessageA(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,CHART_CMD_UPDATE_DATA,0) == 0) {
    //PostMessage failed, chart window closed
    hwnd = 0;
    } else {
    //PostMessage succeed
    return (0);
    //window not found or PostMessage failed
    return (-1);

    int PerfCheck(bool Start)
    static int StartTime = 0;
    static int Index = 0;

    if (Start) {
    StartTime = GetTickCount();
    Index = 0;
    return (StartTime);
    int diff = GetTickCount() - StartTime;
    Alert("Time used [" + Index + "]: " + diff);
    StartTime = GetTickCount();
    return (diff);

    static int LastStartTime = 0;
    static int LastEndTime = 0;
    static int LastBarCount = 0;

    int reinit()
    LastStartTime = Time[Bars-1];
    LastEndTime = Time[0];
    LastBarCount = Bars;

    bool IsDataChanged()
    static int LastBars = 0, LastTime = 0, LastVolume = 0;
    static double LastOpen = 0, LastClose = 0, LastHigh = 0, LastLow = 0;

    if (LastVolume != Volume[0] || LastBars != Bars || LastTime != Time[0]||
    LastClose != Close[0] || LastHigh != High[0] || LastLow != Low[0] ||
    LastOpen != Open[0]) {

    LastBars = Bars;
    LastVolume = Volume[0];
    LastTime = Time[0];
    LastClose = Close[0];
    LastHigh = High[0];
    LastLow = Low[0];
    LastOpen = Open[0];
    return (true);
    return (false);
    int CheckNewData()
    static string LastServer = "";

    if (Bars < 2) {
    //the data is not loaded yet.
    DebugMsg("Data not loaded, only " + Bars + " Bars");
    return (-1);

    string serv = ServerAddress();
    if (serv == "") {
    //no server yet
    DebugMsg("No server connected");
    return (-1);

    //server changed? check this and reinit to prevent wrong data while changing server.
    if (LastServer != serv) {
    DebugMsg("Server changed from " + LastServer + " to " + serv);
    LastServer = serv;
    return (-1);

    if (!IsDataChanged()) {
    //return if no data changed to save resource
    //DebugMsg("No data changed");
    return (-1);

    if (Time[Bars-1] != LastStartTime) {
    DebugMsg("Start time changed, new history loaded or server changed");
    return (-1);

    int i, cnt;

    //try to find LastEndTime bar, which should be Time[0] or Time[1] usually,
    //so the operation is fast
    for (i = 0; i < Bars; i++) {
    if (Time <= LastEndTime) {

    if (i >= Bars || Time != LastEndTime) {
    DebugMsg("End time " + TimeToStr(LastEndTime) + " not found");
    return (-1);

    cnt = Bars - i;
    if (cnt != LastBarCount) {
    DebugMsg("Data loaded, cnt is " + cnt + " LastBarCount is " + LastBarCount);
    return (-1);

    //no new data loaded, return with LastEndTime position.
    LastBarCount = Bars;
    LastEndTime = Time[0];
    return (i);

    //| program start function |
    int start()
    static int last_time = 0;

    if (!Enabled) return (0);

    //always update or update only after certain interval
    if (UpdateInterval != 0) {
    int cur_time;

    cur_time = GetTickCount();
    if (MathAbs(cur_time - last_time) < UpdateInterval) {
    return (0);
    last_time = cur_time;

    //if (Debug) PerfCheck(true);
    int n = CheckNewData();
    //if (Debug) PerfCheck(false);
    if (n < 0) return (0);

    //update history file with new data
    //refresh chart window
    //if (Debug) PerfCheck(false);


    1.终端打开----自定义指标右键----点击创建(稍候)----出现MetaEditor背景,Expert Advisor Wizard 对话框.
    2.Expart Advisor Wizard对话框点击下一步,在Name键入名字,比如zhouqi----点击下一步.点击完成.
    3.删除左上部编辑器里的所有内容,把搂主的东东复制到上面----点击按钮Compile----关闭MetaEditor ------关闭MT4,重新打开.
    4.点击你要定义的货币对(使其成为活动窗口),比如GBP/JPY周图----插入技术指标自定义你键入的名字,比如zhouqi ,出现对话框,允许导入动态连接库前的小勾点上,参数设定根据自己的需要,默认的是2.按确定键.
    5.打开:文件----打开离线历史数据找到GBP/JPY 2W图表,形成一张独立的以2周为一条柱线的表格,自己添加技术曲线.OK
  2. 马上mt5出来,就直接都有了。可以自定义了,期待。。。
  3. 版主对于新东西的推荐怎么经常走在版友的后面?

  4. // Quickstart Instructions:
    // Copy this file to to your MT4 indicators folder:
    // On XP, usually: C:\Program Files\__your_MT4_broker__\experts\indicators\
    // Read the extensive notes and directions below.
    // Review the "extern" variable settings further below. Change as desired.
    // Restart MT4 or do "Compile" in MetaEditor.
    // Open a source chart and add this indicator with desired settings.
    // Then File -> Open offline -> (choose the specified chart from the list; click "Open")

    你给的地址,下载的不是EA,而是一个指标文件,将它复制到experts\indicators\下面,编译一下,然后在某一个时间框架中插入该指标,设置好相关的参数后,就会自动生成相对应的offline图了,这时候,再Open offline 即可,这个offline图由指标生成,可以在上面运行EA,汇价会自动更新的。
  5. 哦,我是这样执行的,ea是我另外编写的一个,我也尝试直接把系统的均线ea加载到产生的自定义周期图上,start函数也没有反应。
  6. 我也在试验offline图表中运行EA的经验,如果上面我所说的步骤都是对的,那么唯一可能的是,你插入指标时,没有ALLOW DLL IMPORTS,看看指标的选项,开启后,才能将OFFLINE图模拟成为liveUpdate的图,指标需要调用外部DLL去执行,这样汇价才能更新,才能运行EA。
  7. 呵呵,价格是实时在更新,就是加载ea没反应
  8. 我也试过你所说的指标,的确不能运行EA,大概看了一下指标代码

    #import "user32.dll"
    	int RegisterWindowMessageA(string lpString); 
    extern bool ShowWicks = true;
    extern bool EmulateOnLineChart = true;
    extern bool StrangeSymbolName = false;
    extern int TimeFrame = 2; 
    int HstHandle = -1, LastFPos = 0, MT4InternalMsg = 0;
    string SymbolName;
    void UpdateChartWindow() {
    	static int hwnd = 0;
    	if(hwnd == 0) {
    		hwnd = WindowHandle(SymbolName, TimeFrame);
    		if(hwnd != 0) Print("Chart window detected");
    	if(EmulateOnLineChart && MT4InternalMsg == 0) 
    		MT4InternalMsg = RegisterWindowMessageA("MetaTrader4_Internal_Message");
    	if(hwnd != 0) if(PostMessageA(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, 0x822c, 0) == 0) hwnd = 0;
    	if(hwnd != 0 && MT4InternalMsg != 0) PostMessageA(hwnd, MT4InternalMsg, 2, 1);
  9. 非常感谢!你这个是周期转化指标还是?怎么用啊?
  10. 指导就谈不上了,自己懂的就这么多,再深入我也没研究了,EA也是网上找的,没有深研究。这样吧,我叫整个EA文件传上来,你再研究一下
    这个EA用法是,附加在某个货币的m1图上,会生成固定点数的BAR的OFFLINE图,如10点为一个BAR,全部采用默认的参数的话,还要开启allow dll imports,这样附加好EA后,就可以去OPEN OFFLINE了,打开OFFLINE图后,就可以在这个图上附加EA进行操作了,如果不明,再联系。

