小学生背Longman Defining Vocabulary合适吗?

Discussion in 'Quantum and Mind' started by hylt, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. 另外请教,Longman、Collins的儿童学习词典哪个更好呢?
  2. The Longman Defining Vocabulary
    From Longman Dictionary (1988). Spellings have been anglicized. 2197 words, 10 prefixes, 39 suffixes.

    This is the set of words which the Longman English Dictionary uses to express all its definitions. As such, it may be a useful source of basic vocabulary for the designer of an artificial language.


    If a word has a specific word class label it is used in definitions only in the word class shown. Otherwise the word may be used in any of its usual word classes.

    A = Adjective
    Av = Adverb
    C = Conjunction
    D = Determiner
    P = Preposition
    Pd = Predeterminer
    Pn = Pronoun
    N = Noun
    V = Verb


    a, ability, about, above AvP, abroad, absence, absent A, accept, acceptable, accident, accordance, according, according to, account, ache, acid, across, act, action N, active A, activity, actor, actress, actual, add, addition, address, adjective, admiration, admire, admit, admittance, adult, advance NV, advantage, adventure N, adverb, advertise, advertisement, advice, advise, affair, afford, afraid, after AvCP, afternoon, afterwards, again, against, age N, ago, agree, agreement, ahead, aim, air N, aircraft, airforce, airport, alcohol, alike, alive, all AvDPdPn, allow, almost, alone, along, aloud, alphabet, already, also, although, altogether Av, always, among, amount N, amuse, amusement, amusing A, an, ancient A, and, anger N, angle N, angry, animal, ankle, annoy, annoyance, another, answer, ant, anxiety, anxious, any, anyhow, anyone, anything, anywhere, apart, apparatus, appear, appearance, apple, appoint, approval, approve, arch N, area, argue, argument, arm, armor N, arms, army, around, arrange, arrangement, arrival, arrive, art, article, artificial, as, ash, ashamed, aside Av, ask, asleep, association, at, atom, attack, attempt, attend, attendance, attention, attract, attractive, aunt, autumn, average AN, avoid, awake A, away Av, awkward, baby, back AAvN, background, backward Av, backwards Av, bacteria, bad A, bag N, bake, balance, ball N, banana, band N, bank N, bar NV, bare A, barrel, base NV, basket, bath N, bathe V, battle N, be, beak, beam N, bean, bear, beard N, beat NV, beautiful, beauty, because, become, bed N, bee, beer, before, beg, begin, beginning, behave, behavior, behind AvP, belief, believe, bell, belong, below AvP, belt N, bend, beneath, berry, beside, besides, best AAvN, better AAv, between, beyond AvP, bicycle N, big A, bill N, bind V, bird, birth, birthday, bit, bite, bitter A, black AN, blade, blame, bleed, bless, blind, block, blood N, blow, blue, board N, boat N, body, boil V, bomb, bone N, book N, boot N, border, born, borrow, both, bottle N, bottom N, bowels, bowl, box, boy, brain N, branch, brass, brave A, bread, breadth, break V, breakfast N, breast N, breath, breathe, breed, brick N, bridge N, bright A, bring, broad A, broadcast, brother, brown AN, brush, bucket N, build V, building, bullet, bunch N, burial, burn, burst, bury, bus N, bush N, business, busy, but C, butter N, button N, buy V, by, cage N, cake N, calculate, calculator, call, calm A, camera, camp NV, can NV, candle, cap N, capital N, captain N, car, card N, cardboard, care, careful, careless, carriage, carry, cart N, case N, castle N, cat, catch V, cattle, cause, cell, cement N, cent, center N, centimeter, central, century, ceremony, certain AD, chain, chair N, chairperson, chalk N, chance N, change, character, charge, charm, chase V, cheap, cheat, check [cheque], cheek N, cheer, cheerful, cheese, chemical, chemistry, chest, chicken N, chief, child, childhood, children, chimney, chin, chocolate, choice N, choose, church N, cigarette, cinema, circle N, circular A, citizen, city, civilization, claim, class N, clay, clean AV, clear AV, clerk, clever, cliff, climb V, clock N, clockwork, close AAvV, cloth, clothes, clothing, cloud N, club N, coal, coast N, coat N, coffee, coin N, cold, collar N, collect V, college, color, comb, combination, combine V, come, comfort, comfortable, command, committee, common A, companion, company, compare V, comparison, compete, competition, competitor, complain, complaint, complete, compound N, computer, concern V, concerning, concert, condition N, confidence, confident, confuse, connect, conscience, conscious, consider, consist, consonant N, contain, contents N, continue, continuous, contract N, control, convenient, conversation, cook, cool A, copper, copy, cord N, corn, corner N, correct A, cost, cotton, cough, could, council, count V, country N, courage, course N, court N, cover, cow N, coward, cowardly, crack NV, crash NV, cream N, creature, creep V, cricket, crime, criminal, crop N, cross NV, crowd N, cruel, cruelty, crush V, cry, cultivate, cup