
Discussion in 'Wealth-Lab Developer' started by blash, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. 各位大哥大家好,小弟在这里潜水好几年了。由于不是一个系统交易者,所以一直插不上话,现在由于做外盘遇到了一些问题,还请各位大哥不吝赐教。
    小弟买了一套metastock for quotecenter,能够接realtime数据。但是研究了半天就是没法补历史数据。要想看比较全的历史图表只能在quotecenter的服务器上看,而且数据是不能保存到硬盘的,给我的分析造成了很大的麻烦。由于自己的英文水平太差,我到现在还搞不清到底是软件功能问题还是我自己不会设置。不知哪位大哥能提点一下小弟。
  2. 虽然没用过metastock for quotecenter,但我觉得应该是可以补历史数据的,你在找找看。你可以利用下google的翻译功能。
  3. MetaStock QuoteCenter has so much information available that you'll never find yourself wanting for more data. As part of the basic subscription package you'll have a portfolio manager to help you quickly see where your portfolio is right at that second. You'll also get a MarketWatch quote screen with over 700 key financial measures that allow you to see almost anything on the symbol you have selected. There is historical intraday data (minute based) going back 250 days and tick data going back 30 days so that you can easily view the intraday history that's important to you. This also allows you to do intraday back tests when paired with MetaStock Professional. QuoteCenter also gives you access to numerous third-party news sources, in addition to Reuters news, so you'll know what is happening in the markets and around the world.

  4. http://www.bp-system.com/discuz/viewthread.php?tid=1073&extra=page=1
    好像而 Equis 最新的 QuoteCenter 數據資料設計,就比較特別,資料是存儲於

    QuoteCenter Server 中,要用時才提取到你的電腦中。
    可能要利用这个公司的另一个Equis 的 Reuter DataLink 數據資料服務,就是專為更新盤後資料而設計。

  5. 你也可以咨询下你购买产品的公司的技术服务啊,他们应该是提供技术服务的。
  6. 利用google来gg一下,类似资料都会有的。
  7. 谢谢hylt,谢谢wj2000。
  8. 你看这里他们的说明,应该是可以的!
    How does your real-time data and analysis software package stack up to QuoteCenter?

    Feature QuoteCenter
    International Data Y
    FOREX Data Y
    Market Depth Y
    Time & Sales Y
    Free Online Training Y
    Auto Data Correction Y
    Thomson Reuters News Y
    Display linking Y
    Real-time Gainer/Loser Lists Y
    Quick load Symbol Lists Y
    Quote-line Data fields 500
    Contributing Banks for FX data 800
    Tick History 30 Days
    Intraday History 250 Days
    Daily History ~30 Years
    Fundamental History 17 Years
  9. 叫大哥太沈重.....叫帅哥吧。