    //|   EA VERSION
    //|   RenkoLiveChart_v3.2.mq4
    //|   Inspired from Renko script by "e4" (renko_live_scr.mq4)
    //|   Copyleft 2009 LastViking
    //|   Aug 12 2009 (LV): 
    //|            - Wanted volume in my Renko chart so I wrote my own script
    //|   Aug 20-21 2009 (LV) (v1.1 - v1.3):
    //|            - First attempt at live Renko brick formation (bugs O bugs...)
    //|            - Fixed problem with strange symbol names at some 5 digit 
    //|               brokers (credit to Tigertron)
    //|   Aug 24 2009 (LV) (v1.4):
    //|            - Handle High / Low in history in a reasonable way (prev. 
    //|               used Close)
    //|   Aug 26 2009 (Lou G) (v1.5/v1.6):
    //|            - Finaly fixing the "late appearance" (live Renko brick 
    //|               formation) bug
    //|   Aug 31 2009 (LV) (v2.0):
    //|            - Not a script anylonger, but run as indicator 
    //|            - Naroved down the MT4 bug that used to cause the "late appearance bug" 
    //|               a little closer (has to do with High / Low gaps)
    //|            - Removed the while ... sleep() loop. Renko chart is now tick 
    //|               driven: -MUSH nicer to system resources this way
    //|   Sep 03 2009 (LV) (v2.1):
    //|            - Fixed so that Time[] holds the open time of the renko 
    //|               bricks (prev. used time of close)
    //|   Sep 16 2009 (Lou G) (v3.0): 
    //|            - Optional wicks added
    //|            - Conversion back to EA 
    //|            - Auto adjust for 5 and 6 dec brokers added
    //|               enter RenkoBoxSize as "actual" size e.g. "10" for 10 pips
    //|            - Compensation for "zero compare" problem added
    //|   Okt 05 2009 (LV) (v3.1): 
    //|            - Fixed a bug related to BoxOffset
    //|            - Auto adjust for 3 and 4 dec JPY pairs
    //|            - Removed init() function
    //|            - Changed back to old style Renko brick formation
    //|   Okt 13 2009 (LV) (v3.2): 
    //|            - Added "EmulateOnLineChart" option (credit to Skipperxit/Mimmo)
    #property copyright "" 
    #include <WinUser32.mqh>
    #include <stdlib.mqh>
    #import "user32.dll"
    	int RegisterWindowMessageA(string lpString); 
    extern int RenkoBoxSize = 10;
    extern int RenkoBoxOffset = 0;
    extern int RenkoTimeFrame = 2;      // What time frame to use for the offline renko chart
    extern bool ShowWicks = true;
    extern bool EmulateOnLineChart = true;
    extern bool StrangeSymbolName = false;
    int HstHandle = -1, LastFPos = 0, MT4InternalMsg = 0;
    string SymbolName;
    void UpdateChartWindow() {
    	static int hwnd = 0;
    	if(hwnd == 0) {
    		hwnd = WindowHandle(SymbolName, RenkoTimeFrame);
    		if(hwnd != 0) Print("Chart window detected");
    	if(EmulateOnLineChart && MT4InternalMsg == 0) 
    		MT4InternalMsg = RegisterWindowMessageA("MetaTrader4_Internal_Message");
    	if(hwnd != 0) if(PostMessageA(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, 0x822c, 0) == 0) hwnd = 0;
    	if(hwnd != 0 && MT4InternalMsg != 0) PostMessageA(hwnd, MT4InternalMsg, 2, 1);
    int start() {
    	static double BoxPoints, UpWick, DnWick;
    	static double PrevLow, PrevHigh, PrevOpen, PrevClose, CurVolume, CurLow, CurHigh, CurOpen, CurClose;
    	static datetime PrevTime;
    	// This is only executed ones, then the first tick arives.
    	if(HstHandle < 0) {
    		// Init
    		// Error checking	
    		if(!IsConnected()) {
    			Print("Waiting for connection...");
    		if(!IsDllsAllowed()) {
    			Print("Error: Dll calls must be allowed!");
    		if(MathAbs(RenkoBoxOffset) >= RenkoBoxSize) {
    			Print("Error: |RenkoBoxOffset| should be less then RenkoBoxSize!");
    		switch(RenkoTimeFrame) {
    		case 1: case 5: case 15: case 30: case 60: case 240:
    		case 1440: case 10080: case 43200: case 0:
    			Print("Error: Invald time frame used for offline renko chart (RenkoTimeFrame)!");
    		int BoxSize = RenkoBoxSize;
    		int BoxOffset = RenkoBoxOffset;
    		if(Digits == 5 || (Digits == 3 && StringFind(Symbol(), "JPY") != -1)) {
    			BoxSize = BoxSize*10;
    			BoxOffset = BoxOffset*10;
    		if(Digits == 6 || (Digits == 4 && StringFind(Symbol(), "JPY") != -1)) {
    			BoxSize = BoxSize*100;		
    			BoxOffset = BoxOffset*100;
    		if(StrangeSymbolName) SymbolName = StringSubstr(Symbol(), 0, 6);
    		else SymbolName = Symbol();
    		BoxPoints = NormalizeDouble(BoxSize*Point, Digits);
    		PrevLow = NormalizeDouble(BoxOffset*Point + MathFloor(Close[Bars-1]/BoxPoints)*BoxPoints, Digits);
    		DnWick = PrevLow;
    		PrevHigh = PrevLow + BoxPoints;
    		UpWick = PrevHigh;
    		PrevOpen = PrevLow;
    		PrevClose = PrevHigh;
    		CurVolume = 1;
    		PrevTime = Time[Bars-1];
    		// create / open hst file		
    		HstHandle = FileOpenHistory(SymbolName + RenkoTimeFrame + ".hst", FILE_BIN|FILE_WRITE);
    		if(HstHandle < 0) {
    			Print("Error: can\'t create / open history file: " + ErrorDescription(GetLastError()) + ": " + SymbolName + RenkoTimeFrame + ".hst");
    		// write hst file header
    		int HstUnused[13];
    		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, 400, LONG_VALUE); 			// Version
    		FileWriteString(HstHandle, "", 64);					// Copyright
    		FileWriteString(HstHandle, SymbolName, 12);			// Symbol
    		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, RenkoTimeFrame, LONG_VALUE);	// Period
    		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, Digits, LONG_VALUE);		// Digits
    		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, 0, LONG_VALUE);			// Time Sign
    		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, 0, LONG_VALUE);			// Last Sync
    		FileWriteArray(HstHandle, HstUnused, 0, 13);			// Unused
     		// process historical data
      		int i = Bars-2;
    		//Print(Symbol() + " " + High[i] + " " + Low[i] + " " + Open[i] + " " + Close[i]);
      		while(i >= 0) {
    			CurVolume = CurVolume + Volume[i];
    			UpWick = MathMax(UpWick, High[i]);
    			DnWick = MathMin(DnWick, Low[i]);
    			// update low before high or the revers depending on is closest to prev. bar
    			bool UpTrend = High[i]+Low[i] > High[i+1]+Low[i+1];
    			while(UpTrend && (Low[i] < PrevLow-BoxPoints || CompareDoubles(Low[i], PrevLow-BoxPoints))) {
      				PrevHigh = PrevHigh - BoxPoints;
      				PrevLow = PrevLow - BoxPoints;
      				PrevOpen = PrevHigh;
      				PrevClose = PrevLow;
    				FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, PrevTime, LONG_VALUE);
    				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevOpen, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevLow, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    				if(ShowWicks && UpWick > PrevHigh) FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, UpWick, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    				else FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevHigh, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevClose, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurVolume, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    				UpWick = 0;