N, cupboard, cure, curl, current, curse, curtain, curve, custom N, customer, cut, cycle V, daily AAv, damage, dance, danger, dangerous, dare V, daring, dark, date N, daughter, day, dead A, deal, dear A, death, debt, decay, deceit, deceive, decide, decimal, decision, declaration, declare, decorate, decoration, decrease, deep A, deer, defeat, defend, defense, degree, delay, delicate, delight, deliver, demand, department, depend, dependent, depth, descend, describe, description, descriptive, desert N, deserve, desirable, desire, desk, destroy, destruction, detail N, determination, determined, develop, devil N, diamond, dictionary, die V, difference, different, difficult, difficulty, dig V, dinner, dip V, direct, direction, dirt, dirty A, disappoint, discourage, discouragement, discover, discovery, dish N, dismiss, distance N, distant, ditch N, divide V, division, do V, doctor N, dog N, dollar, door, doorway, dot N, double AAvPdV, doubt, down AAvP, drag V, draw V, drawer, dream, dress NV, drink, drive V, drop, drown, drug N, drum N, drunk, dry, duck N, dull A, during, dust N, duty, each, eager, ear, early, earn, earth N, east, eastern, easy, eat, edge N, educate, education, effect N, effective, effort, egg N, eight, eighth, either, elastic, elbow N, elect V, election, electric, electricity, elephant, else, employ V, employer, employment, empty AV, enclose, enclosure, encourage, encouragement, end, enemy, engine, engineer N, English, enjoy, enjoyment, enough, enter, entertain, entertainment, entrance N, envelope, equal ANV, equality, escape, especially, establish, establishment, even AAv, evening, event, ever, every, everyone, everything, everywhere, evil, exact A, examination, examine, example, excellent, except CP, exchange, excite, excited, exciting, excuse, exercise, exist, existence, expect, expensive, experience, explain, explanation, explode, explosion, explosive, express V, expression, extreme, eye, eyelid, face, fact, factory, fail V, failure, faint AV, fair A, fairy, faith, faithful A, fall, false A, fame, familiar A, family, famous, fancy A, far, farm, farmer, farmyard, fashion N, fashionable, fast AAv, fasten, fat, fate, father N, fault, favor N, favorable, favorite A, fear, feather N, feed V, feel V, feeling, feelings, fellow N, female, fence N, fever, few, field N, fierce, fifth, fight, figure N, fill V, film, find V, fine A, finger N, finish, fire, fireplace, firm AN, first AvD, fish, fisherman, fit AV, five, fix V, flag N, flame, flash NV, flat, flesh, flight, float V, flood, floor N, flour, flow, flower N, fly NV, fold, follow, fond, food, fool N, foolish, foot N, football, footpath, footstep, for P, forbid, force, forehead, foreign, foreigner, forest, forget, forgive, fork N, form, formal, former, formerly, fort, fortunate, fortune, forward Av, forwards Av, four, fourth, fox N, frame N, free, freedom, freeze V, frequent A, fresh, friend, friendly, frighten, frightening, from, front AN, fruit N, fulfill, full A, fun, funeral, funny, fur N, furnish, furniture, further AAv, future, gain V, game N, garage N, garden, garment, gas N, gasoline [petrol], gate N, gather V, general, generous, gentle, gentleman, get, gift, girl, give V, glad, glass AN, glory N, glue, go V, goat, god, God, gold, golden, good, good-bye, goods, govern, government, grace, graceful, gradual, grain, gram, grammar, grand A, grandfather, grandmother, grass N, grateful, grave N, gray AN, great, green, greet, greeting, grief, grieve, ground N, group N, grow, growth, guard, guess, guest, guidance, guide, guilt, gun N, habit, habitual, hair, hairy, half, hall, hammer N, hand, handkerchief, handle, hang V, happen V, happy, hard, harden, hardly, hardship, harm, harmful, harmless, hasty, hat, hate V, hatred, have, he, head AN, health, healthy, hear, heart, heat, heaven, heavy A, heel, height, help, helpful, hen, her, here, hers, herself, hide V, high AAv, hill, him, himself, hire, his, historical, history, hit, hold, holiday, hollow A, holy, home AvN, honest, honesty, honor N, honorable, hook N, hope, hopeful, hopeless, horizon, horn, horse N, hospital, host N, hot A, hotel, hour, hourly, house N, how Av, human, humor, humorous, hundred, hundredth, hunger N, hungry, hunt V, hurry, hurt V, husband N, hut, I, ice N, icy, idea, if, ill A, image, imaginary, imagination, imagine, importance, important, improve, improvement, in AvP, include, including, income, increase, indoor, indoors, industrial, industry, infect, infection, infectious, influence, influential, inform, information, ink N, inner, inquire, inquiry, insect, inside, instead, instruct, instruction, instrument, insurance, insure, intend, intention, interest, interesting, international A, interrupt, interruption, into, introduce, introduction, invent, invention, invitation, invite, inwards, iron AN, island, it Pn, its, itself, jaw N, jealous, jealousy, jelly, jewel, jewelry, job, join, joint, joke, journey