Wealth-Lab Pro 4.3.36安装文件和注册机

Discussion in 'Wealth-Lab Developer' started by wj2000, Apr 29, 2007.

  1. WLD 4.5 的注册机地址已经进不去了, 有以前下载过的注册机,能否邮件给兄弟, lukezhuangcn@gmail.com 这个软件确实不错, 目前国内期货数据看来只有手工导入这个"笨"方法了.
  2. 已注册, 非常谢谢, thanks much. 日后多互相交流使用心得, 和数据处理方式. 顺祝新年百尺竿头,更进一步.
  3. Download Wealth-Lab Pro® (a 30-day trial version with limited functionality). To gain access to the full version of Wealth-Lab Pro® or for more information, call 800-823-0175.
    这个是 v4系列的可以。

    Download Wealth-Lab Pro 5® (a 30-day trial version with limited functionality). To gain access to the full version of Wealth-Lab Pro® or for more information, call 800-823-0175.
  4. 注册成功。官网最新下载版本是4.5.35,原来4.3.36的注册机仍可用。

    Change for Version 4 "Download ChartScripts"
    To continue using the Community >> Download ChartScripts action for Wealth-Lab Pro/Developer Version 4 and prior, just make a one-time edit to the DownloadServers.txt file located in the main installation directory. Open DownloadServers.txt and change www.wealth-lab.com to WL4.wealth-lab.com. Restart Wealth-Lab and you’ll be off and running!
    I have downloaded 1752 ChartScripts.

    There are detailed recent enhancements in the User Guide file which can be opened in the menu of Help.
    Wealth-Lab Developer 4.0 Release History
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2009
  5. 支持,可惜还是没有最后版wld4的keygen,美中不足呀
  6. 详细比较过wld4和wld pro4的差别在哪些地方吗?除了委托那部分还有哪些方面的差别?
  7. 就我所知,wld是个独立的第三方软件,注册之后可以在电脑的任何地方使用,系统重装之后,要正常运行只要再次注册就一切ok,自己之前的东西都会完整的保留下来。
  8. 其它的就是WLP4比WLD4多了一组访问基本面的函数。
  9. 是了,以前我都没有留意到这一点。
  10. 非常感谢.....................
  11. 这贴好,应该置顶
  12. 麻烦哪位将WLP4的软件包和keygen再上传一下。前面的links都实效了。谢谢!
  13. 谢谢!我刚才试了一下。文件wealth-lab[1].pro._keygen.rar无法在我的电脑上打开。WinZip 给的出错信息是 "Could not open. Probable cause: file sharing or file permissions problem"。


  14. keygen需要你暂时关闭杀毒软件运行的,如果你担心,可以将你的机器码贴这里我帮你运行算下码
  15. 机器是指Hardware fingerprint吧?如果是的话,它是 。



    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2013
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