
Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers(盈透)' started by jzlzh, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. 有一件事情求大家帮忙,下面是IB公司6号给我的来信(我没有收到card/device的邮件):
    Please activate your Security Device or Card
    Dear IB Trader,
    You should have recently received an IB Passcode Card or Security Device through post mail

    for your account XXXX275. This
    card/device is a critical part of IB's account protection system. It appears you have not

    yet logged into Account Management
    and activated the card. In four days, the card or device will be automatically activated

    and its use will be will required to
    access IB systems. If you have not activated your card by that time, you may not be able to

    trade or access other password
    controlled services from IB.
    Please log into Account Management, navigate to the User Management section, click on the

    Security Activation link and follow
    the activation instructions on that page. If you have not received a device/card or have

    any questions about this process,
    please call our dedicated Security Support line (203-618-4006) during US business hours or

    your local help desk numbers
    during European and Asian business hours.
    Please activate your card as soon as possible. Activation requires only a few minutes, and

    your account will be protected by
    proven technology.

    IB Customer Service (Security Team)

    下面是我进入Account Management-User Management-Security Code Card Activation后的页面:
    Enter your username, password and the Security Code Card activation details listed below

    then click on the Submit button.

    Please use your security code card for validation. Two card index numbers are shown in the

    image below. For each index, look
    up the corresponding value, and enter in the field below.
    Index Numbers:170 125

    Card Values:
    我输入Username Password后,在Card Values处输入170125后,说我Incorrect card values,我怎么

    activate your Security Device or
  2. 这里不是直接输入170125

    而应该输入你已经收到的SECURITY CARD 上 170 和125所对应的字母或数字组合
  3. 應該是指機背的數字 , 你試試
  4. 出差刚回来。如果你没收到应该收到的那个卡片等东西,请检查您的邮寄地址及即刻给客服打电话852-21567907.
  5. (我昨天刚登陆过IB)

  6. 有种说法,IB 是根据帐户净资产大小的次序来寄送安全卡的。

  7. joesan
  8. 谢谢!
  9. 哇~~~
  10. 对于新开户的账户,我们提供安全卡等三种账户保护的东西。根据不同的资金档次而有差别。分两万五,50万,共三个档次。如果您是以前开的户,或还没有给你寄过去这个卡,而您有这种安全卡的需要,可在账户管理中提出这种申请。
    User Management
    -- Secure Transation Program.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2007
  11. go to ET bbs and search the topic

    happy trading