How to prevent repeating orders? Help Please

Discussion in 'AmiBroker' started by Z178, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. Hi all,

    I am glad to find out many auto trading high hands here like Joesan, Amkr and etc.

    I tried to set up buy TF orders once current bar breaking out previous bar. I run into problem of many repeating orders with each refresh market datas. I tried StatocVargetTest plus if(ordered==0), but it did not work.

    I would appreciate you very much if someone could point out how to fix this problem. Sorry, I have to type in English because of lack of Chinese software in my PC.

    Here is my short coding:

    Buy=High>=Ref(H, -1) AND Conditions;

    if( LastValue( Buy ))
    ibc = GetTradingInterface("IB");

    // check if we are connected OK
    if( ibc.IsConnected() )
    // check if we do not have already open position on this stock
    if( ibc.GetPositionSize( Name() ) == 0 )
    OrderID = StaticVarGetText("OrderID"+Name());
    //if the OrderID field is empty
    // transmit order
    ibc.PlaceOrder( "TFZ8-NYBOT-FUT", "Buy", 1, "LMT", Limitprice, 0, "Day", True );
    // store orderID for next run so we know which order to modify
    StaticVarSetText("OrderID"+Name(), OrderID);
  2. 参考一下这一段吧。我也是今天才找到解决的办法。

    PrevDT = StaticVarGet("DateTime");
    printf("PrevDTdddd %d",PrevDT);

    DT = LastValue(DateTime());

    NewBar = DT != PrevDT;


    if( NewBar )




  3. The ibc.PlaceOrder function returns an order id value which you should have assigned into a variable, the logical one being OrderId, so that the next line sets the static variable "OrderID"+NAME() to the order ID from the PlaceOrder function, otherwise you're just assigning "" back into the static variable, and placing a new order on every loop.
  4. repeating orders

    Thank you very much for the helps!

    I fixed the problem.

    I will work on the clearing orderID with the delays.


    My understanding is your formula provides delay with starting next new bar, or about 1 min lock out if you use 1 min data as the base data source. It should be good enough for me. I will try latter.

    If you you want to lock off the signal for certain time, maybe the idea:

    DT-PrevDT>=300(say, 300 sec), then set orderID==''"

    this is my idea only, I don't know how to do it exactly.

    I don't have any back ground of programing. I learn very slowly.