N, joy, judge, judgment, juice, jump, just, justice, keen, keep V, key N, kick, kill V, kilo, kilogram, kilometer, kind, king, kingdom, kiss, kitchen, knee N, kneel, knife N, knock, knot, know V, knowledge, labor N, lack, ladder N, lady, lake, lamb, lamp, land, language, large, last AvDV, late, lately, laugh, laughter, law, lawyer, lay V, lazy, lead N, lead V, leaf N, lean V, learn, least, leather, leave V, left, leg N, legal, lend, length, less AvDPn, lesson, let V, letter, level AAvN, library, lid, lie, life, lift, light, lightning, like PV, likely, limb, limit, line N, lion, lip, liquid, list N, listen V, liter, literature, little, live V, load, loaf N, local A, lock, lodging, lodgings, log N, lonely, long AAv, look, loose A, lord N, lose, loss, lot, loud, love, low A, lower V, loyal, loyalty, luck N, lump N, lung, machine N, machinery, mad, magazine, magic, magician, mail, main A, make V, male, man N, manage, manager, manner, many, map N, march, mark, market N, marriage, marry, mass N, master N, mat, match, material, matter, may V, me, meal, mean V, meaning N, means, measure, meat, medical A, medicine, meet V, meeting, melt, member, memory, mend V, mention V, merry, message, messenger, metal N, meter, method, metric, microscope, middle AN, might V, mile, military A, milk, million, millionth, mind, mine NPn, mineral, minister N, minute N, mirror N, miss V, mist N, mistake, mix V, mixture, model N, modern A, moment, money, monkey N, month, monthly AAv, moon N, moral A, morals, more, morning, most, mother N, motor AN, mountain, mouse, mouth N, move V, much, mud, multiply, murder, muscle N, music, musician, must V, my, myself, mysterious, mystery, nail, name, narrow A, nasty, nation, national A, nature, naval, navy, near AAvP, nearly, neat, necessary, neck, need, needle N, neighbor, neighborhood, neither, nerve N, nervous, nest N, net N, network N, never, new, news, newspaper, next AAv, nice, night, nine, ninth, no AvD, no one, noble A, nobleman, noise N, none Pn, nonsense, nor, north, northern, nose N, not, nothing, notice, noun, now, nowhere, number N, nurse, nut, nylon, o'clock, obedience, obedient, obey, object N, obtain, occasion N, ocean, odd, of, off AvP, offend, offense, offensive A, offer, office, officer, official, often, oil, old, old-fashioned, on AvP, once Av, one, oneself, onion, only, open AV, operate, operation, opinion, opponent, oppose, opposite, opposition, or, orange, order, ordinary, organ, organization, origin, other, otherwise, ought, our, ours, ourselves, out AAv, outdoor, outdoors, outer, outside, over AvP, owe, owing to, own DPnV, oxygen, pack V, packet, page N, pain N, painful, paint, painting, pair N, palace, pale A, pan N, paper N, parallel AN, parcel N, parent N, park, parliament, part N, participle, particular A, partner N, party N, pass V, passage, passenger, past, pastry, path, patience, patient A, pattern N, pause, pay, payment, peace, peaceful, pen N, pence, pencil N, people N, pepper N, per, perfect A, perform, perhaps, period N, permission, permit V, person, personal, persuade, pet N, photograph, photography, phrase N, physical, piano N, pick V, picture N, piece N, pig N, pile, pilot, pin, pink AN, pipe N, pity, place, plain AN, plan, plane N, plant, plastic, plate N, play, pleasant, please, pleased, pleasure N, plenty Pn, plural, pocket N, poem, poet, poetry, point, pointed, poison, poisonous, pole N, police N, polish, polite, political, politician, politics, pool N, poor, popular, popularity, population, port N, position N, possess, possession, possibility, possible A, possibly, post, pot N, potato, pound N, pour, powder N, power N, powerful, practical, practice, praise, pray, prayer, precious A, preparation, prepare, presence, present AN, preserve V, president, press V, pressure N, pretend, pretty A, prevent, price N, prickly, pride N, priest, prince, principle, print, prison, prisoner, private A, prize N, probability, probable A, problem, process N, procession, produce V, product, production, profession, profit N, promise, pronounce, pronunciation, proof N, proper, property, protect, protection, protective, proud, prove, provide, provision, provisions, public, pull, pump, punish, punishment, pupil, pure, purple, purpose N, push, put, quality, quantity, quarrel, quarter N, queen N, question, quick A, quiet AN, quite, rabbit N, race, radio N, railway, rain, raise V, range N, rank N, rapid A, rare, rat N, rate N, rather, raw A, reach, read V, ready A, real, really, reason, reasonable, receive, recent, recently, recognition, recognize, record NV, red, reduce, reduction, refusal, refuse V, regard, regular A, related, relation, relative, religion, religious, remain, remark N, remember, remind, remove V, rent, repair, repeat V, reply, report, represent, representative, republic, request, respect, respectful, responsible, rest, restaurant, result, return NV, reward, rice, rich, rid, ride, right