
Discussion in 'Currencies' started by neo_cn, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. 入金fxcm 5000$
  2. 你钱多到烧的慌是不是?

  3. 汗。。。你让别人不要去FXCM,又不告诉人家你推荐哪家。。。
  4. 我又不做经纪人,说这些没什么意思啊

  5. 老实说,我今天才知道你用的是MBT。
  6. me three :)
  7. 关注
  8. 恩,这说明了我确实是低调的~~~:p
  9. FXCM有蛮多陷阱的。

    "This firm is borderline criminal organization" -
  10. MBT的连接来一个嘛,有宝贝就出来分享一下
  11. 这是FXCM关于rollover的介绍,他们支付高息货币的隔夜利息。

  12. 用下来,MBT不错的.
  13. 嗯,MBT不错,是少数的支持MT4的ECN交易商。

  14. 跑过来看了一下,转贴一下,啥意思?我英文很差的
    Haven’t seen this question in a long time…..not since EFX first started offering Forex. I believed then and still believe to this day the only reason this question even exist is because other Forex brokers have spread this misconception. The fact is, it’s just not true. Let me break it down a bit for you - I’m going to pull from other writings I’ve done in the past.

    First, you have to understand that our relationships with the banks (and they are numerous) that provide liquidity into our system are strong enough that those banks have broken up their electronic feeds to allow our customers to interact with their liquidity at any increment. You think about how this works, it isn’t a big leap. If a bank is showing $100,000 of EURUSD at a price, previously, they required that this be purchased as one block of $100,000 because it kept the number of transactions down. However, once they realized that many smaller players could still add up to the same amount and that our system was providing that sort of volume for them, they simply allowed the transactions to be broken up into smaller increments. It has worked out well for them and for our traders. Remember that unlike futures, such as the ES/SP contracts, forex is not traded as a “contract.” The idea of mini versus full is in name only. You are transacting actual cash, so the only limitation is what the entities on both sides set as a minimum.

    Second, it should also be clear that our ECN falls under a different name (TDFX), but it shares many of the same owners as MB Trading. In other words, the same people, and some more, were involved in the investment of starting the ECN technology. Let me give you an example. At this time, we use TDFX exclusively as our ECN. When you trade stocks, you open an account with someone like Cybertrader or MB Trading or E-Trade. When you buy or sell a stock, it is often routed to an ECN like ARCA or ISLD. In other words, an ECN is a technology company set up to put customer orders together. The same is true here. EFX/MBTF is the actual FCM. Order routing is handled by TDFX. It has the technology to pass your orders straight to a bank without deal desk intervention at ANY increment. It also has the core technology to allow our customer orders to interact directly. TDFX, the ECN, was set up to create that technology. So if the EURUSD is 1.2685 by 1.2686, and a customer of EFX/MBTF places an order to buy the EURUSD at 1.26841 (note the fifth decimal place for a tenth of a pip), since that order is not marketable at the time (the price of the EURUSD is higher), that order is routed to the TDFX ECN to sit on its server. If the EURUSD quote moves down to 1.2684 by 1.2685 on the EFX/MBTF system, that ECN quote at 1.26841 becomes the best bid. If another customer at that point chooses to sell the EURUSD at the market, their order is routed to the ECN and hits the buyer limited at 1.26841. Both customers get that price. The spread is irrelevant. No deal desk interaction occurs.

    To put it in one sentence, “We are a true, non-dealing desk direct access platform that accepts any order size equally into our marketplace and incorporates true customer-versus-customer ECN technology down to the tenth of a pip via the TDFX ECN, which we currently use exclusively.”

    I hope this helps.
    Justin LeBlang
    MB Trading Futures
  15. 中间那一大段可以略过,最后一句总结最重要了:;)
    To put it in one sentence, “We are a true, non-dealing desk direct access platform that accepts any order size equally into our marketplace and incorporates true customer-versus-customer ECN technology down to the tenth of a pip via the TDFX ECN, which we currently use exclusively.”

  16. 5000*1024=5120000:cool:
  17. 支持一下,1月7%,一年翻倍,十年1024倍....用10年的时间做一个终生理财,结果是相当划算的
  18. 1024倍,10年一个亿,莫非散户敢想不敢说的梦就要在这里实现?:D
  19. 赞一个。交易场上没有做不到,只有想不到。