WealthScript Translator和Wealth-Lab Pro 5.3已出

Discussion in 'Wealth-Lab Developer' started by ilian, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. http://personal.fidelity.com/products/atp/content/whatsnew_wealthlab.shtml

    Recent Enhancements to Wealth-Lab Pro®

    Wealth-Lab Pro Version 5.3 includes a number of features and enhancements designed to help you learn to trade more effectively with automation, rank Strategies, and to locate and install extensions to Wealth-Lab Pro.

    Use Paper Trading to test drive the automated functionality available in Wealth-Lab Pro for live trading. Orders are filled in a simulated environment in near real-time using live quotes.

    Vista 64-bit Compatibility
    Wealth-Lab Pro can be now be installed and run on 64-bit systems, however, due to the continued use of legacy C++ components in the Fidelity Server, Wealth-Lab still runs in 32-bit mode.

    Strategy Rankings
    The Strategy Rankings tool provides the ability to backtest a selected group of strategies on one symbol or a complete DataSet as a batch process. By sorting the tabular results by clicking on the column headers, you can find the strategies with the best performance for the test conditions (Scale, Data, Data Range, Sizing, etc.).

    Extension Manager
    Extensions are plug-ins that extend Wealth-Lab's features and capabilities. The Extension Manager makes it easy to find, install, and update extensions.

    Fidelity Streaming
    Streaming charts now attempt to auto-recover from disconnects, and upon recovery the chart is automatically refreshed to ensure no missing data.

    Data Editor
    Editing, adding, or removing bar data (or manually applying a split) is possible from the chart interface if supported by the static Provider. Edit Bar Data in Charting > Chart Context Menu.

    Per Share Commissions
    Commissions have been beefed up internally to provide the ability for custom settings in Commission Structures, as in Per Share Commissions.

    Strategy Builder Rule additions
    General indicators conditions
    Indicator % above moving average
    Indicator % below moving average
    Under Date/Time conditions
    Date is last trading day of month
    Date is last trading day of quarter

    Charting additions
    Crosshair tool (Drawing toolbar)
    Chart Panes can be resized manually
    Fibonacci values are shown "on" by default
    Parameter sliders enhanced to allow entry of specific values
    Fidelity streaming charts will automatically recover from disconnects and refresh the chart to capture missing history.
  2. 一个月试用期方法,失效。。
  3. 不是吧?
  4. 弱弱的问一下 wld wlp 有啥区别,除了一个绑定了fidelity,还有什么区别啊?
  5. 是升级到5.3之后失效,还是升级之前就已经失效了?
  6. 升级后,时间向后调一个月提示到期。
  7. 装回5.1后一切正常。
  8. 调未来时间安装也没用了
  9. 5.1的在官方网站上已经下载不了了, 能共享一下吗?
  10. 电驴下载

  11. 弱弱的问一句,既然现在平台都是C#语言了,那是不是RE,WLD,OQ上的交易语言都通用了?

  12. 语言相同。不过整个架构有所差异,比如运行机制,类库封装方式不太一样。相对来说RE和OQ架构比较相似。
  13. 那是不是,OQ的语言,直接可以在RE上使用呢?
  14. WLD和RE的架构何者較好?