ANAv, ring, ripe, rise V, risk, river, road, rob, rock N, rod, roll V, roof N, room N, root N, rope N, rose, rough A, round AAvP, row NV, royal A, rub V, rubber, rude, ruin, rule, ruler, run, rush, sad, safe A, safety, sail, sale, salt AN, same, sand N, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfy, save V, say V, scale N, scatter V, scene, scenery, school N, science, scientific, scientist, scissors, screw, sea, search, season N, seat, second AvDNPn, secrecy, secret, secretary, see V, seed N, seem, seize, sell V, send, sensation, sense N, senseless, sensible, sensitive, sentence N, separate AV, serious, servant, serve, service N, set NV, settle V, seven, seventh, several, severe, sew, sex N, sexual, shade, shadow N, shake, shall, shame N, shape, share, sharp A, she, sheep, sheet, shelf, shell N, shelter, shield N, shine V, ship N, shirt, shock NV, shoe N, shoot V, shop, shopkeeper, shore N, short A, shot N, should, shoulder N, shout, show NV, shut, sick A, side AN, sideways, sight N, sign, signal, signature, silence N, silent, silk, silly A, silver, similar, similarity, simple, since, sincere, sing, single A, singular, sink V, sister, sit, situation, six, sixth, size N, skill, skillful, skin N, skirt N, sky N, slave N, sleep, slide V, slight A, slip V, slippery, slope, slow, small, smell, smile, smoke, smooth A, snake N, snow, so, soap N, social A, society, sock N, soft, soil N, soldier N, solemn, solid, some DPn, somehow, someone, something, sometimes, somewhere, son, song, soon, sore A, sorrow N, sorry, sort N, soul, sound NV, soup, sour A, south, southern, space N, spacecraft, spade, speak, spear N, special A, specialist, speech, speed N, spell V, spend, spin V, spirit N, spite N, splendid, split V, spoil V, spoon N, sport N, spot N, spread V, spring, square AN, stage N, stair, stamp, stand V, standard, star N, start, state, station N, stay, steady A, steal V, steam N, steel N, steep A, stem N, step, stick, sticky, stiff A, still AAv, sting, stitch, stomach N, stone N, stop, store, storm N, story, straight AAv, strange, stranger, stream N, street, strength, stretch, strike V, string N, stroke N, strong, structure N, struggle, student, study, stupid, style N, subject N, substance, subtract, succeed, success, successful, such, suck V, sudden, suffer, sugar N, suggest, suit, suitable, sum N, summer N, sun N, supper, supply NV, support, suppose, sure A, surface N, surprise, surround V, swallow V, swear, sweep V, sweet, swell V, swim, swing, sword, sympathetic, sympathy, system, table N, tail N, take V, talk, tall, taste, tax, taxi N, tea, teach, team N, tear V, tear N, telephone, television, tell, temper N, temperature, temple, tend, tendency, tender A, tennis, tense N, tent, terrible, terror, test, than, thank, that CDPn, the, theater, their, theirs, them, themselves, then Av, there, therefore, these, they, thick A, thief, thin A, thing, think V, third, thirst N, thirsty, this DPn, thorough, those, though, thought, thousand, thousandth, thread N, threat, threaten, three, throat, through AvP, throw, thumb N, thunder, thus, ticket N, tidy AV, tie, tiger, tight A, time N, timetable N, tin, tire [tyre] N, tire V, title N, to, tobacco, today, toe N, together, tomorrow, tongue, tonight, too, tool N, tooth, top AN, total AN, touch, tour, tourist, towards, tower N, town, toy N, track, trade N, traffic N, train, translate, transparent, trap, travel, treat V, treatment, tree, tremble V, tribe, trick NV, trip N, tropical, trouble, trousers, true A, trunk, trust, truth, try V, tube, tune N, turn, twice, twist, type N, typical, ugly, uncle, under P, understand, undo, uniform N, union, unit, unite, universal, universe, university, until, up AAvP, upper A, upright AAv, upset V, upside down, upstairs AAv, urge, urgent, us, use, useful, useless, usual, valley, valuable A, value N, variety, various, vary, vegetable, vehicle, verb, very Av, victory, view N, village, violence, violent, visit, voice N, vote, vowel, voyage N, wages, waist, wait V, waiter, wake V, walk, wall N, wander, want V, war N, warm AV, warmth, warn, wash, waste, watch, water, wave, way, we, weak, wealth, weapon, wear V, weather N, weave V, wedding, week, weekly AAv, weigh, weight N, welcome, well AAvN, west, western A, wet A, what, whatever, wheat, wheel N, when AvC, whenever, where, whether, which, whichever, while C, whip, whisper, whistle, white, who, whoever, whole, why, wicked, wide AAv, widespread, width, wife, wild AAv, will, willing, win V, wind V, wind N, window, wine N, wing N, winter N, wire N, wisdom, wise A, wish, with, within P, without P, witness N, woman, wonder NV, wood, wooden, wool, woolen, word N, work, world, worm N, worry, worse, worship, worst, worth, worthy, worthy of, would, wound, wrap V, wreck, wrist, write, wrong AAvN, wrongdoing, yard, year, yearly, yellow AN, yes, yesterday, yet, you, young, your, yours, yourself, youth, zero


