
Discussion in 'Currencies' started by neo_cn, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. 多年成精的neo挂掉好像不是那么容易的,要相信neo练到现在至少是不死之身
  2. 圖都沒了:(
  3. 上个近期的双系统投资组合图
    这个是作为信号发生器的tradestation导出到rina的equity curve

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2010
  4. Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2010
  5. 星期五夜间fxcm网络故障 一觉醒来有5个仓位没有平仓成功,好在没有亏损,反倒多赚了一些,赶紧升级交易接口中。

    Friday Afternoon Service Interruption

    On behalf of all of FXCM, we wish to sincerely apologize any issues you may have experienced while trying to trade on January 22, 2010, starting at approximately 11:30 a.m. (EST). On January 22, 2010 there was a technical issue caused by a faulty network switch that disrupted trading. The following is an e-mail we are sending out to all fully disclosed clients of FXCM LLC (US), FXCM Ltd (UK), FXCM Australia and FXCM Asia who attempted to log in during the time of the issue. Please bear in mind that you may or may not have clients that were affected.

    Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact your RB account representative. Alternatively, you may address general inquiries to our retail client services department. For complete contact information, please visit:

    Thank you for understanding.

    Best regards,

    Institutional Client Relations
  6. 抱歉就完事了?你们一般怎么处理这种问题?
  7. 人微言轻...何况人家是主子...没办法..." 赶紧升级交易接口中" 是正解。风险因素可以添上这一条了...:D
  8. 人微言轻也得打个电话过去骂一下,赚钱就算了, 哈哈
  9. 双系统是指里面有2个系统同时工作的意思?
  10. 是的
  11. 这两个系统可能出现相反的交易信号吗?
  12. 10%的时间 会
  13. 那就同时持有2个相反的头寸?
  14. 美國平臺會對沖平倉掉吧~
  15. 按照我的理解,这个无所谓,你可以自己内部对冲,把结果发给broker就可以了。
  16. 之前爆了仓没有?
  17. 看了一下excel里面的单子,好像只有1个星期数据,持仓时间很短的单子,会持仓过周末吗?还是周末前都清仓?
  18. 可能是英國平臺,偶覺得同時持有多空沒有什么,如果自己對沖掉兩個進場機會,那什么都不會得到,卻放棄了四種出場結果及盈平虧三種可能。
  19. 可以通过limit order和stop order来获得这种机会。
  20. 偶的意思是同時持有一個方向放長,另一個方向短打的倉位。這是兩種不同的策略和風險回報比。當然也可以通過子帳戶多帳戶操作,不一定非要非美平臺。