    				DnWick = EMPTY_VALUE;
    				CurVolume = 0;
    				CurHigh = PrevLow;
    				CurLow = PrevLow;  
    				if(PrevTime < Time[i]) PrevTime = Time[i];
    				else PrevTime++;
    			while(High[i] > PrevHigh+BoxPoints || CompareDoubles(High[i], PrevHigh+BoxPoints)) {
      				PrevHigh = PrevHigh + BoxPoints;
      				PrevLow = PrevLow + BoxPoints;
      				PrevOpen = PrevLow;
      				PrevClose = PrevHigh;
    				FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, PrevTime, LONG_VALUE);
    				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevOpen, DOUBLE_VALUE);
                		if(ShowWicks && DnWick < PrevLow) FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, DnWick, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    				else FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevLow, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevHigh, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevClose, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurVolume, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    				UpWick = 0;
    				DnWick = EMPTY_VALUE;
    				CurVolume = 0;
    				CurHigh = PrevHigh;
    				CurLow = PrevHigh;  
    				if(PrevTime < Time[i]) PrevTime = Time[i];
    				else PrevTime++;
    			while(!UpTrend && (Low[i] < PrevLow-BoxPoints || CompareDoubles(Low[i], PrevLow-BoxPoints))) {
      				PrevHigh = PrevHigh - BoxPoints;
      				PrevLow = PrevLow - BoxPoints;
      				PrevOpen = PrevHigh;
      				PrevClose = PrevLow;
    				FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, PrevTime, LONG_VALUE);
    				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevOpen, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevLow, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    				if(ShowWicks && UpWick > PrevHigh) FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, UpWick, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    				else FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevHigh, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevClose, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurVolume, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    				UpWick = 0;
    				DnWick = EMPTY_VALUE;
    				CurVolume = 0;
    				CurHigh = PrevLow;
    				CurLow = PrevLow;  
    				if(PrevTime < Time[i]) PrevTime = Time[i];
    				else PrevTime++;
    		LastFPos = FileTell(HstHandle);   // Remember Last pos in file
    		Comment("RenkoLiveChart(" + RenkoBoxSize + "): Open Offline ", SymbolName, ",M", RenkoTimeFrame, " to view chart");
    		if(Close[0] > MathMax(PrevClose, PrevOpen)) CurOpen = MathMax(PrevClose, PrevOpen);
    		else if (Close[0] < MathMin(PrevClose, PrevOpen)) CurOpen = MathMin(PrevClose, PrevOpen);
    		else CurOpen = Close[0];
    		CurClose = Close[0];
    		if(UpWick > PrevHigh) CurHigh = UpWick;
    		if(DnWick < PrevLow) CurLow = DnWick;
    		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, PrevTime, LONG_VALUE);		// Time
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurOpen, DOUBLE_VALUE);         	// Open
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurLow, DOUBLE_VALUE);		// Low
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurHigh, DOUBLE_VALUE);		// High
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurClose, DOUBLE_VALUE);		// Close
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurVolume, DOUBLE_VALUE);		// Volume				
     		// End historical data / Init		
     	// HstHandle not < 0 so we always enter here after history done
    	// Begin live data feed
    	UpWick = MathMax(UpWick, Bid);
    	DnWick = MathMin(DnWick, Bid);
    	FileSeek(HstHandle, LastFPos, SEEK_SET);
     	// up box	   				
       	if(Bid > PrevHigh+BoxPoints || CompareDoubles(Bid, PrevHigh+BoxPoints)) {
    		PrevHigh = PrevHigh + BoxPoints;
    		PrevLow = PrevLow + BoxPoints;
      		PrevOpen = PrevLow;
      		PrevClose = PrevHigh;
    		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, PrevTime, LONG_VALUE);
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevOpen, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    		if (ShowWicks && DnWick < PrevLow) FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, DnWick, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    		else FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevLow, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevHigh, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevClose, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurVolume, DOUBLE_VALUE);
      	  	LastFPos = FileTell(HstHandle);   // Remeber Last pos in file				  							
    		if(PrevTime < TimeCurrent()) PrevTime = TimeCurrent();
    		else PrevTime++;
      		CurVolume = 0;
    		CurHigh = PrevHigh;
    		CurLow = PrevHigh;  
    		UpWick = 0;
    		DnWick = EMPTY_VALUE;		
     	// down box
    	else if(Bid < PrevLow-BoxPoints || CompareDoubles(Bid,PrevLow-BoxPoints)) {
      		PrevHigh = PrevHigh - BoxPoints;
      		PrevLow = PrevLow - BoxPoints;
      		PrevOpen = PrevHigh;
      		PrevClose = PrevLow;
    		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, PrevTime, LONG_VALUE);
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevOpen, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevLow, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    		if(ShowWicks && UpWick > PrevHigh) FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, UpWick, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    		else FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevHigh, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevClose, DOUBLE_VALUE);
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurVolume, DOUBLE_VALUE);
      	  	LastFPos = FileTell(HstHandle);   // Remeber Last pos in file				  							
    		if(PrevTime < TimeCurrent()) PrevTime = TimeCurrent();
    		else PrevTime++;      	
      		CurVolume = 0;
    		CurHigh = PrevLow;
    		CurLow = PrevLow;  
    		UpWick = 0;
    		DnWick = EMPTY_VALUE;		
       	// no box - high/low not hit				
    	else {
    		if(Bid > CurHigh) CurHigh = Bid;
    		if(Bid < CurLow) CurLow = Bid;
    		if(PrevHigh <= Bid) CurOpen = PrevHigh;
    		else if(PrevLow >= Bid) CurOpen = PrevLow;
    		else CurOpen = Bid;
    		CurClose = Bid;
    		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, PrevTime, LONG_VALUE);		// Time
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurOpen, DOUBLE_VALUE);         	// Open
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurLow, DOUBLE_VALUE);		// Low
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurHigh, DOUBLE_VALUE);		// High
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurClose, DOUBLE_VALUE);		// Close
    		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurVolume, DOUBLE_VALUE);		// Volume				
    int deinit() {
    	if(HstHandle >= 0) {
    		HstHandle = -1;
  11. 呵呵,这个ea可以加载自己的ea,
  12. 已弄好了,随便改了一下,可以实现运行EA了,呵

