
Discussion in 'AmiBroker' started by 思迷思, May 5, 2006.

  1. 请问班主此款股软的交易函数全吗
  2. 思迷思:
    最近我在弄自动化,没有什么不得了的,也就是AB+http://www.amibroker.com/at/at1008beta.exe +tws

    // Param block
    TriggerOrder= ParamTrigger("Place order","Click here to place order");
    Mode=ParamToggle("Mode","Modify existing|Always place new order");
    ACT = ParamList("Action", "BUY|SELL|SSHORT");
    OT = ParamList("Order Type", "MKT|LMT|STP");
    TIF = ParamList("Time In Force", "DAY|GTC|IOC");
    Ticker = ParamStr("Ticker",Name());
    NumShares = Param("Number of Shares",10,10,100,10);
    LimitPrice = LastValue(C) + Param("Limit Price offset",0,-0.1,0.1,0.01);
    StopPrice = LastValue(C) + Param("Stop price offset",0,-0.1,0.1,0.01);
    Transmit = ParamToggle("Transmit","Do NOT transmit|Transmit",0);
    TriggerCancel = ParamTrigger("Cancel Order","Click here to Cancel order");

    Msg = ""; // this variable stores error message text

    // create instance of trading interface
    ibc = GetTradingInterface("IB");

    // retrieve orderID from previous run, will be empty if no order was placed before
    OrderID = StaticVarGetText("OrderID"+Ticker);

    if( TriggerOrder )
    // check if we are connected OK
    if( ibc.IsConnected() )
    if( Mode == 1 ) OrderID = ""; // if mode set to 'always new' then clear orderid

    // place orders only if we do not have already open position on this symbol
    // place or modify the order - don't transmit yet
    OrderID = ibc.ModifyOrder( OrderID, Ticker,
    ACT, NumShares, OT, LimitPrice, StopPrice, TIF, Transmit);

    // store orderID for next run so we know which order to modify

    StaticVarSetText("OrderID"+Ticker, OrderID);

    if( Mode == 1 )
    Msg = "New order has been placed with ID = ";
    Msg = "Order placed/modified with ID = ";

    Msg = Msg + OrderID + " on " + Now();
    Msg = "Placing order failed because of no connection to TWS";

    if( TriggerCancel )
    if( OrderId != "" )
    if( ibc.CancelOrder( OrderId ) )
    Msg = "Request to cancel order " + OrderID + " sent successfully";
    Msg = "Request to cancel order " + OrderID + " failed.";
    Msg = "Can not cancel order becase OrderID is empty";


    // monitoring code
    Title =
    Msg +
    "\nLast TWS message: "+ ibc.GetLastError(0) +
    "\nAvailable funds: " + ibc.GetAccountValue("AvailableFunds")+
    " Gross Pos. Value: " + ibc.GetAccountValue("GrossPositionValue")+
    "\nOrderID = "+OrderId+
    "\nTicker = "+Ticker+
    "\nAction = "+ACT+
    "\nShares = "+NumToStr(NumShares,1.0)+
    "\nOrderType = "+OT+
    "\nLimitPrice = "+NumToStr(LimitPrice,1.3)+
    "\nStopPrice = "+NumToStr(StopPrice,1.3)+
    "\nTimeInForce= "+TIF+
    "\nTransmit = "+NumToStr(Transmit,1.0)+"\n"+
    "\nGetStatus = "+ibc.GetStatus( OrderID )+
    "\nGetPositionSize = "+ibc.GetPositionSize( Ticker )+
    "\nIsConnected = "+NumToStr(ibc.IsConnected(),1.0);