Trading E-Mini in Shanghai

Discussion in 'Futures' started by jfw215, Feb 13, 2009.

  1. Hi,

    I want to move to Shanghai. I trade the E-Mini SP contract with Tradestation. I am curious to know how do I get a good internet connection in Shanghai for Tradestation. Do you experience disconnections? How is the lag? Any information will be greatly appreciated.



    P.S. You can reply in Chinese, I'm not too good, but I can read :)
  2. Connect your TS to IB's TWS, and the internet is good as it will go via HK server to Globex in CME.
  3. 使用网通的线路会比使用电信的线路要好


  4. Thanks Weijian. I don't have IB but I'll consider getting it.

  5. Hi linx,

    Thanks for your answer, is 网通 and 电信 two different companies or are they different technologies (ie. cable vs. dsl)?


  6. 两个垄断的企业
  7. 电信2M的网络很好,稳定而且速度很快。一年不到2000.
  8. 电信的速度没问题的
  9. Thank you all very much for your support! I've been using my friend's DSL 2MB connection running ninja trader and TS. TS lags a lot while ninjatrader with zenfire is doing fine. I figured out that to get a faster 8mb connection you need a business license and residential are restricted to 2mb. I am a little frustrated since I'm stuck with the 2MB connection. I do want to stay in Shanghai because it's a lot of fun and the hours are better than California time.

    So here's what I'm thinking:
    1 Use the internet at Wan Ba granted they let me use my own laptop
    2 Look for a local prop firm which may have fast internet ready

    If anyone knows of any good prop shop trading US timezone, please feel free to let me know.

    Thanks again

  10. won't it be too stressful living in shanghai while trading US timezone?
  11. 用网吧交易应该是可以,但安全性需要考虑,因为尽管你用自己的电脑,但网络是在网吧的控制下的,而且网吧各台机器间实际是一个小局域网,如果网吧里上网的有心术不正的人,在局域网里搞些手脚,估计就危险了(有IB的security device可能好些)。


    比如找一个服务器托管的网络运营商,自己托管一个服务器在网络运营商那里(可以独享比较高的出国带宽),自己的交易电脑通过VPN等方式连接自己的托管服务器就可以了,至于费用可以到淘宝网 看看。找家安全的有信誉的就行。

    如果想直接拉光纤网络,直接搜索一下,肯定有很多服务商不需要business license也可以做到的。就算正规运营商需要这个license,国内很多代办公司注册的企业,花300元就能帮你完成注册~
  12. 电信(ChinaTelecom) 和 网通(ChinaNetComm,现在并入联通 ChinaUniComm),是俩最大的 ISP。一般来讲网通到 US 的速度比电信快,因为电信用户远比网通的多,拥塞严重。

    有条件可以考虑在 HK 的 IDC 托管服务器,每月 6k-10k HK$。
  13. If ninja trader with zenfire is doing fine, it is not your Internet access bandwidth problem. It might be the same even you upgrade to 8M connection. Maybe there's some bottleneck in the route from TS server to your point. As you don't know where the bottleneck is, the only thing you can do is to try various ways:different ISPs (Telecom, Netcom, Unicoom), different places(bars, shops, etc.), different types (ADSL, FTTB, 有线通, CDMA, 3G)
  14. Unless doing scalping,I find one 56K modem can satisfy the need of trading stock index futures,especially if you are traiding overseas instruments . Of course, as FTTB/ADSL connections are standard & mature technologies in China, 56K modem is more often than not taken as a contingency configuration.