Individual Psychology of a Trader

Discussion in 'Behaviour and Cognition' started by hylt, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. Organize yourself for a distant exchange path: i.e. consider that you will be a speculator for almost all your life;

    Learn permanently. Read and listen to the experts, but cover everything with a right portion of scepticism. Ask the experts but do not swallow it unfounded;

    Don't be greedy, do not fall on the game, study first. The exchange won't disappear, the months and years after the perspectives will be even better;

    Develop a method of the exchange analysis, for example: "The probability B appears in the case A". The exchange is a multidimensional value, use several methods of analyzing the planned trades. Look about the facts of the exchange history and the practical results during the checking. The exchanges are permanently moving and you need different methods: for the bull speculation, for the bearish speculation, for the playing during a transitional period, you need a method of determining the transitions themselves, too;

    Make a plan of controlling the capital. Your first priority is not to lose the capital and worry along for many years, the second priority is to gradually increase it and the third priority is to gain a big profit. The majority puts the third priority on the first place without knowing anything about the existence of the first and the second ones;

    Remember: a speculator is a weakest unit in the exchange system. Learn how to avoid the losses or invent your own method of suppressing the fey trades - visit the meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous community.

    The winners and the losers think, perceive the reality and act differently. You should take a look inside yourself, discard the illusions, change your habits, way of thinking and acting. The changing will be hard for you, but a speculator that want to become a professional should work hardly on changing his/her approach to the life and to the exchange.

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