
Discussion in 'Fund Operating and Career' started by neo_cn, Dec 17, 2007.



Poll closed Jan 1, 2008.
  1. 早就期待这一天了,我支持

  2. 有长远意义,我支持

  3. 网上的交流就足够了,我觉得没什么必要

    0 vote(s)
  4. 我想看看别人的看法再说

    0 vote(s)
  1. 各位海洋论坛的朋友




    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2007
  2. 不投票的请留言告知原因,谢谢
  3. 我没投票,因为不知道投哪个票,
  4. 谢谢,是不是我的选项说的不明确??
  5. 你的意思倒是明确的,但我之所以没法填是因为我感觉缺少“可行性”这个前提条件。
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2007
  6. hahaha,老A大哥豪爽,还给配导游MM;) ;) ;)
    现在各行各业都有协会 律师协会 医师协会 企业家协会 理财师协会 他们能办成,我们应该也能办成。
  7. 老A的意思是搞个团队做个基金?
  8. 我倒是没想到基金和协会的依托关系。
  9. 不管基金、协会、Club、Seminar、Salon、FB等等,这事应该以上海金融中心为主要基地。建议请A兄负责跟上海的兄弟们打圈电话先聊一聊,看看大伙有什么想法。系统交易区核心成员上海的现有6位:peter1815、amkr1015、joesan、idlator、blackhorse、高德(以加入论坛时间排序)。
  10. 是不是再等等?
  11. 好啊好啊

  12. 自己顶一下
  13. 支持! 功在当代,利在千秋,象是计划生育,呵呵。
  14. 支持
  15. “海洋系统交易朋友圈”(Ocean Systematic Trading Friends Circle,OSTFC)如何?
  16. 老贴:
    互联网“多对多”交流的形式有很多种,并在不断地发展。早期是基于Telnet协议的BBS(Bulletin Board System,电子公告版),比如著名的水木清华,现在回头看它非常原始,但当时它曾火爆得不得了,黑色的窗口,眼花缭乱的文字,让无数青年或不青年的网友彻夜沉迷,现在关于互联网的很多思想可能都能在那里找到起源。后来,基于HTTP协议的Web Forum(论坛)开始兴起,早期的Forum叫做Discussion Board,仍然沿用Board的叫法和思维。后来,随着Forum程序的改进,贴子已不再是简单几句话的黑板报,贴图出现了,格式标签也有了,贴子可以是图文并茂的长篇文章,因此大家不再叫它是Board,而是Forum。再后来,不知是谁带头,改其名字为Community(社区),社区就不仅是大家发完贴子痛快了事,而是相互关系要产生一点社区的感觉,还搞点网下聚会、FB,还来点PK,成员关系逐渐社会化,有干部有百姓地。另外,还出现了Group(部落),它是把论坛贴子、共享文件等结合在一起,如Yahoo、国内的焦点(focus.cn)的早期,它们至今仍然存在,但生存空间很有限。还有博客的评论(Comments)也成为一种变相的论坛。Community叫法的日子并不长,又来了新叫法:SNS(Social Network Service,社会网络服务)。我认为SNS将是场革命。它伴和着Web 2.0而产生,重在需求,不再受制于技术。目前SNS的首期产品是朋友圈(Friends Circle),发展迅猛,但也遇到一些问题,如欺诈横行无法控制,我认为它之所以遇到这些问题,是因为抛弃了不该抛弃的Forum的基本功能,那就是贴子。路遥知马力,日久见人心。发一个骗人贴子(或偷袭转贴一个高水平贴子)不难,难的是发一千个骗人贴子,并且是用几年时间。因此,我认为,基于Forum的SNS是目前想到的最好结果。当然,管理方面也要继续跟上,比如FB、当回驴友、网下的Forum、讲座,小团队、小分队的建设等等。Community、Friends Circle都有明显的弱点。其实我觉得如何把传统的Club、Association移植到网上,也许更有价值。
  17. 支持
  18. http://www.bartleby.com/61/88/C0518800.html
    1a. A group of people living in the same locality and under the same government. b. The district or locality in which such a group lives. 2a. A group of people having common interests: the scientific community; the international business community. b. A group viewed as forming a distinct segment of society: the gay community; the community of color. 3a. Similarity or identity: a community of interests. b. Sharing, participation, and fellowship. 4. Society as a whole; the public. 5. Ecology a. A group of plants and animals living and interacting with one another in a specific region under relatively similar environmental conditions. b. The region occupied by a group of interacting organisms.

