
Discussion in 'Bonds' started by xutao, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. 内需上不去 外贸也受堵 gdp增长变慢 指数还能上么
  2. A股早晚也受连累啊
  3. 陈水扁频频放出台独言论,不断挑战大陆底线,台海两岸阴云密布。



  4. see the power of kennedy, clinton, roosevelt.

    Bush....just another Carter.

    So...watch out for misery index (invented by Regan, misery index = unemployment rate + inflation ).

    Misery index will soar to a height and Q2 GDP is always the focus of voter. Q1 GDP to be slow down a bit. Then Q2 GDP ....negative giving recession.

    It is the "best" scenario for Republic to lose, and to have Democrat make a landslide victory.

    Some guys in WSJ forum quote that the big names made the panic selloff on Fri are all supporters to democrats for this election year. I believe in conspiracy. Democrats will try every way to destory the Rosy Garden Strategy of Republic, and to make the worse economic outcome, to defeat republican candidate, and it also make the new democrat president easier to recovery everything.

    those big and old industry supporting republican, won't fight back. They know very well that it is the end of their peak time, no way for republican to win due to the bad reputation of bush. So these big boys will take profit or already have taken profit. As it is well known that under the age of democrat, old and traditional industries can't have good time. So do oil industry!
  5. 现在恒指走势不明朗

    一方面美国经济可能会衰退 另一方面中国A股有反弹的要求

  6. 26000是个重要的支撑位

    如果道指不是转熊的话 恒指还会上到30000
  7. 绝地反击 1000点
  8. 恒指多头心虚的很