    extern bool LiveUpdateMultipleCharts = false; 这个参数记得改为False


    //|  MT4 Indicator:                        v1.8 P4L PeriodCon.mq4    |
    //|           Previous names: periodcon.mq4, Period_Converter_Opt.mq4|
    //|                      Copyright ?2005, MetaQuotes Software Corp.  |
    //|                               |
    //|        v1.5 modified by wfy05@talkforex based on Period_Converter|
    //|                                |
    //|        v1.6 - 1.8  modified by pips4life of     |
    // Quickstart Instructions:
    // Copy this file to to your MT4 indicators folder:
    // On XP, usually:  C:\Program Files\__your_MT4_broker__\experts\indicators\
    // Read the extensive notes and directions below.
    // Review the "extern" variable settings further below. Change as desired.
    // Restart MT4 or do "Compile" in MetaEditor.
    // Open a source chart and add this indicator with desired settings.
    // Then File -> Open offline -> (choose the specified chart from the list; click "Open")
    //v1.6, v1.7, v1.8:
    #property copyright "pips4life of"
    #property link      ""
    //v1.5 ??
    //#property copyright ""
    //#property link      ""
    #property indicator_chart_window
    #property show_inputs
    #include <WinUser32.mqh>
    // The above include is missing some needed function(s)
    #import "user32.dll"
       int      GetParent(int hWnd);
    	int RegisterWindowMessageA(string lpString); 
    (v1.6 & v1.7 updates by pips4life, renamed to "P4L PeriodCon.mq4")
    This new version adds substantial capability to the previous versions.
    Offsets (timeshifts) are now fully supported for (almost) any multiple of any 
    chart.  More than one of this indicator can be added to a single source chart 
    to generate multiple offline charts with different offsets, e.g. an H1 chart 
    can (theoretically) have 24 of this indicator added, each with different
    hourly offsets, to generate 24 different Daily charts.  (It would not be
    recommended for performance reasons but it *should* work; at least this
    indicator is now architected differently to be able to do 24+ offset charts). 
    As always, you must keep your source chart open at all times in order that
    the generated "offline" charts get their live-updates with each tick.  FYI, 
    in v1.7, charts with bars longer than 1 month work but are different from other
    normal period charts due to limitations with MT4.  If the effective period 
    is >1month, then EITHER the *symbol* name or the *period* will reflect the 
    fact the chart is > 1-Month.
    If variable "Over_1MN_alters_Symbol_name=true" (default), then the symbol name
    will indicate the actual period as a multiple of the apparent period. Examples:
       2-month bars:  EURUSD_x2,Monthly   (2 x Monthly)
       6-week bars:   EURUSD_x6,Weekly    (6 x Weekly  = W6)
       12-month bars:   EURUSD_x12,Monthly  (12 x Monthly, i.e. Yearly)
       12-month +1 month timeshift:  
        (Not) EURUSD+1Nx12,Monthly  (NO!  Illegal 12-character symbol name!)
        (Use) EU+1N_x12,Monthly  (See ***Note)
    (***Note, if a timeshift is also used, the symbol name will indicate both, BUT
    due to an 11-character MT4 limit, the name may get hacked in order to shorten
    it to keep within the character limit).
    If variable "Over_1MN_alters_Symbol_name=false", then 
    IT IS CRITICAL that you note the proper name of the generated offline chart 
    that the program tells you (by popup alert) when you add this indicator to 
    a chart.  You must then use the menu commands:
      File -> Open offline -> (scroll down to the *same* generated name)
         (e.g. "EURUSD+1H,Daily" is NOT the same chart as "EURUSD,Daily")
    FYI, because of the new offline timeshifted chart name, this affects what 
    the command "Symbol()" will return.  If you use other indicators that rely 
    upon the Symbol() command (or NULL default) to be, e.g. exactly "EURUSD", 
    then such programs may not work unless modified to be compatible with this 
    new chart naming standard!  Please note that v1.5 had some support for hourly
    offsets (on D1's), but the chart name used to be "EURUSD,1441".  The "1441" 
    was also a problem for some indicators because it changed the "Period()" value
    from the standard "1440" to the non-standard value of "1441".  This broke some
    indicators -- but that was an older version and this indicator now returns
    the standard values with respect to "Period()".
    Another big change is that the older versions could only live-update a single
    offline chart with a given name.  This version will live-update every offline 
    chart that shares the same name.  (If for reasons of performance you decide
    the old single-chart method works better for you, there is an external variable 
    you can change to use the older method, but you are advised to open only one
    of each offline chart. If "false", the 2nd-Nth ones open will not live-update).
    The meaning of an offset such as "+1H" is as follows:  
    Suppose you have opened the chart:  EURUSD+1H,Daily (offline)
    At the top of your MT4 Market Watch window, the current "broker" time is given.
    Suppose it says "21:45:00".  Your offline chart time is therefore "+1H" relative
    to the "broker" time, which would be "22:45:00".  A new Daily candle will form
    when the broker time is "23:00:00" which is when the "+1H" chart time 
    is "00:00:00".
    You will note that for the majority of broker feeds, there are SIX Daily candles
    formed per week.  Usually there is a small Daily candle with either a Sunday 
    date or a Saturday date depending on your broker's time offset.   If your broker,
    regardless of broker time, has a trading week <= 5*24 hours (such as from
    Sunday 5PM ET to Friday 5PM ET), then a key advantage of this indicator is that
    you can choose a timeshift value such that the offline chart time of 00:00:00
    corresponds to this key time of Sunday 5PM, ET (17:00:00).  By doing so, you can create 
    an offline chart with only 5-bars-per-week!  This may be useful if you are drawing
    trendlines or channels over a long period of time.  The slope (and therefore
    price intercepts with the lines) will be different when you have 5 vs. 6 bars 
    per week on your Daily charts.   Example:  Suppose you have a broker time which
    corresponds to GMT.  At 00:00:00 GMT, it is 19:00:00 ST (7PM) in NY, depending on 
    ST/DST dates AND depending on whether your broker follows NY ST/DST changeover
    dates or some other choice of changeover dates!   What we would like is for an
    offline "00:00:00" to correspond to 17:00:00 (5PM NY), so, we choose an offset
    of "-2H".  This *MAY* give you the desired 5-bars-per-week.  Many factors are
    involved such as what time of year it is vs. the ST/DST changeover dates, whether
    your broker follows the U.S. ST/DST dates or some other dates like England or
    Australia (or Japan which doesn't have DST).  It also depends on whether your
    broker has only 5*24 hourly bars per week or less.  If you are lucky then your
    new Daily chart will have 5 daily-bars-per-week year-round.  If it is inconsistent
    with 5-per-week part of the year and 6-per-week a different part of the year,
    then I don't recommend using that chart for critical slope/trendline intercepts.
    Another useful consequence of supporting timeshifts is that you can convert the
    broker time into your LOCAL time!  The bars on H1 or below are otherwise the
    same shape.  (Bars above H1 like H4 and especially D1 may appear different
    because the starting bar 00:00:00 time is now offset).   Suppose your broker
    time says it is 21:45:00.   Your local time is 15:45:00.  The difference is
    "-6H" which we can generate with a TimeShiftAdd_in_HptMM value.  Open a source chart 
    (e.g. an M15), add this indicator, and generate an M15 offline chart (mult = 1)
    with an offset of "-6H" which would be entered as "-6.0"  (-6hr + 0min)
    The generated chart will then be "xxxxxx-6H,M15".   When you look at the times 
    given on the X-axis of the chart, they will show you local times.  Open your 
    native M15 chart and the offline M15 chart.  The bars should look exactly the 
    same; only the times are different.
    The external variable "TimeShiftAdd_in_HptMM" is a number entered as:  H.MM
    Examples:   1.0 = 1hr,  1.30 OR 0.9 = 90min,  -0.05= -5min, -2.0 = -2hr
    Note that "1.5" does NOT equal 90min, but rather 110min (60+50)! 
    (FYI: This somewhat unusual style of number entry makes it easier to enter the
    most common values which would be an integer number of hours.  However, you can
    still enter a minute offset like 0.05 (5min) with ease.  The alternative would
    either be to enter in bars or in minutes.  If in bars, one is constantly
    calculating the shift_in_bars based on the current chart, be it M5, M15,
    M30, H1, etc.   If entered in minutes, then large numbers of hours are
    clumsy to calculate and remember (e.g 23hr*60m/hr = 1380min).  If it were in
    pure hours, then how would one accurately enter 5min/60 = 0.0833333333...?! 
    With the H.MM syntax, one can enter any timeshift accurately and with ease).
    Many people use "CandleTime.mq4" or a variation to graphically display a
    countdown timer for how much time is left before the latest bar closes.  As this
    is very useful in conjunction with these offline charts, you MUST use a version
    such as the new "P4L CandleTime.mq4" v1_6 (Nov 2009).  That program uses the
    chart "Symbol()" name to find the chart offset and adjusts the remaining bar 
    time accordingly.  Download "P4L CandleTime.mq4" from:
    For example, at "21:45:00", a normal Daily chart bar would display "2:15:00" remaining
    time for the most recent bar.  However, for the +1H,Daily chart, it should display
    "1:15:00" remaining bar time.  The "P4L CandleTime.mq4" indicator also has an 
