
Discussion in 'Fund Operating and Career' started by stoolee, Nov 29, 2011.

  1. 谢谢!的确是本好书!但是我下的第一个版本翻译的太次了!导致我几次怀疑我的智商。其实我看见是机械工业出版社我就心里犯嘀咕来着“翻译的行不行哦”(我们有本教材就是这个出版社的当时直接不能看)
  2. 确实是,但是我之所以想做交易,是因为我比较不喜欢每天都面对一样的事情。我觉得做trader 你面对着市场,没每天参与的人不全一样,那些数字背后代表的人的心里都不一样。虽然我知道压力很大,形式上也很枯燥,但是,那种不确定性叫我比较激动。可以说有点像打仗。呵呵可能是我太理想化了,但是目前来说我还是很喜欢的。
  3. 我决定读phd 确实是因为喜欢这些东西。当然您说的很对,我给我自己的要求是30之前努力追求,30之后脚踏实地接受现实。呵呵。。。
  4. 想找刺激有很多办法。做trader可能是代价最大的那种。

  5. 各位前辈,帮我看下这个学校有两个track我都比较喜欢,但是不知道那个更适合做一个trader一些。
    Asset Management
    • Finance 419: Real Client Managed Portfolios
    Applies academic topics on financial markets, security analysis/valuation and portfolio management to hands-on investment management. Students form and review objectives, constraints, and investment policy as it relates to the client's money under management. They purchase securities, monitor performance of the portfolio, and make recommendations for any adjustments to the holdings. Students learn to take responsibility for the fiduciary and ethical standards of professional money management as guided by the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst)Institute.
    • Finance 515: Fixed Income Portfolios
    Conceptual foundations and implementation of strategies for the selection, evaluation, and revision of portfolios of fixed-income financial assets (bonds), examination of related research.
    • Finance 580 AM: Asset Management
    Course develops quantitative and qualitative skills in solving problems related to asset management; addresses issues related to how finance theory help us be better investors, how asset managers make investment decisions, major classes of institutions in asset management, and how investment managers make money.
    • Finance 580 BF: Behavioral Finance
    Presents the increasing evidence that the financial decisions of at least some investors are affected by various behavioral biases that do not follow from traditional portfolio choice models; this course will highlight and analyze key findings from this research and consider implications of this observed behavior for managers of corporations, mutual funds, and human resource departments.
    • Finance 580 EMI: Empirical Methods in Investments
    Reviews academic papers that characterize the movements of security prices and attempts to test whether financial markets are “efficient.”; special attention is directed to the basic quantitative techniques necessary to analyze the statistical behavior of securities prices relative to the benchmark asset pricing models; topics include models of risk and return (including the CAPM and multifactor models), investment strategies designed to exploit apparent violations of market efficiency, modern techniques for optimal portfolio selection, and evaluating the performance of money managers.
    • Finance 580 HF: Hedge Funds
    Provides an in-depth study on the equity trading strategies and institutional features of hedge funds; focuses on the strategies on four types of hedge funds: equity market-neutral, long/short equity, merger/risk arbitrage, and convertible arbitrage; for equity market-neutral and long/short equity funds, course discusses stock selection using both quantitative models and fundamental analyses; for merger/risk arbitrage funds, covers portfolio construction and risk assessment around publicly announced corporate mergers; for convertible arbitrage funds, course examines how to evaluate convertible bonds using option pricing techniques and how to construct arbitrage portfolio based on the evaluation.

    Quantitative Finance
    • Finance 512: Financial Derivatives
    Introduces options, futures, swaps and other derivative securities; examination of institutional aspects of the markets; theories of pricing; discussion of simple as well as complicated trading strategies (arbitrage, hedging, and spread); applications for asset and risk management.
    • Finance 513: Financial Engineering I
    Provides an introduction to modern techniques for pricing options, swaps, and related financial instruments; the use of such instruments in managing financial risk; and the measurement and management of their risks.
    • Finance 514: Financial Engineering II
    Presents the main ideas and techniques of modern option pricing theory, including: the Black-Scholes-Merton analysis; risk-neutral probabilities and the probabilistic solution; numerical techniques for computing option prices; an introduction to term structure modeling; and perhaps other topics, at the discretion of the instructor.
    • Finance 515: Fixed Income Portfolios
    Conceptual foundations and implementation of strategies for the selection, evaluation, and revision of portfolios of fixed-income financial assets (bonds); examination of related research.
    • Finance 580 ERM: Enterprise Risk Management
    Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is the application of the basic risk management principles to all risks facing an organization; ERM integrates hazard, financial, strategic and operational risks under a single framework; ERM is becoming an important issue partly as the result of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 that puts greater responsibility on the Board of Directors for managing all of an organization’s risks; this course will present the legal and regulatory environment that sets the state for ERM, cover the technical tools used in risk analysis, examine data integration processes and show how risk measures relate to strategic and tactical business decisions.