    dis-, im-, in-, ir-, mid-, mis-, non-, re-, self-, un-


    -able, -al, -an, -ance, -ar, -ate, -ation, -ed, -en, -ence, -er, -ery, -ess, -ful, -ible, -ic, -ical, -ing, -ion, -ish, -ist, -ity, -ive, -ization -ize -less -like -ly -ment -ness -or -ous -ry -ship -th -ward -wards -work -y
  3. 这样学习没有兴趣 是一种负担 而且效率不高 我们学习中文的时候可没学语法 背单词就会讲话了
    无数实例表明 强烈的好奇渴望或在一种环境下才会驱动着影响着语言学习
    语法背单词过于机械化 还是建议多读多看英文书籍与电影

    这是一个案例 类似的有很多 我们应该这样做的

    PS:好妈妈胜过好老师这本书真的很好 Tsinghua 的老师写的 思路反传统 十分具有价值
  4. 死記硬背對小孩子沒趣味呀。試試Rosetta Stone軟件。


    罗塞达石碑(Rosetta Stone)一词原指一块致使人类破解了古埃及文语言的特殊石头。1799年拿破仑远征埃及时,他手下的一个士兵偶然在尼罗河河口的小城罗塞达附近,发现了一块石碑。石碑是黑色玄武岩,高 114 公分,厚 28 公分,宽 72 公分。这块石碑是公元前196年底比斯祭司为歌颂埃及国王托勒密五世即位而制作的。石碑上的文字非常奇特:上面刻的是古埃及的象形文字,中部是古埃及的俗体文字,下面则是古希腊文,用这3种不同的文字记述相同的赞美词。于是法国的埃及学家商博良在19世纪初用它做“钥匙”破解了古埃及象形文字。用这个词命名外语学习软件真是很妙。