    option to display the remaining time as a chart Comment. (Change an external variable).
    Final comment re v1_6:  Note that MT5 is in beta and should be released in 2010.
    Supposedly any timeframe chart (in minutes) can be generated with MT5 (e.g. M10, 
    M20, H2, H8, ...  I do not know what the maximum supported value is).  Therefore,
    you might already be able to accomplish some of your non-standard timeframe 
    requirements using a demo MT5 account even today. (Search for MT5 download).
    However, I am unfamiliar with the details of MT5 and I cannot say whether or not
    the timeshift feature will be available in basic MT5 or whether a new indicator 
    or EA must be written to accomplish the same timeshift feature as this indicator
    does on MT4.  I guess we'll find out together...
    Comments regarding the previous v1_5 update are left here for additional reference:
    I. (v1.5 update) Features:
    This is an improved version of period converter for MT4 based on the
    MT4's default period converter by metaquotes.
    The default period converter script do not support real-time refreshing,
    and consume lots of CPU (50%-9x%) making the whole system slow.
    Also, the default one is a script which do not save when you exit MT4,
    so you have to apply every converter script again after restarting, quite
    This one fixed all above problems:
    1. Real-time updating or custom interval millisecond level updating.
    2. Low CPU cost, average 5%-10% or less.
    3. Works as an indicator, so can be saved and reloaded during restart. 
    4. There is no one converter per chart limitation as it is not script
       any more, you can only use one window as source to generate as many
       new timeframe charts as possible.
    5. Auto updating if there is new history block loaded.
    II. How to use:
    Copy the mq4 file to your MT4 indicators folder (experts\indicators)
    to install it as an indicator, NOT script. then in the custom indicator 
    list, attach period_converter_opt to the chart you want.
    It support 4 parameters:
    PeriodMultiplier:    new period multiplier factor, default is 2
    UpdateInterval_in_msec:      update interval in milliseconds, 
                         zero means update real-time. default is zero.
    Indicator_On:        You can disable it without remove it with this option.
    Other parameters are comments or for debugging, it is safe to ignore them.
    Also Make sure you have Allow Dll imports option checked in common tab or
    it won't work
    After that, File->Open Offline to open the generated offline data. then
    the offline data will be updated automatically.
    As long as you keep the source chart open and the converter indicator 
    running, the generated chart including indicators inside will always 
    be updated. also you can close the generated chart and open again 
    later from File->Open Offline without problem.
    If you want to quit MT4, you can leave those offline chart as other
    normal online charts. when you start MT4 next time, those charts will
    also be loaded and updated.
    III. Notes:
    1. Do NOT uncheck the "offline chart" option in offline chart common properties.
       or after MT4 restart, it will treat that chart as online chart and request
       the data from server, resulting empty chart window.
    2. You can attach more than one converter to same window with different 
       PeriodMultiplier, e.g: you can attach 3 converter with 
       PeriodMultiplier = 2, 4, 10 to M1 to generate M2, M4, M10 at the same time.
       It is even ok to use the M1 chart to generate Hourly chart like H2, which
       only cost a few more CPU resource during initial conversion. but usually 
       most server don't have much data for those short period. resulting the 
       generated data isn't long enough for long period. so it is suggested 
       to use Hourly/Daily charts as source when needed.
    3. The real-time updating mode updates quotes as fast as possible, but as
       this is done via script, and MT will skip calling start() function when
       your PC is busy and lots of quotes income. anyway, this seldom happen,
       and you can at least get 10 updates each seconds which is much more
       than enough.
    4. The offline chart don't have a bid line showing in chart, but all data
       in the chart including the indicators is still being updated, 
       so don't worry. you can show the bid line by unclick the "offline chart" 
       option in chart properties. but which don't helps much and if you forget
       to check "offline chart" option before exit. it will cause errors and
       become empty on next startup. you have to close the window and open
       again from File->Open offline, which don't worth the trouble.
    IV. History:
    2009.12.10  v1.8     
        New external variable: Over_1MN_alters_Symbol_name = true (default; more readable).  If you prefer
          NOT to change the Symbol name for charts > 1-Month, then "false" will alter the Period() instead.
          Indicators that care more about the Symbol() name may be compatible, so long as they
          don't care about getting a correct "Period()" value (which is always wrong anyway for 
          any chart > 1-Month, due to MT4 limitations and the hack this program used to get around this).
    2009.12.07  1.7      (By pips4life of forexfactory, enhanced based on an idea by circlesquare)
                         Added external variable:  TimeShiftAdd_in_Bars
                          Note, this value ADDS to any timeshift specified by TimeShiftAdd_in_HptMM.
                          The "Bars" syntax is much easier for very high timeframe timeshifts whereas
                          the "H.MM" syntax is easier for low timeframe timeshifts.
                         This version supports the generation of charts with Period > Monthly.
                          The "Symbol()" name uses new syntax to indicate the period is higher
                          than 1 month (which MT4 cannot display unless tricked into thinking it
                          is <= 1-month).  Here are chartname ("Symbol,Period")  syntax examples:  
                              EURUSD_x2,Monthly (MN2 chart)
                              EURUSD-1Nx2,Monthly (MN2 chart, offset by "-1N" (1 Month) (NOTE: "N" not "MN" or "M")
                              EURUSD-1Wx5,Weekly (W5 chart, offset by -1W timeshift)
                              EURUSD_x12,Monthly (MN12 (i.e. Yearly) chart)
                              EURUSD+1Nx12 (ILLEGAL 12-character name!  NOT created!)
                              EU+1N_x12 (EURUSD is shortened to "EU".  The "_" before "x" is used if within character limit).
                              SEKRUB+1Nx,M43188 ( An unusual example, but if the symbol name is not
                                shortened, and a timeshift is used, and there is no room left (within
                                the 11-characters max) to add the "x#" (# = PeriodMultiplier), then the
                                reported period is the source chart "Period() - PeriodMultiplier".  In this
                                example, M43188 was from Monthly(43200) - 12 (A Monthly chart - PeriodMultiple-of-12)
                                There was no room for "x12" but there was room for just "x" so it was added.
                                Final result:  This is a Yearly (1 bar is 12mo) chart, timeshifted by +1Month.
                         NOTE: The MT4 symbol length limit is only 11.  This requires a lot more
                           hacking and jumping through hoops to keep below this character limit 
                           whenever a timeshift is used for a chart TF > Monthly, or whenever a 
                           large number timeshift is used (regardless of chart TF) that would
                           cause the symbol name to exceed 11 characters.
                         The next v1_3 "P4L CandleTime.mq4" will have the routines needed to unconvert the
                           strange changes to symbol and/or period to get the true effective
                           symbol, period, and timeshift values.
    2009.11.11  1.6      (By pips4life of forexfactory, partly based on an idea by rangebound)
                         Users can now open same-timeframe charts with different (multiple)
                          timeshifts.  For example, open an H1 chart and add multiple instances
                          of this indicator, each with multiplier=24, but use several different
                          timeshift values.  This highly-useful feature will show what the bars look
                          like if the start/stop times are shifted by any number of hour(s).
                          Similarly, do the same thing for H4 charts. Compare your native H4 charts
                          with the 3 possible others charts that use timeshifts of 1,2, and 3 hours.
                         Added support for real-time updating of *multiple* offline windows.
                          In other words, you can open 2 or more M10 charts and each will update.
                          Because it loops and checks every window, there *may* be a cost in
                          CPU time.  If you desire only to update the first-found offline
                          chart, go back to the old method by setting LiveUpdateMultipleCharts=false.
                         A few other updates to variable names were made for clarity.  The meaning
                          of the old "TimeShift" was clarified (and is reversed from the previous meaning
                          which had previously subtracted from the broker time; now "+" means ADD).
                         Known problem(s):
                           Adding this indicator to a Monthly chart with PeriodMultipler=2 should