    Asset Management那个貌似更broad 一些,但是我又怕对衍生市场的东西学的不太够?或者定量的东西学的不够扎实!
    而quantitative finance 方面 我又怕其他的知识可能学不到?
    我知道更多的获得in-depth 的技能和知识会是在工作,呵呵的更加高阶的学习中!但是,怕因为宽导致在找工作的时候该深得地方不够深,限制找工作啊。
  6. https://www.renfund.com/vm/research_programming.vm
    Quantitative Finance
    RENAISSANCE TECHNOLOGIES, a quantitatively based financial management firm, has openings for research and programming positions at its Long Island, NY research center.
    Research & Programming Opportunities
    We are looking for highly trained professionals who are interested in applying advanced methods to the modeling of global financial markets. You would be joining a group of roughly one hundred fifty people, half of whom have Ph.D.s in scientific disciplines. We have a spectrum of opportunities for individuals with the right scientific and computing skills. Experience in finance is not required.
    The ideal research candidate will have:
    A Ph.D. in Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, or a related discipline
    •A demonstrated capacity to do first-class research
    •Computer programming skills
    •An intense interest in applying quantitative analysis to solve difficult problems

  7. 呵呵!谢谢您! 这个renassence 这个公司我看到过,是不是高频交易很牛啊~~
    我现在还申一个 rutgers 的统计 这个会不会更用帮助呢??
  8. 现在的金融行业的工作,工作时间都是越来越长,如果你做投行的话,基本半年都在外面出差,很难有时间再研究交易的。要边工作边研究交易,还是找个稍微清闲一点的活比较好,但是收入会低点,闲工夫多,也是个矛盾。


  9. 谢谢您的建议!您说的前20是usnews 的那个college 排名么?? 那我前20我肯定是没什么希望了,因为前20没有几个学校开msf 或者 mfe。 而开的那几个我也没戏了呵呵,不过uiuc 这类的我倒是可以努力一下。不知道这样的学校回来怎么样呢?我这道这样的肯定不是BB的traget school。 但是回国也有那么惨烈么??

  10. 其实也没什么正规不正规的,只要能持续盈利的都是可以的。其实金融行业别看这么大,正儿八经的靠从市场上赚钱的,也就只有对冲基金和一些银行的自营部门,用的方法也是五花八门的,有靠技术分析的,有高频交易的,有价值投资的。大部分的金融行业都是靠给别人提供服务赚钱,比如做IPO,做M&A,并不是靠交易。

  11. niu




  12. 你无非也就是问如何才能顺利进入舒服稳定阶层罢了,中间的过程不过是敲门砖,ku老大给的已经是条好道了,你造做的话也未必能成功,但毕竟是有强烈爬格子愿望的人的成功之路。你也看见了,他说没有能耐的,就做个研究员articulate, 稳定, 有能耐就自营出来。进可攻退可守。像我这样在外面自己搭台唱戏作交易的,要么是真喜欢这行的,要不是被逼的。你这样其实是模棱两可,那就不如按照ku老大的建议走吧,想那么多没用,浪费时间。这时间要不用于啃书本,要不撒下心来交易一段看看自己能在市场上立住不。
  13. 在读研究僧前来拜读!!
  14. kahasu对国内的有什么好的建议?
  15. kuhasu的建议真不错,受教了。
  16. 半年后再次看到这个帖子,楼主你要是有话讨论,该直接站内消息我,这样才能够及时






  17. 说说实话,可能有人会不太高兴了。
    国内留学后,走理论学究型的路线比较现实。Trader的主要工作,主要是销售。Portfolio Manger的主要工作,是要拉住大客户。对于楼上兄弟们的职业规划,偶的建议是,申请做Quantitative Analyst,这可能会比较对路。不过这样的工作,基本上都是理工科的硕士或博士。恕我直言,很多做这种工作的,都不懂交易的。
  18. 楼主打德州扑克,不知道你说的1/2和5/10具体是指什么级别,如果是网上的话,那么你已经是超一流水平了,能达到这种水平的人做交易也一定属于那1%之内的佼佼者。不过估计你说的是赌场吧。

  19. 谢谢各位前辈的帮助,在你们的回帖中,我学习到了很多东西。
    我现在已经在开始了美国的研究生的学习了。这学期也特地的选了门foundations of trading 初步的接触学习了下交易的相关知识,感触颇多。 也确实体会到,要是没有一些经验的积累,没有持续的对于市场的思考,很难去驾驭这个工作。很感谢到家当初给我的建议。