    1a. The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business. b. A public meeting place for open discussion. c. A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper or a radio or television program. 2. A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation. 3. A court of law; a tribunal.

    1. A plane curve everywhere equidistant from a given fixed point, the center. 2. A planar region bounded by a circle. 3. Something, such as a ring, shaped like such a plane curve. 4. A circular course, circuit, or orbit: a satellite's circle around the earth. 5. A traffic circle. 6. A curved section or tier of seats in a theater. 7. A series or process that finishes at its starting point or continuously repeats itself; a cycle. 8. A group of people sharing an interest, activity, or achievement: well-known in artistic circles. 9. A territorial or administrative division, especially of a province, in some European countries. 10. A sphere of influence or interest; domain. 11. Logic A vicious circle.
  19. bulletin board

    1. A board on which notices are posted. 2. Computer Science A system that enables users to send or read electronic messages, files, and other data that are of general interest and addressed to no particular person.


    1a. The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business. b. A public meeting place for open discussion. c. A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper or a radio or television program. 2. A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation. 3. A court of law; a tribunal.


    1a. A group of people living in the same locality and under the same government. b. The district or locality in which such a group lives. 2a. A group of people having common interests: the scientific community; the international business community. b. A group viewed as forming a distinct segment of society: the gay community; the community of color. 3a. Similarity or identity: a community of interests. b. Sharing, participation, and fellowship. 4. Society as a whole; the public. 5. Ecology a. A group of plants and animals living and interacting with one another in a specific region under relatively similar environmental conditions. b. The region occupied by a group of interacting organisms.


    1. A stout heavy stick, usually thicker at one end, suitable for use as a weapon; a cudgel. 2. Sports An implement used in some games to drive a ball, especially a stick with a protruding head used in golf. 3. Games a. A black figure shaped like a trefoil or clover leaf on certain playing cards. b. A playing card with this figure. c. clubs (used with a sing. or pl. verb) The suit of cards represented by this figure. 4. A group of people organized for a common purpose, especially a group that meets regularly: a garden club. 5. The building, room, or other facility used for the meetings of an organized group. 6. Sports An athletic team or organization. 7. A nightclub.


    1. An assemblage of persons or objects gathered or located together; an aggregation: a group of dinner guests; a group of buildings near the road. 2. Two or more figures that make up a unit or design, as in sculpture. 3. A number of individuals or things considered together because of similarities: a small group of supporters across the country. 4. Linguistics A category of related languages that is less inclusive than a family. 5a. A military unit consisting of two or more battalions and a headquarters. b. A unit of two or more squadrons in the U.S. Air Force, smaller than a wing. 6. A class or collection of related objects or entities, as: a. Two or more atoms behaving or regarded as behaving as a single chemical unit. b. A column in the periodic table of the elements. c. A stratigraphic unit, especially a unit consisting of two or more formations deposited during a single geologic era. 7. Mathematics A group with a binary associative operation such that the operation admits an identity element and each element of the set has an inverse element for the operation.


    1. A plane curve everywhere equidistant from a given fixed point, the center. 2. A planar region bounded by a circle. 3. Something, such as a ring, shaped like such a plane curve. 4. A circular course, circuit, or orbit: a satellite's circle around the earth. 5. A traffic circle. 6. A curved section or tier of seats in a theater. 7. A series or process that finishes at its starting point or continuously repeats itself; a cycle. 8. A group of people sharing an interest, activity, or achievement: well-known in artistic circles. 9. A territorial or administrative division, especially of a province, in some European countries. 10. A sphere of influence or interest; domain. 11. Logic A vicious circle.


    1. A unit of sociopolitical organization consisting of a number of families, clans, or other groups who share a common ancestry and culture and among whom leadership is typically neither formalized nor permanent. 2. A political, ethnic, or ancestral division of ancient states and cultures, especially: a. Any of the three divisions of the ancient Romans, namely, the Latin, Sabine, and Etruscan. b. Any of the 12 divisions of ancient Israel. c. A phyle of ancient Greece. 3. A group of people sharing an occupation, interest, or habit: a tribe of graduate students. 4. Informal A large family. 5. Biology A taxonomic category placed between a subfamily and a genus or between a suborder and a family and usually containing several genera.