                           generate a ",MN2" chart but the "Open offline" list displays it as ",D60".
                           More importantly, even if you open that ",D60" chart it doesn't seem to work!
                           In fact, anything above a ",Monthly" chart appears not to work (MT4 v4.00 Build 225)
    2006.02.16  1.5      (By ???)
                         Added (discontinued) TimeShift (in bars) option, can be used to shift hour 
                         timeframe to generate daily timeframe when your timezone is different
                         from the server, default is zero.
    2005.12.24  1.4      (By
                         faster to detect if data changed by removing float point 
                         operations, added support to output CSV file in real time.
                         OutputCSVFile = 0 means no CSV.
                         OutputCSVFile = 1 means CSV + HST
                         OutputCSVFile = 2 CSV only, no HST .
                         (useful if you want to generate CSV for builtin periods)
                         CSV Filename will be the same as HST file except the extension.
                         added safe checking for PeriodMultiplier.
    2005.12.04  1.3      Fixed missing data when there is large amount of data
                         loaded in several blocks, and support auto updating
                         when new history is loaded.
    2005.11.29  1.2      Additional fix for missing data and server changing.
    2005.11.29  1.1      Fixed missing partial data after restart.
                         Reinitialize after changing server or data corrupted.
    2005.11.28  1.0      Initial release
    extern double  FYI_Version = 1.7;               // code version
    extern string  FYI_BuildInfo = "2009.12.07 by pips4life of ForexFactory";
    extern int     PeriodMultiplier = 2;            // new period multiplier factor
    extern string  FYI_TimeShift_HptMM             = "H.MM 1.0=1hr, 1.3 or 0.9=90min, -0.05= -5min"; //NOTE: "1.5" is NOT 90min but 110min!
    extern double  TimeShiftAdd_in_HptMM = 0.0;     // time shift value, H.MM.
    extern int     TimeShiftAdd_in_Bars = 0;        // time shift value in Bars (easier for higher timeframes). NOTE: The two timeshifts ADD!! (Both are in effect!)
    //extern double  TimeShiftAdd_in_Bars = 0;        //OLD method.  Time shift value. Type "double" allows fractional bars, like 0.25 = 1/4 bar.
    extern int     UpdateInterval_in_msec = 0;      // update interval in milliseconds, zero means update real-time.
    extern string  FYI_OutputCSVFile = "0=HST only; 1=CSV+HST; 2=CSV only";
    extern int     OutputCSVFile = 0;               // also output CSV file? (CSV means "comma separated values". File can be imported into various tools & programs)
    extern bool    LiveUpdateMultipleCharts = false; //True (recommended) is more CPU but will update all offline charts found.
    extern bool    LimitedAlertsEnabled = true;     // Sometimes an Alert is the best way to notify you rather than the experts (Print) log.
    extern bool    Over_1MN_alters_Symbol_name = true; // If true, Symbol() name changes, if false, Period = (Period() - PeriodMultiplier). Chartname is "symbol,period", so...
                                                       //   Examples:  If true, 2-mo chart: EURUSD_x2,Monthly  False: EURUSD,M43198  (where PERIOD_MN1=43200, and 43200-2=43198)
                                                       //   If true, 5-wk chart: EURUSD_x5,Weekly   False: EURUSD,M10075  (where PERIOD_W1=10080, and 10080-5=10075)
                                                       //   Choice "false" is for indicators (especially MTF) that require the normal "Symbol()" name, but don't 
                                                       //   care about "Period()"
                                                       //   NOTE: A timeshifted chart (ANY timeframe) must always change the Symbol() name, e.g. EURUSD+1H,Daily
    extern bool    Indicator_On = true;                  // "False" is an easy way to disable without removing from the source chart.
    bool    Debug = false; //Generally for developer use
    // Regarding the auto-adjustment of the symbol name:
    // Always pay attention to the chart name it tells you it will generate so you will know which offline
    // chartname to open!   See the experts log or maybe an Alert.
    // Unless you have a non-zero timeshift, you cannot create an offline chart with the same name as a 
    // regular period: M1,M5,M10,M15,M30,H1,H4,D1(Daily),W1(Weekly),MN1(Monthly)
    // If your TimeShiftAdd_in_HptMM is "0", and the new period is not a standard period, it will be called, e.g., "EURUSD,H2".
    // If you have a Daily chart with positive time shift of 2 hours, the name would be "EURUSD+2H,D1"
    // Similarly, a time shift of -2 hours would be "EURUSD-H2,D1".
    int      FileHandle = -1;
    int      CSVHandle = -1;
    int      NewPeriod = 0;
    int      NewPeriodDisplayed;
    string   symbol;
    string   symboloutput;
    #define OUTPUT_HST_ONLY    0
    #define OUTPUT_CSV_HST     1
    #define OUTPUT_CSV_ONLY    2
    #define  CHART_CMD_UPDATE_DATA            33324
    // GetWindowTextA overwrites gwstr but it should initially be at least as long a string as it will become later.
    //            //12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789  //119 chars                                                                                                                  "};
    string gwstr = "                                                                                                                       ";
    string offlineChartName;
    int TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes;
    bool FLAG_NO_OFFLINE_CHART = false;
    bool FLAG_FIRSTINITDONE = false;
    bool FLAG_ERRORFOUND = false;
    void DebugMsg(string msg)
       if (Debug) Alert(msg);
    int init()
       string msg;
       int intShiftByNum;
       string strShiftByUnit;
       //TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes = TimeShiftAdd_in_Bars*Period();
       TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes = MathFloor(TimeShiftAdd_in_HptMM)*60 + MathMod(TimeShiftAdd_in_HptMM*100,100) + TimeShiftAdd_in_Bars * Period();
       if (MathMod(TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes,Period() ) != 0)
       //ERROR. TimeShift must be an even multiple of the source chart Period()
         msg = StringConcatenate("ERROR. ",WindowExpertName(),": Illegal TimeShift value: ",TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes,"min must a multiple of source TF ",Period() );
         Alert(msg); // This is critical so it is forced to Alert
         //if (!FLAG_FIRSTINITDONE)
         //    if (LimitedAlertsEnabled) Alert(msg);
         //    else Print(msg);
       //safe checking for PeriodMultiplier.
       if (PeriodMultiplier <= 1) {
          PeriodMultiplier = 1;
          //only output CSV file?  The ONLY point of PeriodMultiplier == 1, timeshift=0, would be to have a CSV file.
          if (TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes == 0) OutputCSVFile = 2;
       NewPeriod = Period() * PeriodMultiplier;
       //if(Period() * PeriodMultiplier < PERIOD_MN1) NewPeriod = Period() * PeriodMultiplier;
       //else NewPeriod = Period()-PeriodMultiplier;//feel free to change how you come up with an obscure tf lower than monthly.
       //NewPeriod2=Period() * PeriodMultiplier;
       symbol = Symbol();
       // Figure out the timeshift string to be added to the offline Symbol() name:
       //if (MathMod(TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes,PERIOD_MN1) == 0) {strShiftByUnit= "MN"; intShiftByNum = TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes/PERIOD_MN1;}
       if (MathMod(TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes,PERIOD_MN1) == 0) {strShiftByUnit= "N"; intShiftByNum = TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes/PERIOD_MN1;} // Need to stay within char. limit, so "N" used, not "MN"
       else if (MathMod(TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes,PERIOD_W1) == 0) {strShiftByUnit= "W"; intShiftByNum = TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes/PERIOD_W1;}
       else if (MathMod(TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes,PERIOD_D1) == 0) {strShiftByUnit= "D"; intShiftByNum = TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes/PERIOD_D1;}
       else if (MathMod(TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes,PERIOD_H1) == 0) {strShiftByUnit= "H"; intShiftByNum = TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes/PERIOD_H1;}
       else {strShiftByUnit= "M"; intShiftByNum = TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes;}
       if (intShiftByNum == 0 && OutputCSVFile != OUTPUT_CSV_ONLY && (NewPeriod == PERIOD_M1 || NewPeriod == PERIOD_M5 || NewPeriod == PERIOD_M15 // || NewPeriod == 10 //e.g. Oanda has M10.
            || NewPeriod == PERIOD_M30 || NewPeriod == PERIOD_H1 || NewPeriod == PERIOD_H4 || NewPeriod == PERIOD_D1
            || NewPeriod == PERIOD_W1 || NewPeriod == PERIOD_MN1 ))   
         symboloutput = symbol;
         FLAG_NO_OFFLINE_CHART = true; // One cannot generate an offline chart with the same name as a regular TF chart!
         if (OutputCSVFile != OUTPUT_HST_ONLY) OutputCSVFile = OUTPUT_CSV_ONLY; //2
       else if (intShiftByNum > 0) symboloutput = StringConcatenate(symbol,"+",DoubleToStr(intShiftByNum,0),strShiftByUnit);
       else if (intShiftByNum < 0) symboloutput = StringConcatenate(symbol,DoubleToStr(intShiftByNum,0),strShiftByUnit); //negative
       else symboloutput = symbol;
       if (StringLen(symboloutput) > 11) symboloutput = shortenSymbol(symboloutput);
       symboloutput = StringSubstr(symboloutput,0,11); // The MAX number of characters for symboloutput is 11, no matter what the offset.
       NewPeriodDisplayed = NewPeriod;
       if (NewPeriod > PERIOD_MN1)
