
Discussion in 'AmiBroker' started by shalang, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Transmit - boolean flag that specifies if given order should be actually transmitted to the exchange.
    if this flag is set to FALSE then order is NOT transmitted but appears in the TWS workstation so you can press transmit it manually later

    根据这个看应该是如果设置 为 true 发送的订单在tws里面可以直接成交,尔设置成 false则发送到tws里面在点transmit 为什么我不管怎么设置都是发送到tws以后还要在点击一下transmit才能发送订单呢?

    是在tws里面找设置的问题。还是问题在placeorder 里面???

    Transmit = ParamToggle("Transmit","OFF|ON",1);

    SellORderID = ibc.PlaceOrder( Name(), "Sell", 30000, "MKT", 0, 0, "Day", Transmit);
  2. 另外借此机会再顺便问一下各位,是用twslink +ab +tws模式 还是用 IB Controller + ab +tws模式连接? 我用的是IB Controller 因为考虑到可能ab主页上的这个控制器与ab兼容性更好一点。没有测试过twslink。。有用过的能说说经验吗?或者两者的对比?我还是不太熟悉。
  3. have you put in the un-checked code in the IBc?
  4. IBC unlock code is needed to activate autotrading.
  5. o ...解决了。谢谢。。。