    但象所有的“单一”产品的通病一样,它把自己包装成一个“感冒药” ,试图用一个方法解决所有阶段的问题,当然是不可能的。而正是这一点,使它受到了广泛的批评和质疑,以至于降低了它的信誉。本人认为,它在我们说的早期(Early Stage)中使用,甚至到提高期的开始部分,它是非常出色的解决方案。当然,正是因为它所犯的毛病,所以有些问题,不应该完全按它说的做,而且开始阶段的“名词图片”太少了。另外大家在这阶段,不要试图说,同时不要打开字幕,把“说”和“阅读”练习部分统统跳过。大家最多在听时小声重复一下就好。再有就是大家不要“想中文”。(所以建议大家尽量不用中文菜单的界面,它可选用英文界面)

    这样几十小时一个级就能完。大家一定不要拖,非得“全会”不可那就麻烦了。觉得70分以上就好了。第二级如果从零基础直接这么上来有点费力,但有一点基础的同学没问题。一共两个月,每天也就一小时吧,我们的(Early Stage)就成功了。(这要靠以前传统学法,非一年不可。)
  5. 推荐小学生原版词典

    Scholastic Children's Dictionary: (2010 Edition)


    再推荐一本原版主题式插图词典: Oxford Picture Dictionary Interactive

    我还有Longman "WORD BY WORD", 电子版及音频。如果您需要,我可以发给您。
  6. 谢谢v_v_sun, konit, Toby!
  7. 推荐:


  8. 你们放过人家孩子吧~小学生应该多玩儿啊~
  9. 非常同意。具体策略大致有两类:
    - 把学习本身搞得跟玩儿一样,寓学于乐
    - 提高效率,用较短的时间搞定学习,腾出时间来玩儿

  10. 我二十多岁又重新学过这个Weekly Reader Learning System,觉得不错^_^
    美国初中课程自学系统/Mastering Middle School
    美国高中课程自学系统/ Mastering High School
    还有elementary school~
    初中孩子也还可以玩elementary school的教学软件,美国有好几家公司出的,淘宝上就有两三种。我自己买来玩儿过,后来送人了~
    Last edited: May 13, 2016
  11. 英语方面,推荐webster's vocabulary builder,当时找到这个书的时候,有一种进入了一个真实细微的英语世界的感觉。我觉得这个书的作者和samuel Johnson一样,是那种真的对语言文字有敏感的辨别力和丰富的想象力的人。中国市面上教英语的书,普遍夹生;而美国市面上教英语的书里,这个书的作者又傲视其他速成词汇书的作者了。找一个领域里顶尖的作者,跟ta学习对这个领域的整体的taste是非常重要的。作者对语言的感觉特别值得学习。
    Last edited: May 13, 2016
  12. 中文版词典里面,有个刘毅:《英文字根字典》,这个书比较简单。
  13. 推荐norman lewis 的word power easy。不过这本书是美式英语。如果开始学英语的时候就发现这本书,可以少走很多弯路。

  14. 我也用过word power made easy^o^
  15. 有一次在豆瓣看人八卦说参加学术会议,有个现场同传水平高的不得了,我搜了一个这个人,他写了一个经验贴http://contest.i21st.cn/article/speaking/121_1.html#contentbegin
    识途篇:专家、学者、教授谈英语学习 平装 – 1998年5月1日
    李赋宁 (作者), 杨宪益 (作者), (作者), 陈羽纶 (编者)

    七、Reminiscences of My Early College Life—a speech delivered at Nanjing Normal University in the fall of 1987
    九、Learning A Foreign Language Is Learning Another Culture
    十、Be Empathetic Learners of English
    十八,How to Get the Mostout of Reading
    二十九、Learning and Teaching English
    三十、AcomparativestlJdy of English
    四十一、Improve Your Reading and Language Skill
    四十六、Icanonly Plead Meticulous Accouracy
    四十九、Reading CompreheIlsion and VocabuIary
    五十、A Few Worldson.Reading
    五十一、Confucius Sayingas Myr Glaide in the Learning of Englistl
    五十二、Beyond TranslatiOn
    五十五、Reflectionson Some Problems of Translation
    五十六、How do We Learn?
    五十七、How to Read a Novel
  16. hylt likes this.