哪位能提供一个干净的amibroker pro 4.9版下载?

Discussion in 'AmiBroker' started by alvaning, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. 多谢了。
  2. WJ兄的那个5.01破解后是pro的,多谢了。
  3. Hi WJ2000;

    I have a little question you might have the answer. I've been using amibroker 5.00.1 following your staff. the Installation was perfect and running 'normally'. I use it solely for system development. It makes mistakes recently:
    -in both menu setting and use [applystop] in the script, the N-bar exit doesn't work as expected. for example, with 5 bar exit I saw repeatedly 8-12 bars in the output list.
    -the entry date matches nicely, but exit date has about ~25% mistakes when manually check with the chart.

    Do you have any idea about what's wrong?

    a zillion thanks for help, you've already saved me $$$!
  4. 多谢多谢

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2008
  5. 抱歉!我自己没怎么用amibroker,所以对amibroker并不熟悉,之所以关心amibroker因为过去论坛里有几个坛友需要。

  6. 多谢WJ老大了。