
Discussion in 'General Topics on Software and Data' started by joesan, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. I've used TradeStation, eTrade, Scottrade and Interactive Brokers.

    I complete well over a thousand round trip trades a year using EOD
    data. I typicaly place anywhere from a dozen to a couple of hundred
    limit orders each night, only about 10-20% of which ever get filled.
    I plan to continue working full time for at least the next year.

    As such, the most important features for me are:

    - Low commissions
    - Ability to upload basket orders
    - Web access from behind a firewall (while I'm at work)
    - Easy reporting, exportable to GainsKeeper or TradeLog for the

    - Honestly, I don't recall if these guys supported my requirements. I
    only started with them because they seemed more professional than
    AmiBroker and I needed a backtesting tool. However, I soon found out
    that they had fixed limits with respect to not being able to scan
    more than 1000 symbols (or somewhere around there), so they were
    useless to me since I scan 8000+ each night. Their comissions were OK
    (penny a share), but if you ever made fewer than some number of
    trades you got hit with a $100 monthly platform fee. With my volume
    that was not an issue, but it irked me anyway.

    - Again, I only went with these guys because my employer
    automatically opened an account for me when I joined the employee
    stock purchase plan (ESPP). Even with active trader status, they were
    too expensive ($9.99 each way), did not support basket orders, and
    required special permission and a whole lot of phone calls to open
    more than one margin account. Customer support was VERY slow with
    LONG wait times, but helpfull once you finally got through. Trying to
    connect using the web client during fast trading would sometimes

    - These guys had excellent customer support, I was happy with their
    desktop platform and the web based access from behind a firewall.
    Depending on your order size, their comissions are higher than IB
    (for stock orders of fewer than 1400 shares, they're better than IB
    above that point i.e. $7 each way vs. .005/share). They suffer from
    the same charting problem as IB in that they do not show the correct
    EOD Close and so can screw up an EOD trader (
    http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/amibroker/message/116777 ). I
    use a separate data provider because of this. However, the biggest
    problem for me was that they did not have support for uploading a
    basket order. Trying to type in dozens or hundreds of orders each
    night is just too time consuming and error prone. My request for this
    feature went unfulfilled. Had they offered basket trading, I probably
    would have stayed with them.

    Interactive Brokers
    - It's a mixed bag with these guys. They have been awful. They update
    their software constantly and introduce new bugs every time as a
    result. Complaints go unaddressed for weeks and months if ever
    addressed at all. Support tickets get closed after a period of
    inactivity, even when the ball is in their court! You have to keep
    pinging your ticket just to keep it alive. However, feature-wise they
    are one of the best games in town. They offer everything I need. An
    AmiBroker exploration can be written to output the format of an IB
    basket order such that 1 click import and you're done. Alternatively,
    the IB plugin from AmiBroker can be used to place the trades
    directly. Their web portal is satisfactory. They support GainsKeeper
    and TradeLog, including Mark To Market accounting. Despite the above
    negatives, they recently did a complete overhaul of their software
    that fixed all my outstanding issues (over a year later for some).
    So, for the moment, they are the perfect setup for me. But, once
    burned, twice shy. If they can stay stable for a period of time, I'll
    feel better about recommending them.

  2. 我也评说两句,为此帖增加些看点,请大家批评指正!
    这四个全是电子券商,学名为“在线经纪商online broker”,或折扣经纪商。券商,是指他们都有证券业务,都是登记在册的,有证券牌照的,其客户也都是有SIPC保险的。

    TS,这是个基于佛罗里达的电子券商,在自动交易界名气很大,口号是The Leader of Rule-Based Trading "基于规则交易的领导者”。市场定位主要是英语的自动交易者群体,客户可利用他们的语言如easy language等写基本的程序来自动交易。他们的介绍光盘上告诉你,你可以设定什么样的bar线,如吊钩hook产生之后,产生自动执行的买入信号,可以回测。他们目前还没顾得上非英语市场。业务有股票、期货、期权和外汇。非美期货的单边手续费列表中看到,基本都在$6.99以上(是否是当地货币还是美元?还没去验证)当每月交易不活跃的时候,平台使用费为月100美元。如果交易超过最低限,则可免。



    IB,客户来自140多个国家,公司的平台可以用14种货币交易25个国家的70多个交易所交易的股票、期货、期权、外汇、ETF。市场定位是专业投资者群体。客户可以自己设计程序连接IB进行自动交易,也可以自由式交易。如果客户填写自己在某方面的交易经验不足,如时间不够两年,或者每年交易不足100笔,或者知识有限,则需要参加一个IB的在线课堂考试,通过之后才能申请开通该方面的交易权限。IB的分部全球也就是美国格林威治,芝加哥,加拿大,香港,伦敦,苏黎世,澳大利亚等。成本极低。TradeStation在其网站上对比同行佣金的时候,列举了Etrade, Fidelity, OptionXpress, Shwab, TDAmeritrade,唯独没列和IB的对比。
  3. IB 买 Penny stock 就不好玩了。