
Discussion in 'TradeStation' started by wj2000, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. 谁在联合使用ts+owndata?!

    I am trying to get ts+owndata to work. No luck so far. Could you advice me how to do it?
    I have tried tradestation 8.2 and 8.4 with owndata 2.5.7 and 2.5.9 and no luck. Both owndata and tradestation seem to work but not together. TS either freezes after format symbol or when going to offline mode. I have vista32bit and esignal data feed.
  2. Problem is harder than that. Without owndata, the TS crack seems to work fine. Also Owndata gets the data from esignal. After I run owndata switch, TS exits when i go to offline mode (8.2) or freezes after i fill format symbol window (8.4)
  3. 建议用8.1吧

  4. 看来用TS的朋友还很多?
  5. 谢谢,我朋友后来在xp系统上使用正常了,在vista上还是有点问题,可能和vista有点关系。
  6. owndata 2.6能不能提供一个?
  7. I need it . Please sent owndata 2.6 and it's keygen for me,thx.
    my email address:gaupiking@gmail.com
  8. 使用owndata 2.6的方法是不是很低级,要不然怎么会那么多高手不屑谈论这个问题呢?
  9. 一直用Ts8.1 3006+owndata2.4
  10. 确实有问题,因为我要组建显示墙,必须安装vista,以前从未安装过vista。发现vista和owndata冲突。
  11. 还是不稳定,超级郁闷。哪位兄弟能给个在vista或win7下稳定工作的组合?
  12. 要不是组建四个屏幕,我才不安装win7或者vista呢!我的xp超级稳定,堪称完美。现行显卡在xp下支持四个屏幕的基本没有,要不太老,要不太贵。