         msg = "NOTE: For charts > 1-month period, be aware of variable: Over_1MN_alters_Symbol_name";
           if (LimitedAlertsEnabled) Alert(msg);
           else Print(msg);
         int solen = StringLen(symboloutput);
         int pmlen = StringLen(DoubleToStr(PeriodMultiplier,0));
         if ( solen+pmlen > 10) symboloutput = shortenSymbol(symboloutput);
         solen = StringLen(symboloutput);
         if ( Over_1MN_alters_Symbol_name && solen+pmlen <= 9)
           NewPeriodDisplayed = Period();
           symboloutput = StringConcatenate(symboloutput,"_x",PeriodMultiplier); //<=9 plus 2chars "_x" is always <= 11 MAX
         else if ( Over_1MN_alters_Symbol_name && solen+pmlen == 10 && intShiftByNum != 0)
           NewPeriodDisplayed = Period();
           symboloutput = StringConcatenate(symboloutput,"x",PeriodMultiplier); // ==10 plus 1 char "x" is == 11 MAX, but there must be a "+" or "-" from a timeshift.
           if ( Over_1MN_alters_Symbol_name && solen <= 10) symboloutput = StringConcatenate(symboloutput,"x"); //The "x" will help to know a larger TF was used.
           NewPeriodDisplayed = Period() - PeriodMultiplier;
           if (NewPeriodDisplayed <= 0) NewPeriodDisplayed = 101; //arbitrary (preferably prime) number 
       if (NewPeriodDisplayed == PERIOD_MN1)
         offlineChartName = StringConcatenate(symboloutput,",Monthly (offline)"); //Note, there is no "MN2". Instead it would be D60, but MT4 doesn't handle it (directly).
       else if (MathMod(NewPeriodDisplayed,PERIOD_W1) == 0)
         if (NewPeriodDisplayed == PERIOD_W1) offlineChartName = StringConcatenate(symboloutput,",Weekly (offline)");
         else offlineChartName = StringConcatenate(symboloutput,",W",DoubleToStr(NewPeriodDisplayed/PERIOD_W1,0)," (offline)");
       else if (MathMod(NewPeriodDisplayed,PERIOD_D1) == 0)
         if (NewPeriodDisplayed == PERIOD_D1) offlineChartName = StringConcatenate(symboloutput,",Daily (offline)");
         else offlineChartName = StringConcatenate(symboloutput,",D",DoubleToStr(NewPeriodDisplayed/PERIOD_D1,0)," (offline)");
       else if (MathMod(NewPeriodDisplayed,PERIOD_H1) == 0)
         offlineChartName = StringConcatenate(symboloutput,",H",DoubleToStr(NewPeriodDisplayed/PERIOD_H1,0)," (offline)");
         offlineChartName = StringConcatenate(symboloutput,",M",NewPeriodDisplayed," (offline)");
       if (OpenHistoryAndCSVFiles() < 0) return (-1);
       UpdateHistoryFile(Bars-1, true);
         msg = StringConcatenate("Offline chart not created because it already exists: ",StringSubstr(offlineChartName,0,StringLen(offlineChartName)-10),"  (Time shifted by 0min)");
         if (OutputCSVFile != OUTPUT_HST_ONLY) msg = StringConcatenate(msg," However, CSV file will be created");
            if (LimitedAlertsEnabled) Alert(msg);
            else Print(msg);
       else if (OutputCSVFile == OUTPUT_CSV_ONLY)
         msg = StringConcatenate("CSV file will be created: ",StringSubstr(offlineChartName,0,StringLen(offlineChartName)-10),".csv   (Time shifted by ",DoubleToStr(TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes,0),"min )");
            if (LimitedAlertsEnabled) Alert(msg);
            else Print(msg);
       else if (LiveUpdateMultipleCharts) 
         msg = StringConcatenate("Looking for one or more charts named: ",offlineChartName,"   (Time shifted by ",DoubleToStr(TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes,0),"min )");
         if (OutputCSVFile != OUTPUT_HST_ONLY) msg = StringConcatenate(msg," CSV file will also be created");
            if (LimitedAlertsEnabled) Alert(msg);
            else Print(msg);
         msg = StringConcatenate("Looking for ONLY the FIRST FOUND chart named: ",offlineChartName,"  Others will not live-update!   (Time shifted by ",DoubleToStr(TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes,0),"min )");
         if (OutputCSVFile != OUTPUT_HST_ONLY) msg = StringConcatenate(msg," CSV file will also be created");
            if (LimitedAlertsEnabled) Alert(msg);
            else Print(msg);
       if (IsDllsAllowed() == false) 
         //DLL calls must be allowed
         msg = StringConcatenate("ERROR. ",WindowExpertName()," will not work unless you turn on: Allow DLL imports");
         Alert(msg); // This is critical so it is forced to Alert
         //if (!FLAG_FIRSTINITDONE)
         //   if (LimitedAlertsEnabled) Alert(msg);
         //   else Print(msg);
       if (StringLen(symboloutput) > 11)
          msg = StringConcatenate("Probable ERROR. MT4 cannot open offline charts with symbol name > 11 characters: ",symboloutput);
          if (!FLAG_FIRSTINITDONE)
             if (LimitedAlertsEnabled) Alert(msg);
             else Print(msg);
       FLAG_FIRSTINITDONE = true; // This is used to prevent double "Alert" commands when init() is executed again by other routines.
       return (0);
    } // end of init()
    void deinit()
       //Close file handle
       if(FileHandle >=  0) { 
          FileHandle = -1; 
       if (CSVHandle >= 0) {
          CSVHandle = -1; 
    } // end of deinit()
    int OpenHistoryAndCSVFiles()
       string fileOpenChartName;
       fileOpenChartName = StringConcatenate(symboloutput,DoubleToStr(NewPeriodDisplayed,0));
       if (!FLAG_NO_OFFLINE_CHART && OutputCSVFile != OUTPUT_CSV_ONLY) {
          FileHandle = FileOpenHistory(fileOpenChartName + ".hst", FILE_BIN|FILE_WRITE);
          if (FileHandle < 0) return(-1);
       if (OutputCSVFile != OUTPUT_HST_ONLY) {
          CSVHandle = FileOpen(fileOpenChartName + ".csv", FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE, ',');
          if (CSVHandle < 0) return(-1);
       return (0);
    } // end of OpenHistoryAndCSVFiles
    int WriteHistoryHeader()
       string c_copyright;
       int    i_digits = Digits;
       int    i_unused[13] = {0};
       int    version = 400;   
       if (FileHandle < 0) return (-1);
       c_copyright = "(C)opyright 2003, MetaQuotes Software Corp.";
       FileWriteInteger(FileHandle, version, LONG_VALUE);
       FileWriteString(FileHandle, c_copyright, 64);
       FileWriteString(FileHandle, symboloutput, 12);
       FileWriteInteger(FileHandle, NewPeriodDisplayed, LONG_VALUE);
       FileWriteInteger(FileHandle, i_digits, LONG_VALUE);
       FileWriteInteger(FileHandle, 0, LONG_VALUE);       //timesign
       FileWriteInteger(FileHandle, 0, LONG_VALUE);       //last_sync
       FileWriteArray(FileHandle, i_unused, 0, ArraySize(i_unused));
       return (0);
    } // end of WriteHistoryHeader
    static double d_open, d_low, d_high, d_close, d_volume;
    static int i_time;
    void WriteHistoryData()
       if (FileHandle >= 0) {
          FileWriteInteger(FileHandle, i_time, LONG_VALUE);
          FileWriteDouble(FileHandle, d_open, DOUBLE_VALUE);
          FileWriteDouble(FileHandle, d_low, DOUBLE_VALUE);
          FileWriteDouble(FileHandle, d_high, DOUBLE_VALUE);
          FileWriteDouble(FileHandle, d_close, DOUBLE_VALUE);
          FileWriteDouble(FileHandle, d_volume, DOUBLE_VALUE);
       if (CSVHandle >= 0) {
          int i_digits = Digits;
             TimeToStr(i_time, TIME_DATE),
             TimeToStr(i_time, TIME_MINUTES),
             DoubleToStr(d_open, i_digits), 
             DoubleToStr(d_high, i_digits), 
             DoubleToStr(d_low, i_digits), 
             DoubleToStr(d_close, i_digits), 
    } // end of WriteHistoryData
    int UpdateHistoryFile(int start_pos, bool init = false)
       static int last_fpos, csv_fpos;
       int i, ps;
       int shift;
    //   if (FileHandle < 0) return (-1);
       // normalize open time
       ps = NewPeriod * 60;
       shift = 60 * TimeShiftAdd_in_Minutes;
       //i_time = (Time[start_pos]-shift)/ps;
       i_time = (Time[start_pos]+shift)/ps;
       i_time *=  ps;
       if (init) {
             //first time, init data
             d_open = Open[start_pos];
             d_low = Low[start_pos];
             d_high = High[start_pos]; 
             d_close = Close[start_pos];
             d_volume = Volume[start_pos];                           
             i = start_pos - 1;
             if (FileHandle >= 0) last_fpos = FileTell(FileHandle);
             if (CSVHandle >= 0) csv_fpos = FileTell(CSVHandle);
       } else {
             i = start_pos;
             if (FileHandle >= 0) FileSeek(FileHandle,last_fpos,SEEK_SET);
             if (CSVHandle >= 0) FileSeek(CSVHandle, csv_fpos, SEEK_SET);
       if (i < 0) return (-1);
       int cnt = 0;
       int LastBarTime;
       //processing bars
       while (i >= 0) {
          //LastBarTime = Time[i]-shift;
          LastBarTime = Time[i]+shift;
          //a new bar
          if (LastBarTime >=  i_time+ps) {
             //write the bar data
             i_time = LastBarTime/ps;
             i_time *= ps;
             d_open = Open[i];
             d_low = Low[i];
             d_high = High[i];
             d_close = Close[i];
             d_volume = Volume[i];
          } else {
             //no new bar
             d_volume +=  Volume[i];
             if (Low[i]<d_low) d_low = Low[i];
             if (High[i]>d_high) d_high = High[i];
             d_close = Close[i];      
       //record last_fpos before writing last bar.
       if (FileHandle >= 0) last_fpos = FileTell(FileHandle);
       if (CSVHandle >= 0) csv_fpos = FileTell(CSVHandle);
       d_volume -=  Volume[0];
       //flush the data writen
       if (FileHandle >= 0) FileFlush(FileHandle);
       if (CSVHandle >= 0) FileFlush(CSVHandle);
       return (cnt);
    } // end of UpdateHistoryFile
    int UpdateChartWindow()
       static int hwnd = 0;
       if (FileHandle < 0) {
          //no HST file opened, no need updating.
          return (-1);
       if(hwnd == 0) {
          //trying to detect the chart window for updating
          hwnd = WindowHandle(symboloutput, NewPeriodDisplayed);
       if(hwnd!= 0) {
          if (IsDllsAllowed() == false) {
             //DLL calls must be allowed
             DebugMsg("Dll calls must be allowed");
             return (-1);
    //      if (PostMessageA(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,CHART_CMD_UPDATE_DATA,0) == 0) {
       int MT4InternalMsg = RegisterWindowMessageA("MetaTrader4_Internal_Message");
       if(PostMessageA(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, 0x822c, 0) == 0)     hwnd = 0;
          PostMessageA(hwnd, MT4InternalMsg, 2, 1);
       //window not found or PostMessage failed
       return (-1);
    } //end of UpdateChartWindow
    void UpdateMultipleChartWindows()
      // This routine by pips4life is an offshoot of an incomplete (but useful)
      // suggestion by rangebound (of ForexFactory) how to solve
      // the problem that WindowHandle() only returns the first window it finds.
      int hwnd,len;
      if (FileHandle < 0) {
          //no HST file opened, no need updating.
          return (-1);
      // GetWindowTextA overwrites gwstr but it should initially be at least as long as it will become.
      //     //12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789  //119 chars
      gwstr = "                                                                                                                       ";
      hwnd = WindowHandle(symboloutput,NewPeriodDisplayed); //This is non-zero if at least one matching window exists
      if (hwnd != 0)
        if (Debug) Print("Initial WindowHandle: ",hwnd);
        //if (Debug) Print("Initial gwstr:",gwstr,":");
        //len = GetWindowTextA(hwnd,gwstr,80); //Unfortunately, len is always 0, gwstr doesn't get text
        //if (Debug) Print("First gwstr:",gwstr,":"); //This is often zero-chars even though it was just set to spaces above!
        //offlineChartName = StringSubstr(gwstr,0,len-1);
        //hwnd = GetWindow(hwnd,GW_HWNDFIRST); //Always same as WindowHandle
        //if (Debug) Print("Initial GetWindow: ",hwnd," len: ",len," offlineChartName: ",offlineChartName);
        //if (Debug) Print("   Owner window: ",GetWindow(hwnd,GW_OWNER)); //Always 0
        //if (Debug) Print("   Child window: ",GetWindow(hwnd,GW_CHILD)); //Always 0
        //if (Debug) Print("   First window: ",GetWindow(hwnd,GW_HWNDFIRST));
        //if (Debug) Print("   Last  window: ",GetWindow(hwnd,GW_HWNDLAST)); //same as FIRST
        //if (Debug) Print("   Next  window: ",GetWindow(hwnd,GW_HWNDNEXT)); //Always 0
        //if (Debug) Print("   Prev  window: ",GetWindow(hwnd,GW_HWNDPREV)); //Always 0
        //if (Debug) Print("   GetParent window: ",GetParent(hwnd));
        //if (Debug) Print("   GetAncestor-Parent window: ",GetAncestor(hwnd,GA_PARENT));
        if (Debug) Print("Initial window using GetParent: ",hwnd);
        hwnd = GetWindow(hwnd,GW_HWNDFIRST); //Not sure if this is redundant or not. Doesn't hurt and it may be necessary.
        //len = GetWindowTextA(hwnd,gwstr,80);
        //if (Debug) Print("First GetWindow: ",hwnd," len: ",len," gwstr:",gwstr,":","   offlineChartName:",offlineChartName,":");
        int MT4InternalMsg;
        while (hwnd !=0)
          len = GetWindowTextA(hwnd,gwstr,80);
          if ((len >0) && gwstr == offlineChartName)
          //if ((len >0) && (StringSubstr(gwstr,0,len-1) == offlineChartName)) //No does not work.
           //  PostMessageA(hwnd,WM_COMMAND,CHART_CMD_UPDATE_DATA,0);
             MT4InternalMsg = RegisterWindowMessageA("MetaTrader4_Internal_Message");
             if(PostMessageA(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, 0x822c, 0) == 0)     hwnd = 0;
             PostMessageA(hwnd, MT4InternalMsg, 2, 1);
             if (Debug) Print("Found and updated this GetWindow: ",hwnd," gwstr: ",gwstr);
          //if (Debug) Print("CHECKED GetWindow: ",hwnd," len: ",len," gwstr: ",gwstr,":");
          hwnd = GetWindow(hwnd,GW_HWNDNEXT);
    } // end of UpdateMultipleChartWindows
    int PerfCheck(bool Start)
       static int StartTime = 0;
       static int Index = 0;
       if (Start) {
          StartTime = GetTickCount();
          Index = 0;
          return (StartTime);
       int diff = GetTickCount() - StartTime;
       Alert("Time used [" + Index + "]: " + diff);
       StartTime = GetTickCount();
       return (diff);
    static int LastStartTime = 0;
    static int LastEndTime = 0;
    static int LastBarCount = 0;
    int reinit()
       LastStartTime = Time[Bars-1];
       LastEndTime = Time[0];
       LastBarCount = Bars;
    } // end of reinit
    bool IsDataChanged()
       static int LastBars = 0, LastTime = 0, LastVolume = 0;
       static double LastOpen = 0, LastClose = 0, LastHigh = 0, LastLow = 0;
       if (LastVolume != Volume[0] || LastBars != Bars || LastTime != Time[0]|| 
          LastClose != Close[0] || LastHigh != High[0] || LastLow != Low[0] || 
          LastOpen != Open[0]) {
          LastBars = Bars;
          LastVolume = Volume[0];
          LastTime = Time[0];
          LastClose = Close[0];
          LastHigh = High[0];
          LastLow = Low[0];
          LastOpen = Open[0];
          return (true);
       return (false);
       fast version without float point operation
       static int LastBars = 0, LastTime = 0, LastVolume = 0;
       bool ret;
       ret = false;
       if (LastVolume != Volume[0]) {
          LastVolume = Volume[0];
          ret = true;
       if (LastTime != Time[0]) {
          LastTime = Time[0];
          ret = true;
       if (LastBars != Bars) {
          LastBars = Bars;
          ret = true;
       return (ret);
    } // end of IsDataChanged
    int CheckNewData()
       static string LastServer = "";
       if (Bars < 2) {
          //the data is not loaded yet.
          DebugMsg("Data not loaded, only " +  Bars + " Bars");
          return (-1);
       string serv = ServerAddress();
       if (serv == "") {
          //no server yet
          DebugMsg("No server connected");
          return (-1);
       //server changed? check this and reinit to prevent wrong data while changing server.
       if (LastServer != serv) {
          DebugMsg("Server changed from " + LastServer + " to " + serv);
          LastServer = serv;
          return (-1);
       if (!IsDataChanged()) {
          //return if no data changed to save resource
          //DebugMsg("No data changed");
          return (-1);
       if (Time[Bars-1] != LastStartTime) {
          DebugMsg("Start time changed, new history loaded or server changed");
          return (-1);
       int i, cnt;
       //try to find LastEndTime bar, which should be Time[0] or Time[1] usually,
       //so the operation is fast
       for (i = 0; i < Bars; i++) {
          if (Time[i] <= LastEndTime) {
       if (i >= Bars || Time[i] != LastEndTime) {
          DebugMsg("End time " + TimeToStr(LastEndTime) + " not found");
          return (-1);
       cnt = Bars - i;
       if (cnt != LastBarCount) {
          DebugMsg("Data loaded, cnt is " + cnt + " LastBarCount is " + LastBarCount);
          return (-1);
       //no new data loaded, return with LastEndTime position.
       LastBarCount = Bars;
       LastEndTime = Time[0];
       return (i);
    } // end of CheckNewData
    //| program start function                                           |
    int start()
       static int last_time = 0;
       if (!Indicator_On) return (0);
       //always update or update only after certain interval
       if (UpdateInterval_in_msec !=  0) {
          int cur_time;
          cur_time = GetTickCount();
          if (MathAbs(cur_time - last_time) < UpdateInterval_in_msec) {
             return (0);
          last_time = cur_time;
       //if (Debug) PerfCheck(true);
       int n = CheckNewData();
       //if (Debug) PerfCheck(false);   
       if (n < 0) return (0);
       //update history file with new data
       //refresh chart window
       if (LiveUpdateMultipleCharts) UpdateMultipleChartWindows();
       else UpdateChartWindow();
       //if (Debug) PerfCheck(false);
    } // end of start()
    string shortenSymbol(string symbolname)
      symbolname = stringReplaceFirstMatch(symbolname,"CHF","CF");
      symbolname = stringReplaceFirstMatch(symbolname,"CAD","CD");
      symbolname = stringReplaceFirstMatch(symbolname,"USD","U");
      symbolname = stringReplaceFirstMatch(symbolname,"EUR","E");
      symbolname = stringReplaceFirstMatch(symbolname,"GBP","G");
      symbolname = stringReplaceFirstMatch(symbolname,"JPY","J");
      symbolname = stringReplaceFirstMatch(symbolname,"AUD","A");
      symbolname = stringReplaceFirstMatch(symbolname,"NZD","NZ");
      // Not planning to convert these less common names... the more one converts, the longer the un-convert routine.
      //symbolname = stringReplaceFirstMatch(symbolname,"NOK","NK");
      //symbolname = stringReplaceFirstMatch(symbolname,"SEK","SK");
      //symbolname = stringReplaceFirstMatch(symbolname,"DKK","DK");
      //symbolname = stringReplaceFirstMatch(symbolname,"HKD","HK");
      //symbolname = stringReplaceFirstMatch(symbolname,"SEKRUB","SKRU"); // Note, one could change pairs of names instead of just base-currency names.
      //Note: Changing these names back will likely require all possible pairs be specified, EU->EURUSD, NOT just E->EUR & U->USD
      // More specifically for "EU" in particular, any unconvert must be careful not to change "EURUSD"->"EURUSDRUSD" (wrong). Use:  
      //    if (StringFind(symbolname,"EU,0) == 0 && StringFind(symbolname,"EUR",0) != 0) symbolname=stringReplaceFirstMatch(symbolname,"EU","EURUSD")
    } // end of shortenSymbol
    string stringReplaceFirstMatch(string str, string toFind, string toReplace) 
        int len = StringLen(toFind);
        int pos = StringFind(str, toFind);
        if (pos == -1) {
            return (str);
        } else if (pos == 0) {
            return (StringConcatenate(toReplace,StringSubstr(str, pos + len)));
        return (StringConcatenate(StringSubstr(str, 0, pos),toReplace,StringSubstr(str, pos + len)));
    } // end of stringReplaceFirstMatch
  13. 呵呵,是可以了,你真厉害啊!
  14. 客气,刚好我也用到OFFLINE图来运行EA罢了,纯属运气
  15. 呵呵,太谦虚了啊!